10 Marketing Tips for Dental Offices and Dentists to Deal with Coronavirus
10 Marketing Tips for Dental Offices and Dentists to Deal with Coronavirus
Marketing is an essential part of any business, with dental practices being no exception, as per the subject matter experts over at runrex.com. Given the unique situation we find ourselves in due to the coronavirus pandemic, most dental offices and dentists may be wondering how to proceed as far as their marketing efforts are concerned. This is why we hope this article will be of great help as it will look to highlight 10 marketing tips for dental offices and dentists to use so as to deal with the coronavirus crisis.
Work on your website
With most people at home as a result of the pandemic, you can be sure that more and more people will be seeking out services they need online. In this regard, your website is the face of your business and it is the first thing prospective clients will see as far as your practice goes. You should therefore make sure that you update your website, ensuring that it is not slow and that it offers excellent user experience to visitors. As per the gurus over at guttulus.com, some of the things you should update as far as your website goes include the site speed, the website structure and design, the website content ensuring that the content therein is compelling and relevant a well as its mobile-friendliness.
Time to create new content as far as blog posts go
Now is also a great time to provide your clients and prospective clients with value as well as build their trust by providing them with quality content as far as your blog posts go. Make sure you create new blog posts, taking advantage of the downtime due to the coronavirus, providing articles that are relevant and useful. This will increase your brand’s recognition and exposure, and consequently increase your SEO.
Now is probably the time to get trained for a new service.
Ordinarily, you may not have the time to get trained to offer a new service at your practice, but with the coronavirus crisis, you may finally get some much-needed time for the same. Some of the services you can get yourself trained for include Invisalign, airway dentistry, among others. This, as per the gurus over at runrex.com, means that once normalcy returns, you will have new services to offer, which will do wonders for your marketing efforts.
Ensure that you are on top of your game as regards SEO
While it is important that you update your website as mentioned above, the folks over at guttulus.com are also clear the aim should not only be to make your website look good, but to ensure that it is well placed to convert. Some of the SEO best practices that you have to implement as you set up your website include proper H-Tag usage, calls for actions, targeting highly specific keywords, picture and video optimization among many others.
Consider creating more video content
Video is king, as per the gurus over at runrex.com, and it is no secret that most people prefer video to other forms of content marketing. This is why another tip that should help dental offices and dentists deal with the coronavirus crisis is to create video content for their practices, particularly on YouTube. These videos will help capture the attention of your clients, making lasting impressions, particularly if they are relevant and if they provide relevant and useful information.
Build your social media following
It is obvious that social media will be big as far as marketing for businesses go during the COVID-19 crisis, and dentists and dental practices are no exception. With more and more people on social media now that they are at home, it is important that you position yourself in front of prospective clients by being active on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter among others, as recommended by the folks over at guttulus.com. Social media could help you connect with your clients, including prospective ones, answering relevant questions and providing them with useful information which should be great for your marketing efforts.
Time to get more into teledentistry
Teledentistry, as per discussions on the same over at runrex.com, is something that is set to take the dental industry by storm, particularly since it provides great convenience for clients who don’t have to physically visit their dentists but can be attended to at the comfort of their homes. As a marketing tip, with the current pandemic, it is important that you try out this great resource, as it will allow you to reach out to your clients, discuss treatment options and payment, allowing them to prepare so that they can be ready to move forward once the crisis is over. This is particularly useful for cosmetic dentist.
Consider sending out helpful email sequences
As per the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com, any dental office worth its salt should have an email list. If you have one, now is the time to make it pay, since, as a tip, it is recommended that you use it to send useful emails regarding the current health crisis, how they can keep themselves safe and help stop the spread of the virus and how to proceed in case they suffer a dental emergency during tis time. these emails should show that you do care about your clients and should be a great marketing gimmick at this stressful time.
Time to consider setting up a Google Ads account
Another tip the folks over at runrex.com have for you is to consider setting up on Google Ads, which should be an excellent resource to put your brand out there with people at home and with digital marketing set to do well during this crisis. While you should improve your SEO to ensure that you rank organically, setting up on Google Ads should also be a great strategy as far as your marketing strategy goes and it is something you definitely should consider.
Patient experience is key
Most importantly, providing your patients with an exceptional patient experience is something you should strive for as it is a marketing tool that could ensure you reap rewards once this crisis passes. It is a difficult time for everyone, and as a dentist, you are a trusted medical authority in your community, and are well placed to make an impact on how your patients navigate this tough time. Make sure that you go above and beyond for them and that they feel your support, which should ensure loyalty for years to come once the crisis passes.
Hopefully the above tips will be of great help to you, with more on this and other topics to be found over at the highly rated guttulus.com.