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Beyoncé 10 Marketing Lessons We can Learn

Beyoncé or Queen Bey as many of us know her, is not just a music goddess, she is a master in adopting very unconventional marketing in all her endeavors. The single ladies hit maker, is known for keeping most of her personal life as private as possible but has still managed to create a legion of online followers and has become a household name globally.

So, how does Beyoncé achieve all the incredible feats that she has managed over the years? How does she manage to sell out all her shows without much hassle? To understand her marketing and brand building prowess, here is a look at Beyoncé’s incredible marketing ability and draw important lessons;

Top 10 Marketing Lessons from Beyoncé

Quality beats quantity at all times

Beyoncé doesn’t need to release ten songs in a year to remain relevant. She only needs one or two hits in a year and she will be good. This proves that people are only interested in quality and not the quantity. The moment there is consistency in the quality of content you put out, your brand will grow with no limits.

Be unique in all you do

Beyoncé is quite unique in almost everything she does. From her music style, her visuals in music videos, the surprise album releases to the manner in which she communicates to the press, Beyoncé is quite unconventional and it has always worked to her advantage. Be unique in whatever you do and it will yield results.

Social media is still key in marketing

Although she is not as active on social media as the other female celebrities of her caliber, Beyoncé still uses social media to market her music and other projects. She has diversified her social media marketing as well, using Instagram, Vine and Facebook. This helps her grow her brand and engage with her fans. 

Diversity in marketing avenues

Did you know that Beyoncé podcasts? Well, yes she podcasts on a regular basis and this is a marketing avenue which most celebrities haven’t explored. Coupled with the other traditional marketing avenues, brings about diversity which gives her a competitive edge over her closest rivals- if there is any.


The other lesson to draw from Beyoncé, is remaining authentic and producing content which fans can relate to. The authenticity can be seen both in her music and the content she puts out on her social media pages. Beyoncé is on record for claiming that she prefers to produce songs which are not hit but have an honest message in them.

Engage with your fans on social media

Beyoncé is on record for engaging with her fans on her social media pages, especially when there is a contentious in the air. She often replies to comments on her photos and will call out fans with lame comments. This all helps increase her popularity and solidify her brand position in the market.

Keep your product releases and important projects secret

Beyoncé’s latest album, is a collaboration with her husband and it was completely a surprise. Nobody saw it coming and it caught everyone by surprise. So unexpected was the release that it was on everyone’s lips. This unconventionality in releasing projects has seemed to always work in Beyoncé’s favor always because she knows how to pull it off.

Partnerships with big brands

Beyoncé knows that she is famous and she has used it to her advantage by working with some of the biggest brands in the world. She has worked with Multinational companies like Pepsi, L’Oreal and Tommy Hilfiger. She has also performed in the Super Bowl.

Consistent brand story

The other lesson that can be learnt from Bey’s marketing success, is the ability to maintain a brand story and retain consistency in the values of your brand. Bey hardly deviates from what she believes in. This is clear from the themes in her music and even the awesome music videos. She has core values at the heart of everything she does and this brings consistency to her brand.

Working with the best in marketing and business management

Brilliant and influential as she is, without her marketing and business management team, Beyoncé wouldn’t be where she is today. Although she is the voice and image of the brand, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes done by a team of unknown marketing experts who plot her marketing campaigns and advise her on what the market demands of her.

Let the best run your marketing

Looking for the best marketing agency to take charge of your marketing and brand building? Well, look no further than our way here at Runrex. We are a high quality digital marketing agency helping start-ups and established businesses to get a foothold in the market and are looking forward to working with you. Hire us today and watch your business grow to the next level.

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