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Avoid these golf scams

Avoid these golf scams

Golf scams have become quite a problem in recent years. One major contributor to this is that most manufacturing now takes place outside the US. In countries like China, it has become a lucrative business to steal golf club designs. 

The reason for this is that the wages are quite low and patent laws are still in limbo inside the country. Despite recent prosecutions, there are still numerous scams going on based on the golf industry. Here are a few solutions that RunRex recommends to avoid golf scams. 

eBay Scams

One of the biggest scams to affect the golfing industry is a major scam that has been running on eBay. Despite this scam being shut down, there are still many other scams running on the site. According to industry experts, these are easiest ways to avoid scams on eBay. 

•    Never purchase anything from anyone who has overwhelmingly negative reviews. Additionally, you should check how many sales the person has. If a person has less than 50 sales, it is probably safe to assume that they are running a scam. 

•    Before purchasing anything on eBay, ask for the serial numbers. Most high-quality golf manufacturers now include serial numbers for all their equipment. Type the serial number into the manufacturer’s site and see the details that appear. If the number is not in their database, you just avoided a major scam. 

•    You should also request for additional close-up photos taken from different angles. If the seller is unable to offer you these photos immediately, there is a good chance you are being scammed. You can also do a reverse image search on Google to find out if he or she downloaded them from the internet. 

•    Compare the equipment to a photo on the manufacturer’s site. Most of these fake clubs are made hastily without attention to detail. Although they may not be easy to see, counterfeits can be detected if you are keen. 

•    Check the ferrules- these are the special pieces between the head and the shaft. Each manufacturer has a unique design for their ferrules. Most counterfeits are not able to match this unique design. 

Getting Amazing Deals

Another method used to scam people is to promise them amazing deals. There are numerous reasons why these amazing deals are rarely true. For instance, you could be promised a 50% discount because it is on holiday. 

Most shoppers have grown accustomed to getting great deals during the holiday. As a result, they may be tempted to believe these fraudsters. However, that is one of the easiest ways to lose money. If the deal becomes too sweet, you are probably being conned. 

One reason why you should be wary of sweet deals is that golf equipment, especially clubs are quite expensive. Thus, retailers do not make huge profit margins on each sale. Thus, it would be inconceivable to offer such huge deals. In most cases, if the seller offers double-digit discounts, check them very carefully. 

If you want to get a good deal, RunRex recommends that you search for industry experts who have earned a reputation for being dependable. You can get a list of reliable golf equipment sellers with a simple search on your browser. 

Avoid Clubs Shipped from Abroad

Although most high-end clubs are now manufactured in China, they are not distributed from China and other Asia countries. Most golf makers distribute their clubs from the US. Thus, if you are told that your package will arrive from China, there is a good chance you are about to be had. Here are common signs of scams. 

•    It is especially to be alert if you must purchase clubs from Taiwan or China. Every year, thousands of consumers lose money, which costs the golf industry about $6.5 billion each year. There are numerous sites from Asia that have been flagged as selling fakes. 

•    The best way to know if you are buying fakes is to ask around the golfing community. There are numerous blogs online dedicated to offering free golf advice. Talk to people on these sites and ask them about their experiences on these sites. 

•    There are numerous ways you can verify a site’s origin even when it claims to be from the US. You only need to check a site’s domain registration to verify where it is based. If the registration is listed as private, that should be a site that you avoid. 

•    Besides that, you should check a site’s contact information. Call the number listed and get in touch with its customer representative. If it is a foreign based site, the scammer will have a heavy accent that is hard to miss. 

•    During the call, ask specific questions related to the industry. For instance, ask about their physical location and where they source their golf clubs. Besides that, ask for the serial number of the clubs you intend to purchase. If they are running a scam, they will have a hard time giving competent answers related to the golf industry. 

•    Another subtle sign that sign it may be a fake is glaring grammar mistakes. Besides that, ensure they allow you to use a major credit card that comes with a refund option. 

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