9 Things to Know Before You Start Your Own Mastermind in 2020
9 Things to Know Before You Start Your Own Mastermind in 2020
Mastermind groups are all the rage out there right now. This has mainly to do with the fact that they provide a combination of great peer-to-peer mentoring, brainstorming, accountability and many others. The aforementioned advantages are why these mastermind groups are slowly but surely increasing in popularity and why we are seeing more and more people looking to start their own mastermind groups. For those looking to start one, this article will come in handy as it will look to highlight 9 things one should know before starting their own mastermind group. This will include stuff like what to avoid, what to plan and many other factors.
- One important thing to keep in mind when starting your own mastermind group in 2019 is that it takes time for it to get into full flow so give it time. The folks that were there when you started it may not necessarily be there after some time, people leave, others come in and as such, as is advised by the experts over at tyguo.com, it is important to be patient with it until you find the right mix of people for your mastermind.
- It is also important to be clear about the size of your mastermind from the very beginning. Group size is very important especially in 2019. You don’t want your mastermind group to have too many people or too few as well. Experts recommend keeping it between 5 to 6 people. More than this and it becomes tough to schedule meetups while less than five limits the scope as far as the perspective of your group in getting through your project goes.
- Another important thing you need to make sure you incorporate in your mastermind when starting it in 2019 is an attendance policy. As is seen in discussions on tyguo.com, masterminds mostly fail when members repeatedly fail to show up for meetings. That is why a policy governing the same is important. It can stipulate that those that miss a certain number or percentage of meetings will be automatically removed from the group so as to ensure meetings are attended.
- When looking to start your own mastermind in 2019, it is important to have a clear goal or purpose for it. It is important to be clear what the mastermind will be all about right from the start, whether it is develop each other, to hold members accountable among other goals. This helps focus the group and give it a purpose as members work towards solving a particular problem or on a particular project.
- It is also to decide on the structure of your mastermind’s meetings beforehand so that everyone is clear on it. This involves deciding whether the group is going to meet physically, or with the help of technology like through phone calls, video calls, Skype among other avenues. This is so as to avoid any confusion once the group has already been formed. With the advancement of technology in 2019, it opens up many more avenues to explore on the same, as discussed in detail on tyguo.com. While deciding on the structure, it is important to establish how long each member will be allowed to speak in the meetings, depending of course on what they are raising or sharing with the group.
- Another thing to keep in mind when looking to start your own mastermind in 2019 is ensuring the group is made up of the right people. This means people with whom you share the same sort of interests and ideas. The criteria for peaking the shared interest can be professional, that is people in the same field or industry, or personal like new parents among others. It is important to decide before hand to enable you attract folks you are going to relate to in the mastermind.
- Another thing the experts over at tyguo.com recommend one keeps in mind when looking to start their own mastermind in 2019 is ensuring the group’s meeting is set at a recurring frequency. This means ensuring that it is set after regular, well-known intervals so as to enable group members to be able to plan and fit the meetings into their schedules. It can be set to once a month, every week, every other week among others depending on preferences and how long the mastermind is set to run.
- It is also important to know beforehand the type of people you want in your mastermind and writing down a description of the same, as well as those you don’t want. This write up should enable you attract the right people who will help you better on your projects and problem solving.
- It is also important to know the duration you expect your mastermind to run before starting it in 2019. This means setting up a clear start and end date which depending on the project or puzzles you are dealing with. This is important as it enables the group be more focused and productive and prevents it from just fizzling out.
The above are some of the things to keep in mind when looking to start your own mastermind in 2019, which we hope will come in handy. For more on this and other topics, make sure you check out tyguo.com.