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best anime conventions in the us

Anime conventions in the UStates are vibrant gatherings that celebrate Japanese culture, anime, manga, gaming, and fandom. Here are some of the best anime conventions you won’t want to miss:

1. Anime Expo

2. Otakon

3. New York Comic Con (NYCC)

4. Anime Boston

5. Sakura-Con

6. Katsucon

7. Anime Central (ACen)

8. FanimeCon

9. Colossalcon

10. Anime NYC


These conventions are fantastic opportunities to immerse yourself in the anime community, meet fellow fans, and enjoy a variety of events. Whether you’re into cosplay, gaming, or just want to celebrate your favorite shows, these conventions offer something for everyone! Make sure to check their websites for the latest information on guests, panels, and ticketing.

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