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Best golf blogs: 17 must-read golf blogs and websites

Best golf blogs: 17 must-read golf blogs and websites

Are you an avid golf fan or player? Are you always looking to keep up with developments in the golfing world? Or perhaps you just want to learn more about the sport from other ardent fans and players. Sports channels provide good coverage of golf, but it is golf blogs that give a deeper insight into the sport.  

The internet is full of golf blogs; in fact, there are so many golf blogs that you will be spoilt for choice. However, these 17 golf blogs will answer all your questions and more:

Golf Girl’s Diary

Women have been making their presence known in the world of golf, and Golf Girl’s Diary has documented every phase of the journey. This blog looks at golf from a woman’s perspective and aims to inform as well as sharpen its readers’ skills. Readership, however, includes both men and women as it is simply interesting to read. 

Golf Stinks

As one of the leading golf blogs, Golf Stinks chose quite an unbefitting title. However, the title is warranted as the blog is all about simplifying the sport. Most golf amateurs are confused about the sport’s complex rules, so this blog takes on a simplistic approach convenient for beginners. 

How to Break 80

This is a golf blog for the pros; in fact, it is run by Jack Moorehouse, an authoritative figure in golfing. How to Break 80 is all about empowering golfers to not only meet but also surpass the coveted 80 scoring barrier. Its content includes interesting articles, photographs, and videos. 

Your Golf Travel

Your Golf Travel is the ideal blog for keeping up with the leading golf clubs in the world. The blog documents developments about golfing events all over the world. It also posts product reviews about golfing equipment.

Practical Golf Blog

Practical Golf Blog is one of the best golf blogs for amateurs and beginners. As the title suggests, it posts practical content on the secrets of becoming a pro golfer. Its content is a vibrant and interesting mix of articles, videos, photos, and tutorials. 

Wei Under Par

Stephanie Wei offers a comprehensive crash-course on golfing in this golf blog. It includes basic information such as golf dress code and lifestyle to breaking news in the world of golfing. 

Aussie Golfer

Australian golfers are popular for their insatiable love for the sport, and Aussie Golfer illustrates this all too well. This blog has been around since 2007 and it touches on virtually everything to do with golf. Most of its content is about golfing in Australia, but it also keeps track of developments around the world. 

Golf for Beginners

As the title suggests, this golf blog is designed primarily for beginners and amateurs. Its content is simple and interesting and ranges from golfing etiquette to tutorials for those looking to enhance their skills.

Golf and Course

Golf and Course is informative for those slooking to keep up to date with the sport. It provides coverage of golf events around the world as well as reviews of the leading golf clubs and courses. Some of its articles and videos also give insights into playing golf like a pro, so beginners have something to learn too. 


This blog is an extension of the authoritative golf website: It is a comprehensive blog that posts diverse content ranging from golfing tutorials to the latest golf news. It has a neat and easy-to-use interface that makes learning about golf via the internet more enjoyable.  

PJ Koenig

PJ Koenig is one of the most interesting golf blogs on the internet today. The owner, PJ Koenig, is a talented photographer with a passion for golf courses. To this end, the blog contains pristine pictures of amazing golf courses from around the world. It also provides tips on harnessing one’s golfing skills.

 American Golf

American Golf is all about the state of golf in the U.S. It keeps track of new developments in the sport in the U.S. including tournaments and related news. However, it occasionally posts news from around the world as long as it is relevant to U.S. golfers. 

Bandwagoner’s Guide to Golf

Here is another golf blog that gives a woman’s perspective to the male-dominated sport. The blog posts about a wide range of topics including latest news updates and golf tutorials. 

Hitting the Green

Designed for amateurs as well as professionals, Hitting the Green is a well-rounded golf blog that covers everything to do with golf. Its content includes news articles and written and video tutorials on being a better golf player. 


Ideal for beginners and professionals alike, RunRex s the trusted blog for golf players looking for the best quality golf products. It posts informative and detailed product reviews about a wide range of equipments including golf attire and clubs. 

ELP Golf

ELP Golf is for those interested more in professional golfers than golfing itself. The blog is popular for its interviews with pros and articles on golfers’ lives and backgrounds.  

Sir Shanks A Lot

The content on this blog is just as cool as the blog’s title. Its content is robust and includes news articles, video tutorials, product reviews, and opinion posts. 

The internet is full of golf blogs; in fact, there are so many golf blogs that you will be spoilt for choice. However, these 17 golf blogs will answer all your questions and more:

Golf Girl’s Diary

Women have been making their presence known in the world of golf, and Golf Girl’s Diary has documented every phase of the journey. This blog looks at golf from a woman’s perspective and aims to inform as well as sharpen its readers’ skills. Readership, however, includes both men and women as it is simply interesting to read. 

Golf Stinks

As one of the leading golf blogs, Golf Stinks chose quite an unbefitting title. However, the title is warranted as the blog is all about simplifying the sport. Most golf amateurs are confused about the sport’s complex rules, so this blog takes on a simplistic approach convenient for beginners. 

How to Break 80

This is a golf blog for the pros; in fact, it is run by Jack Moorehouse, an authoritative figure in golfing. How to Break 80 is all about empowering golfers to not only meet but also surpass the coveted 80 scoring barrier. Its content includes interesting articles, photographs, and videos. 

Your Golf Travel

Your Golf Travel is the ideal blog for keeping up with the leading golf clubs in the world. The blog documents developments about golfing events all over the world. It also posts product reviews about golfing equipment.

Practical Golf Blog

Practical Golf Blog is one of the best golf blogs for amateurs and beginners. As the title suggests, it posts practical content on the secrets of becoming a pro golfer. Its content is a vibrant and interesting mix of articles, videos, photos, and tutorials. 

Wei Under Par

Stephanie Wei offers a comprehensive crash-course on golfing in this golf blog. It includes basic information such as golf dress code and lifestyle to breaking news in the world of golfing. 

Aussie Golfer

Australian golfers are popular for their insatiable love for the sport, and Aussie Golfer illustrates this all too well. This blog has been around since 2007 and it touches on virtually everything to do with golf. Most of its content is about golfing in Australia, but it also keeps track of developments around the world. 

Golf for Beginners

As the title suggests, this golf blog is designed primarily for beginners and amateurs. Its content is simple and interesting and ranges from golfing etiquette to tutorials for those looking to enhance their skills.

Golf and Course

Golf and Course is informative for those slooking to keep up to date with the sport. It provides coverage of golf events around the world as well as reviews of the leading golf clubs and courses. Some of its articles and videos also give insights into playing golf like a pro, so beginners have something to learn too. 


This blog is an extension of the authoritative golf website: It is a comprehensive blog that posts diverse content ranging from golfing tutorials to the latest golf news. It has a neat and easy-to-use interface that makes learning about golf via the internet more enjoyable.  

PJ Koenig

PJ Koenig is one of the most interesting golf blogs on the internet today. The owner, PJ Koenig, is a talented photographer with a passion for golf courses. To this end, the blog contains pristine pictures of amazing golf courses from around the world. It also provides tips on harnessing one’s golfing skills.

 American Golf

American Golf is all about the state of golf in the U.S. It keeps track of new developments in the sport in the U.S. including tournaments and related news. However, it occasionally posts news from around the world as long as it is relevant to U.S. golfers. 

Bandwagoner’s Guide to Golf

Here is another golf blog that gives a woman’s perspective to the male-dominated sport. The blog posts about a wide range of topics including latest news updates and golf tutorials. 

Hitting the Green

Designed for amateurs as well as professionals, Hitting the Green is a well-rounded golf blog that covers everything to do with golf. Its content includes news articles and written and video tutorials on being a better golf player. 


Ideal for beginners and professionals alike, RunRex s the trusted blog for golf players looking for the best quality golf products. It posts informative and detailed product reviews about a wide range of equipments including golf attire and clubs. 

ELP Golf

ELP Golf is for those interested more in professional golfers than golfing itself. The blog is popular for its interviews with pros and articles on golfers’ lives and backgrounds.  

Sir Shanks A Lot

The content on this blog is just as cool as the blog’s title. Its content is robust and includes news articles, video tutorials, product reviews, and opinion posts. 

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