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Amazon PPC Negative Keywords – 10 tips

Amazon PPC Negative Keywords – 10 tips

Every marketer has to keep in mind that negative keywords are a gateway to managing Ad budget on a whole new level. Most marketers have ignored negative keywords in the past and have paid dearly for the same since it has negatively affected management of their campaigns. When venturing into Amazon PPC, you have to take negative keywords into account since they are what will determine how your campaign will be oriented in terms of specific targeting. Here are 10 tips to aid in the management of Amazon PPC negative keywords.

Research the negative keywords

In a bid to be proactive, you can choose to target the terms that you don’t want associated with your marketing campaign. This will give you a level ground on which you can identify the keywords that don’t contribute to your bottom-line. The key here is to find your main keywords and refine the autosuggestions eliminating the keywords that you deem irrelevant to your campaign. With this, you will be better placed when bidding for the keywords you need.

Consider implications

Depending on the stage of the campaign, you have to be careful with the negative keywords you take on board. When starting out, impressions and visibility may be the goal and therefore using many negative keywords will limit your chances of achieving your goal. So as with the progress of your campaign and the goal you have for the same, it is crucial that you find a balance that will give you a clear picture of the implications of including the negative keywords in your campaign structure.   

Target the report from Amazon Sponsored Products Search Terms

This is arguably the best strategy to identify the negative keywords since it reveals all the search terms and their significance as far as the campaigns and industry alternatives are concerned. With this, you can actually identify the keywords that are eating into your budget without bringing forth results. This is however actionable after running your campaign since the report will be generated according to what your campaign structure has been. 

Go with your match type

When targeting negative keywords, going with your match type is the only way to achieve greater results. If you have a broad match type, then automatically you expect to use more negative keywords since the keyword pool will be equally saturated.

Ensure consistency

A consistent structure will keep you from draining your Ad budget on negative keywords. You have to be vigilant when it comes to forming campaigns based on specific angled methods while taking time to specifically identify the keywords that are not workable for you. When you are consistent, you get to identify the keywords that aren’t working for you and this ensures you get ahead in terms of managing your campaign seamlessly. 

Group the negative keywords intelligently

Set Ad groups and ensure that they are structured intelligently to give you operational ease when setting the campaign. Weak search terms have to be excluded which is a strategy that will ultimately refine product targeting giving your campaign a focused angle of operation. All this is to ensure that all negative keywords are grouped in a manner that will ease the management of the campaign.    

A/B test your keywords

It is crucial that you find out what Amazon has placed as your relevant keywords and go through them against what you have chosen. This is only achievable when you A/B test your keywords to find out and reveal the keywords you need to take on board and the ones you have to neglect. With this, you get to prepare a list of negative keywords that you have to consider. 

Align according to the search model

The target audience has a way of structuring searches and this is what you must keep in mind when trying to identify the negative keywords to include. You have to align your research according to the search model if you are to find the keywords that don’t impact your bottom-line. How the searches made will trigger visibility of your Ad should be your top priority and it is what will drive your quest to find the negative keywords. 

Make use of Negative Exact

You have to go ahead and identify the negative exact keywords that you have to keep in mind. With the exact match exclusion, you will be sure to avoid spending Ad budget unnecessarily since you will have all the keywords at hand and also capitalize on the ones you don’t need in your campaign. 

Consider negative phrases

Your Ad will be excluded if and when the search query has the negative keyword forming part of a phrase or as a whole. This means that you have to consider the negative phrases and utilize the same in structuring your campaign so that you get full value for your Ad budget.

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