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5 Offbeat Golf Courses in the World in 2021

Golf courses come in different sizes and against different backdrops. Due to varied topographies and landscapes all around the world, there ought to be different looks in every golf course. Some golf courses are surrounded by thick forests while others are close to the most beautiful oceans and lakes. Some golf courses have rivers running through them while others are right in the middle of deserts. This variation is what it is that makes us fall in love with the game because we love the scenic beauty that comes with each golf course.

Everyone who loves golf must have a golf course in mind that he/she would love to visit one day and probably play a hole or two. I personally wish to one day fly to Kenya and play in the Muthaiga Golf Club because it is one of the best natural golf courses I have ever seen-at-least judging from the pictures. Others want to visit the home of Masters in Augusta Georgia while others can/t wait to tee off in Shadow Creek Golf Course. 

Today, we want to look at some of the golf courses that are offbeat. Some of the golf courses that are unconventional and have some of the most unusual backdrops and surroundings. Trust me these are some of the golf courses in the world and at the end of the listing I hope you will have had a few options to add to your bucket list. Here are 5 offbeat golf courses in the world that you should definitely visit someday;

5. El Camaleon Fairmont Mayakoba 

This is one of the most unusual golf courses I have ever visited in my life. Located in Quintana Roo in Mexico, the course has everything bizarre. From mangroves that line the fairways to sand dunes in the course, it has some of the best scenic views you will ever find on a golf course. At the 4th hole, there is a large cave called the devil’s mouth and if you mishit the ball, the cave will swallow it. It is a course whole challenges keep changing just as the name suggests. El Camaleon is the Mexican name for chameleon the course truly changes every second.

4. Streamsong Golf Course 

Would you expect to find a golf course built amoing piles of sand? I bet you wouldn’t. Well, the owners of Streamsong took advantage of the old phosphate mining grounds and built a world-class golf course that has truly marvelled masses. Some of the sand piles were flattened to form bunkers but most of the dunes still stand strong and show no sign of disappearing any time soon. The natural grass here makes the greens firm, true and superfast to play on. The staff here have managed to do a tremendous job of maintain this facility because it is in great shape. If you are a fan of golf and photographing, then you should take a tour and take pictures here after a good old round of golf.

3. Coeur D’Alene Golf Resort 

This is undoubtedly one of the most luxurious golf courses in the world. This is a golf course that has a traditional park-like feel for most of its holes. It has very large and level greens which are firm and true. For most of the holes, you will see nothing extra ordinary. Just normal grass and fairways. That is until you get to the par -3 14th hole which is a great spectacle. A great spectacle because you will be literally playing on an island green which can be moved. Yes, through a system of cables and winches, the green can be moved as far as 218 yards. The 15,000 square foot green is accessed from the mainland using a ferry. You might need extra balls if you want to play on this golf course because a ton of them will end up in the water.

2. Le Touessrok Golf Course 

Mauritius is one of the best vacation destinations in the world and this Golf Course is one of the many reasons why people plan to go to Port Louis every year. This is a golf course located on its own island. Yes, a golf course with 18 holes with firm greens and white sand bunkers located on an island. If you want full value for your money in terms of an unforgettable experience, then head over to Mauritius. 

1. Don Mueang International Airport Golf Course 

Want to hit golf balls at airplanes as they land? Well, I know this is a bad idea but yes it is possible because in Bangkok Thailand, there is an 18 hole golf course right beside the runaway tarmac. The levels of noise here are deafening but the view of playing golf while planes land and take off is breath taking. Next time you are catching a flight from Thailand and it delays, pop over and play some golf on this course as you wait for your scheduled flight.

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