20 Ways to Increase Your Facebook Video Marketing
20 Ways to Increase Your Facebook Video Marketing
As is covered over at runrex.com, we have recently seen a shift from still photos to video on Facebook, with the increased popularity of video content on Facebook meaning that video marketing is a must for any marketer on the platform. To help you get more bang out of your buck, this article will look to highlight 20 ways through which you can increase your Facebook video marketing.
Keep your videos concise
Attention spans on Facebook are short, with users having a lot of content to go through, which is why if you are to increase your Facebook video marketing, then you will have to keep your videos short and sweet. According to the gurus over at guttulus.com, this means limiting your videos to not more than 90 seconds, as after that engagement levels will take a sharp decline.
Make the first few seconds count
Other than keeping your videos short and sweet, you should also take full advantage of the first few seconds to get your point across. You want your videos to hook your audience fast so that they can stick around and watch it all. As per discussions over at runrex.com, no one has time for a slow build-up, as they want to know right of the gate what they will gain by watching your video.
Incorporate text
You should also post text along with your videos to tell your audience what exactly they can expect when they watch the video and why it is worth it for them. From discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, you should make sure that the accompanying text is engaging and enticing to make users want to watch your video.
Add a great thumbnail
Your Facebook video thumbnail also matters a lot as it determines whether users will want to watch the video or not. When preparing videos for your Facebook video marketing campaigns, make sure that you incorporate engaging graphics or photos for thumbnails for the best results.
Shoot vertical videos
It is also worth pointing out that vertical video outperforms square video because it is mobile-friendly and most people watch Facebook videos on their mobile devices. So, if you want to increase your Facebook video marketing, make sure that you are shooting vertical videos.
Incorporate video onto your Facebook Business Page
According to discussions over at runrex.com, you should also use a cover video rather than a static cover image on your Facebook Business Page. You can use such videos to introduce your brand and your people, promote upcoming sales or events, or showcase new products or services.
Caption your videos
As is revealed in discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, over 85% of Facebook users watch videos with the sound off. This is why, if you are to increase your Facebook video marketing, then you will need to add captions to your videos to make sure that your messages are being understood even when the sound is off. You will also make your videos accessible to people with hearing disabilities by so doing.
Mix it up
The subject matter experts over at runrex.com also recommend that you use a mix of video content to keep your audience engaged and increase your Facebook video marketing. This means putting out different types of video from tutorial videos to informational videos, and many others to keep your audience interested and to avoid being monotonous.
Go live
Facebook live has become very popular in recent times, and if you are to increase your Facebook video marketing, then you might want to consider going live. You can use Facebook live to cover an event for those who may not be able to attend, or to give your customers a behind-the-scenes look at your business, and so forth.
Other than using a mix of different types of video content, you should also experiment with different aspects as far as your videos are concerned. This includes experimenting with different lengths, different formats, different scripts, and so forth so that you can see what works well and appeals to your audience.
Add calls-to-action
As the gurus over at guttulus.com will tell you, even if you have extremely engaging video content, all that will mean nothing if your viewers don’t know what you want them to do after watching your video. This is why it is important to add calls-to-action to your videos so that your viewers can know if you want them to sign up for a newsletter, visit your website, like your page, and any other action you might want them to take.
Anticipate that not everyone will watch your videos until the end
Just as it is important to anticipate the silent viewing of your videos, it is also important that you anticipate that not everyone will watch your videos until the end. Therefore, if you are to increase your Facebook video marketing, try and not only incorporate CTAs at the end but also in the middle of your videos, as explained over at runrex.com, just in case some of your viewers don’t get to the end.
Go native
While it may be easier to share your video from YouTube to Facebook rather than uploading it directly, this is something you should avoid if you are to increase your Facebook Video marketing. This is because, as revealed over at guttulus.com, native videos on Facebook have a 10x higher reach compared to YouTube links, or links from other sites such as Vimeo. You should, therefore, go native for the best results.
Leverage Facebook 360
On top of leveraging Facebook live, you should also jump onto the Facebook 360 bandwagon if you want to increase your Facebook video marketing. 360 videos allow viewers to navigate the screen, which allows them to watch your videos from whatever perspective they like, which allows you to connect with them in a more immersive way.
Educate yourself about your audience
If you are to be successful with your Facebook video marketing efforts, you will need to know all there is to know about your audience. This means that you need to do your research and find out what your audience of Facebook likes to watch when they come to watch it and what it is that compels them to allow you to meet them at their point of need.
Educate your audience
Once you have educated yourself about your audience, the folks over at runrex.com recommend that you now take the opportunity to educate them. People are looking for solutions and information, and that is what your videos should offer if you are to increase your Facebook video marketing.
Don’t forget about scheduling
Part of learning about your audience, as mentioned above and explained in detail over at guttulus.com, is to find out when they get on Facebook to watch video content. This will allow you to set up publishing content for your Facebook page allowing you to post your videos at the right time for maximum impact.
Consistently release content
If you are to increase your Facebook video marketing, then the last thing you want to do is to release video content intermittently. As is covered over at runrex.com, you want to release content consistently, like say once every week. Being consistent is how you build a fanbase and get the most out of your video marketing efforts.
Promote your video content
You should also make sure that you build a buzz around your video content to increase your Facebook video marketing. One of the ways you can achieve this is to post links to the content on your Facebook Groups, using Facebook Messenger and email to notify fans when you put out new video content, sharing clips of the content across multiple social media channels, and so forth.
Monitor your metrics
Finally, another way through which you will be able to increase your Facebook video marketing is by making sure that you are regularly checking your metrics. This will enable you to know how your videos are performing, and what you can do to improve said performances.
The above discussion is only the tip of a very large iceberg of information, and you can learn more about the same by checking out the excellent runrex.com and guttulus.com.