How to Get a SEM Job in 2022
What Will Employers Want? In order to get a job in SEM in 2022, you need to know what it is that employers want. In order to find out, I reached out to several of Houston’s top recruiters and they told me about what they were looking for. Based on these conversations, I created an ideal candidate profile that will help anyone get into SEM in 2022.
There’s no shortage of SEM jobs in Houston, and you should be able to get an entry-level role with a bachelor’s degree and three years of experience. The competition is growing though, so it’s important to start networking now. Take note of who’s offering paid training sessions at conferences and seminars in your area. Talk to them—you might be able to get a foot in their door by offering free or discounted consulting services after attending one of their talks. Even if they don’t have any open roles, you can position yourself as someone they might want on their team when an opening comes up in six months or a year.
Are you interested in landing a job as a search engine marketing (SEM) specialist? Or maybe you’re looking to start your own SEM consulting company? Either way, SEM is an industry with plenty of opportunity for individuals willing to learn. Search engine marketing is one of the fastest growing industries out there, and with an expected growth rate of 18% by 2022, it’s no wonder so many companies are hiring specialists. So what should you do if you want to break into search engine marketing? Here are three things.
Those who’ve been around for a while will remember that buying ads online used to be a black box. You had no idea what was going on inside Google’s system, and couldn’t really do much about it except rely on a big-brand ad agency. Today, you have a lot more information at your fingertips. Marketers can now see how well different campaign strategies work by tracking key metrics such as average cost per click (CPC), click through rate (CTR), and impressions versus unique visitors (UV). Armed with these insights, you can optimize your SEM strategy and keep costs down without sacrificing results. Below is some advice on how to get hired in 2022
SEM is one of those evolving roles that will be around for a while. Although Google stopped accepting new AdWords certification exams in 2016, it’s still possible to become certified by demonstrating extensive knowledge on both SEM and analytics. Several different exams are available (and fees vary), but either way, you’ll need some work experience to make yourself stand out from others who don’t have certifications or certifications that aren’t up-to-date. Luckily, there are some great resources online for finding jobs with companies like Netflix, Amazon, Microsoft and more. Learn more about finding SEM job opportunities here.
The SEM landscape is shifting more rapidly than ever, with Google dominating more of its market share. This makes it even more important to know what companies are doing on social media, which ones are paying influencers, and who is buying new adtech. I’ve worked in SEM for over 3 years now, so I have some great tips for getting hired at one of these top-notch companies. To really shine above your competition, though, you need to be knowledgeable about all of it—from display ads to retargeting campaigns. This is a high-level overview of what you should know if you want to be hired as a SEM specialist in 2022!