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Are Generation Z Worst than Millennials

Are Generation Z Worst than Millennials

For any marketer, marketing to young people successfully is the mark of success. Today, these young people are comprised of Generation Z and Millennials. This is because they have grown their purchasing power and are easy to access since most of them are online. However, you need to understand there are some differences between these two generations. That does not mean it is more comfortable or harder to market to any of them. However, if you want to succeed in your marketing efforts, you will need to understand these differences. Here are a few that we at have compiled for you.

Generation Z Are Not Interested In Loyalty Programs

Most brands spend a lot of time building loyalty programs, with the hope of giving consumers a reason to come back. While this might be great for marketing to millennials, Generation Z is just not interested. They do not incline to a particular brand. To them, it is better to have choices.

According to a recent study, 45% of millennials see loyalty programs are something positive, and most appreciate being rewarded for their loyalty. However, only 30% of Generation Z considers loyalty programs as being important. They prefer engaging with a brand or product on their terms. Generation Z just loves being independent.

Generation Z Has A Fragmented Attention Span

It is common knowledge that attention spans are dwindling amongst consumers. Today, a millennial will have an attention span of just 12 seconds on only one platform. For Generation Z, this figure is even less. In most cases, they will spend only 8 seconds on one platform.

However, that is not the only difference. Generation Z may not spend much time on a single platform, but they will also juggle between more apps. On average, a millennial is going through three apps at a time. For Generation Z, that is about five screens per session. This makes it a bad strategy to try to reach them through TV ads.

Millenials are easier to reach with ads

The use of online ads is a significant focus of both big and small businesses. However, polling suggests it is much easier to reach millennials with advertisements than it is to reach Generation Z. About 72 percent of millennials said they purchased because of exposure to ads. However, only about 59% of Generation Z noted ads had influenced them.

One primary reason why millennials may be more aware of ads is exposure to ads as they shop online. However, another reason for this is that Generation Z will usually have ad blocking software on their devices. Thus, marketing to Generation Z with ads is quite challenging compared to marketing to Millenials. It is a combination of where they spend time, how they spend time and a combination of the two factors.

Generation Z Consumes More Video Content

While both of these generations spend a lot of time staring at screens, which is about 17 hours daily, there is a difference in where they spend this time. While millennials will spend time on a site such as Amazon, Generation Z spends most of their time-consuming video content on YouTube.

For instance, about 72 percent Generation Z visit YouTube daily compared to just 52% of millennials. It is also true for streaming services. About 47 percent of millennials stream TV content for about an hour daily, compared to 51% of Generation Z.

Millenials Shop Online More Than Generation Z

According to a recent survey involving about 14000 consumers, 74% of millennials will buy online. Millenials will purchase something online at least once a month. For Generation Z, this figure is only about 49% a month. One of the reasons for this is that this generation is still young. Some are in school while the rest still do not have a credit card.

As a result, they need to ask for their parent’s permission to make purchases. However, this does not mean that this generation is not going to shop online more in the future. For now, millennials are the generation doing the shopping.

Generation Z prefers influencer marketing than millennials

The use of influencer marketing has become quite popular among young people. The reason for this is that they appear genuine, and this makes Generation Z trust them more. As a result, the content influencers produce has more weight compared to what brands create.

According to Google, 70% of YouTube subscribers are Generation Z. It suggests they tend to listen to influencers more than millennials. For Gen Z, YouTubers are more than just an afternoon of entertainment. Besides that, it has been noted that Gen Z is more likely to turn to YouTube to learn something than other generations.

However, if you want to succeed with influencers, you need to choose the right one for the goals you have. You need to find the specific influencers that can help you achieve your goals.


When you examine these two generations carefully, you find that they have some subtle differences amongst them. If you have a marketing campaign coming up, you cannot just bunch them up together. It is essential that you refine your efforts if you want to get the right results.

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