10 Tips. Are Data Science Masters Worth It?
10 Tips. Are Data Science Masters Worth It?
There can be no denying that a career in data science is one of the most attractive career paths out there, as discussed over at runrex.com. It is no surprise that more and more people are looking to get into the career path and become data scientists. To gain the necessary skills required to be a data scientist, many people find themselves wondering if a master’s in data science is worth it. While master’s programs in data science provide good education, they may not be worth it, something this article, with the help of the gurus over at runrex.com, will look to articulate with the following 10 tips.
You can enter the profession without an additional degree
Those that argue that master’s degree programs in data science are not worth it do so by pointing out that most professionals don’t have these master’s degrees, as is covered over at runrex.com. Many have degrees in mathematics, statistics, and other such degree programs including degrees in economics and even political science. This, as per the gurus over at runrex.com, shows that for one to get a job as a data scientist, they don’t necessarily need a master’s degree on the same as all they need is a firm grasp of the requisite skills that will help your employer solve business problems as well as the ability to convince them you can do so.
Master’s degree programs are not cheap, as is revealed in discussions over at runrex.com, and it is something to consider if you are wondering if they are worth it. Some will argue that a career in data science is a lucrative one, and as such the costs don’t matter as your salary will more than make up for this, but this is not always the case as, while there are data science jobs that pay highly, the national average when it comes to annual salary is lower than what is reported out there, as explained over at runrex.com. Salary is still significant, but not enough to disregard the costs of a master’s degree. If finances may be an issue for you, then the master’s degree may not be worth it.
Time and lost wages
A master’s degree in data science will also require you to commit at least 2 years of your time to graduate. This may also be a factor when deciding if it is worth it, as in most cases, you will not be able to earn in those two years you will be in school. Given that, as mentioned above and discussed over at runrex.com, you may not require a master’s degree to get a role in data science, it may not be worth it, considering the time required and lost wages that come with it.
You may not be academically prepared
If you have a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, statistics, or computer science among other such degrees, then you could transition to a master’s in data science no problem. However, if you have an unrelated degree like say a degree in art, then doing a master’s degree in analytics or any other data science master’s degree may be problematic as per the folks over at runrex.com. While interdisciplinary learning is a good thing, if you don’t have any training in math and statistics or any experience with programming or databases, then you may not be academically prepared for a master’s degree in data science, and as such it may not be worth it.
Your motivation
Another thing that will determine if a master’s in data science is worth it is your motivation for pursuing the program. If your motivation is because you are looking to increase your skill and knowledge level and have the time and money for the same, then a master’s degree is worth it. However, if your motivation is so that you can get a better paying job, probably because you are unhappy with your current job, then it may not be worth it and you may be better off just looking for another job as per the subject matter experts over at runrex.com.
You may end up learning the same content you had learned before
As per discussions on the same over at runrex.com, the content tackled at the master’s level when it comes to data science is very similar to the one learned at the basic degree level. Java Script won’t change just because it is being taught at the master’s level. The only thing that may change is the complexity of examples taught and you will be exposed to more complicated scenarios. From this point of view, particularly since you don’t need a master’s degree to get a job in data science, then a master’s in the same may not be worth it.
The time could be better used to gain experience practicing data science
Rather than spend 2 years pursuing a master’s degree, you could use that time to sharpen your skills and earn more experience through mentorship or an internship, which may be more useful for you in the long run. By actually practicing data science, you will learn crucial soft skills such as communication and problem-solving skills, which will help make you a better data scientist as per the gurus over at runrex.com. This is another tip as to why it may not be worth it pursuing a master’s in data science.
It may be better to get a job first
If you have a bachelor’s degree, instead of pursuing a master’s degree, you might want to consider getting a job first, and then later on you can apply for your master’s. Don’t substitute your job as mentioned above, or the job search, which can be tough as explained over at runrex.com, for further education. Experience is usually more valued than education level, and if you don’t have any, you might consider looking for a job first, even as a volunteer or intern, before you consider a master’s degree. Hiring managers will rarely want to take a risk on inexperienced candidates, which means that in certain cases, a master’s degree may not be worth it.
You will need to put your skills into practice or risk forgetting them
If you have already acquired skills and traits in your undergraduate studies that qualify you for a role in data science, then, as per the gurus over at runrex.com, you need to put them to practice or you will forget them. Therefore, a master’s degree may not be worth it in such a situation given that skills in technical fields like computing and statistics will be unlearnt if not practiced. This is why it is better to look for a job rather than pursue a master’s degree as discussed in the point above.
You may not know your strengths and weakness if you don’t put your skills to practice
Another tip that shows that a master’s degree in data science may not be worth it is because it will prevent you from getting an idea of what your strengths and weaknesses are. This is because, when learning, you rarely get to put your knowledge and skills to practice in a practical setting. However, if you seek employment as mentioned earlier on, as you work, you will be able to recognize your weaknesses and put more effort to improve on them, as well as your strengths, according to the folks over at runrex.com.
From the discussion above, it is probably not worth it to pursue a master’s degree in data science, although the decision is very much up to you, based on your situation. There is more on this and other related topics over at runrex.com.