Top 13 Tips for Planning your Golf Vacation
Top 13 Tips for Planning your Golf Vacation
Golf is the one sport that offers you a great opportunity to travel the world. There are no two golf courses that are similar, and the only way to be good at the game is by conquering as many golf courses as possible. A vacation is fine, but the planning aspect of it can be a headache. To help you plan efficiently for your golf vacation, RunRex has highlighted 13 tips that you can reference.
1. Decide on your destination
There are thousands of golf destinations around the world. The three important things to consider when choosing your destination are the location, the affordability and the reputation of the golf course. Choose a destination that you are sure you can afford and one that you are assured of having a great golfing experience.
2. Plan ahead of time
Working ahead of time is always a good practice since it allows you to smoothen out the logistics before the day you intend to travel. It is particularly important to plan months ahead, especially if your aim is to play at the reputable golf courses. Get to find out the requirements to play at the golf course you purpose to visit and make your reservations on time. Early reservations can even earn you some discounts.
3. Start saving early
Golf has always been associated with a lot of money, and that attribute is not going anywhere soon. For you to enjoy your golf vacation to the fullest, you should start saving up early. If you start saving up for the vacation months in advance, then you will have an easy time during the vacation time while still securing your finances when you come back.
4. Choose suitable companions for your trip
The best way to enjoy your golf vacation is by being in the company of other friends. You need a small group that you can travel with and enjoy your golf vacation. The rule to observe here is you should invite people who are like-minded and willing to invest in the vacation. Choosing the wrong company will end up spoiling your experience.
5. Plan to ship your golf clubs on time
Hiring golf clubs only increases the costs you will incur. As such, purpose to ship your golf clubs to the destination on time. This will allow you to save some extra cash to use for your vacation.
6. Insure your golf clubs and luggage
The shipping process can present unforeseen challenges like your golf clubs getting damaged or lost. It is, therefore, important that you insure your golf clubs before you ship them. This will ensure that in case of any challenges during the shipping process, you are compensated.
7. Be flexible
Be flexible with your options. Do not limit yourself. For instance, some golf courses offer discounts for playing at particular times. If you can go for such courses instead, you will end up spending less amount of money on your vacation.
8. Target the best facilities
You are going for a vacation. The least you could do is enjoy the best facilities while you can since it will only be for a short while. If possible, get a first class air ticket and go to the best hotels. If you plan early and start saving early, you will be able to afford these luxuries comfortably.
9. Structure your vacation
While playing golf is the main reasons for going on a vacation, you will have to engage in other activities to make the vacation worthwhile. Therefore, plan on the structure. Know when to be on the course and when to explore the other fascinating features of your destination. Also, in as much as you will be going with your buddies for the vacation, spare some time to be alone and enjoy the vacation. After all, the whole was your idea.
10. Get vacation packages if possible
The other great way to plan your vacation is getting golf vacation packages from trusted companies. Do some research before you commit to a particular package.
11. Avoid fears
Fear usually sets in, especially if you are planning to visit a totally new place. Well, don’t be afraid. Once you have identified the destination that pleases you, commit to it and work to ensure you can successfully plan a trip there.
12. Have some extra money for a little shopping
The best way to keep the memories of a vacation is by having something that reminds you of it. You can carry some extra cash to spend on golf merchandise or a cultural object that will remind you of the vacation.
13. Confirm your reservations again
As your vacation draws closer, you should confirm the reservations you made and find out if there have been any changes. Confirming that your plans are in place will help you have an easy time. This also allows you to make the necessary adjustments to your plans in case there have been unintended changes.