Amazon PPC Broad Phrase Exact – 10 tips
Amazon PPC Broad Phrase Exact – 10 tips
When it comes to keyword targeting while handling Amazon PPC, you get to have three specific options that can make or break your campaign. When settling for a specific alternative, research and considerations have to be brought to the fore in terms of the operational flexibility that the keyword orientation will offer and how your targeting mission will be streamlined. Amazon Broad, Phrase Exact keyword orientations are what you can choose from and in a bid to aid you understand how each one of them works; below are 10 tips to guide you.
Capture the relevant keywords effectively
With Broad keyword targeting, the beauty is that as long as the query that a user has forwarded includes all the keywords that you have provided as the keyword then the Ad will show. The key here is to then make sure that you are able to capture all the relevant keywords effectively to keep your Ad in with a greater chance of showing for the sear4ch queries that the target market makes.
Order does not matter
A major tip to consider with Broad keyword orientation is that you should not worry about the order of the keywords in broad since the Ad will show as long as the keywords therein have been captured by the search query. This is to say that any order of the specific keywords is acceptable in Amazon PPC as long as the keywords in the query match what you have chosen to be your keyword.
Misspellings, synonyms and spelling variations count
With broad Amazon PPC keywords, misspellings, spelling variations and synonyms also count as matches and this should go a long way to enable you capture a wider keyword orientation. Since the target audience is characterized as orienting the keywords according to what they understand, some research to capture the specific variations is needed which will in turn offer you the chance to include the misspellings, synonyms and spelling variations so that they count.
Utilize for impressions
When your focus is on impressions and visibility more than ROI, then broad match is your best weapon. This is to say that Broad gives you a wider target audience to target which means you may get more impressions and clicks but no sales since your focus will be broadly set.
Use it for a larger audience
The broad match keyword orientation enhances your audience in the sense that it enables you have the chance to work with a larger audience. This is however variable in terms of semantics since even though the audience may be larger you may end up paying for clicks but lag behind on making sales since not all clicks may result in sales.
Use the keywords in chronological order
When dealing with Phrase match, you have to use the keywords in chronological order if your Ad is to show for the search queries. Your Ads will show when the search by the target audience contains the keywords entered in the exact order in which you presented them when setting up your campaign and this means you have to perform some extensive research before settling on the phrase keywords.
Only use close variations
With Phrase, you can only use the close variations of the keywords if you are to get the best results. Only the close variations of the keywords are considered and this is to say that only the singular and plural variations of the keyword are considered matches.
Control word order
The beauty with Phrase keyword match type is that you get to control the word order which gives you the chance to exactly target what your audience is to go for. With that, you can effectively eliminate the customer search queries that input terms in-between words within a select phrase. This saves you some marketing budget in that your Ad will not show for the search queries that you have not captured within your word order.
Be very exact
This is one of the challenging keyword targeting orientations since you have to be exact and specific in terms of what you are going for. This is mainly because the Ad will only appear when the search query matches the keyword exactly. With this orientation, variations of the keyword are not included as matches and hence it only gives you a small window to operate in when it comes to the keywords you adopt.
Include Plural and singular forms
The beauty with exact matches is that the singular and plural forms of the keyword are also considered exact matches. This is the only lee way you get with Exact match keywords and you should thus be very careful when incorporating the same to avoid burning through your marketing budget with any keyword variation that will not bring the desired outcome.