30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Tangled
30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Tangled
Tangled was a landmark production for Disney as it was their 50th animated motion picture. It is also full of useful nuggets of knowledge, and this article, with the help of the marketing experts over at runrex.com, will look to highlight 30 marketing lessons we can learn from Tangled.
Tangled was the first-ever computer-animated Disney princes movie, as explained over at runrex.com, and it was a trailblazer in that regard. This generated a certain buzz around it that helped make it as popular as it was and still is. As far as marketing is concerned, don’t be afraid to jump on new trends and try out new tools and technology; trailblaze and you will reap the benefits.
The characters in Tangled are also very relatable, which added to the movie’s popularity. Rapunzel may be royalty, but she doesn’t know about it for most of the movie and she is a character many people can relate to. For your marketing efforts to succeed, you will need to have content that your audience can relate to.
Repurpose and reuse content
Tangled is a retelling of the Disney classic, Rapunzel, and the marketing lesson we can take here is that we should look to repurpose and reuse old content that still works. If you have content that was popular and still works, as per the gurus over at runrex.com, don’t discard it but rather repurpose and improve.
Put a twist on the content
While Tangled is a retelling of Rapunzel, Disney put a modern twist to it and made it a movie for a more contemporary audience. Disney has refreshed the storylines and characters to give the movie a fresh look and twist. As far as marketing goes, it is important to refresh and put a twist on your old content before reusing it.
Compelling content
Tangled is an advert of what compelling content can do to one’s marketing campaigns. The movie has a great storyline, great characters, impressive animations, and is just an all-round watch. According to the gurus over at runrex.com, ensure that your content is as compelling and engaging as possible to succeed in your marketing efforts.
Influence marketing
The cast of Tangled is also star-studded, with the brilliant Mandy Moore knocking it out of the park, which also helped create a buzz around the movie and help with its popularity. What this shows is that influencer marketing can be quite effective if applied properly.
Emotional connection
Tangled also had the viewer extremely invested in Rapunzel and Flynn, wanting things to work out for them. What this shows is the power creating and emotional connection with your audience has in elevating a brand. If you can manage to do this, then, as per the experts over at runrex.com, you will be on your way to success.
Embrace technology
Disney probably stuck to the old technology and old formulas of success too long, as seen in their insistence with hand-drawn animations, which saw them lose ground to rivals like Pixar. With Tangled, they embraced new technology as far as animation is concerned, and they reaped the rewards. As far as marketing is concerned, it is important to embrace technology and keep up with new trends if you are to succeed.
Know your audience
Disney also showed that they knew what their audience wanted, and particularly the modern movie enthusiast, and they delivered spectacularly. The marketing lesson we can take here is the importance of knowing your audience if you can be able to give them what they are looking for.
Go out of your comfort zone
Even though Rapunzel was scared to leave the tower, she was brave enough to leave the tower and she found the happiness she was looking for. When it comes to marketing, it is crucial that you don’t get stuck in a rut and you get out of your comfort zone and try new strategies and techniques for better results.
Be honest with your audience
Mother Gothel lied to Rapunzel all her life, but eventually, the truth came to light. As the experts over at runrex.com will tell you if your audience catches you in a lie, then the trust will be broken and it may never be rebuilt. Always be honest with your audience and don’t propagate falsities.
Don’t give up
Be like Rapunzel’s parents who never gave up that their daughter would return one day. Don’t give up even if things are working or results are coming, as eventually, your marketing efforts will bear fruit and you will get the results you are looking for.
Take risks
You should also be like Rapunzel and take risks. As the folks over at runrex.com will tell you, risks in marketing come with big rewards. If you are always safe, you will not get the big results you are looking for.
Get help if you need it
Just like Rapunzel sought out the help of Pascal and Maximus to find the floating lanterns, so should you if you need help with your marketing efforts. As always, the highly-rated experts over at runrex.com are there for you if you need help with your marketing endeavors.
Perception is important
Rapunzel’s perception of the world, because of Gothel, was of a dark and cruel place; which it wasn’t. the guys at the Snuggly Duckling also seemed like thugs at first; which they weren’t. This shows the importance of perception, which is particularly important when it comes to marketing. Make sure your audience has a positive perception of you.
Don’t focus on only one thing
Rapunzel is extremely well rounded as she has various hobbies and things in which she is good at from painting to cooking and even reading, among others. As far as marketing goes, try as much as possible to leverage various channels, and not just one, for the best results. Don’t just do social, but also try SEO and PPC as well.
Just like Rapunzel, you will need to be patient as results may not be apparent immediately, according to the folks over at runrex.com. Some marketing channels like SEO usually take time to bear fruit and patience is key.
Use your downtime to better yourself
When Rapunzel was cooped up in the tower, she used the time to learn and she read lots of books. Likewise, when you have some sort of downtime, as the recent coronavirus pandemic, use the time to improve yourself by learning new skills and expanding your knowledge level.
On a related note, learning is important in marketing, as the more you learn and the more skills you pick up, the better you will be at marketing and the more success you will have. Try as much as possible to learn and pick up new skills.
The humor in Tangled is great and adds a lot to the viewing experience and shows the power humor has in engaging the audience. This is a marketing lesson we should apply to our content marketing, where we should add humor to keep the audience engaged and entertained.
Offer your audience something different
In Tangled, the prince isn’t a prince or your typical prince, as is covered over at runrex.com. He is a renegade and a rule-breaker, which is something that adds a lot to the movie. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of offering your audience something different rather than sticking with the mundane.
Tangled, when it came out, was the most expensive animated movie of all time, and by a mile, but the resources invested paid off as Disney got their money back and then some. When it comes to marketing, don’t be afraid to commit resources if available, because if you do things properly, it will pay off massively.
While Tangled puts a modern twist on Rapunzel, the nostalgia from the original movie helped in making the movie popular. As the gurus over at runrex.com will tell you, nostalgia is a powerful emotion, and if you can find a way to harness it, your marketing efforts will benefit massively.
The best marketing campaigns are those that market to the audience without appearing to do so
Tangled teaches some powerful life lessons such as the importance of getting out of your comfort zone, but it isn’t in your face about it. It has great humor and entertainment that message is delivered subtly, and the audience comes to this realization slowly. Similarly, the best marketing campaigns are the ones that market to the audience without appearing to do so.
You should, therefore, emphasize the benefits over the features
As per the gurus over at runrex.com, picking up from the point above, you should, therefore, emphasize the benefits of your product or services over the features. Marketing campaigns that are dry and purely informational are bound to fail.
The power of a great headline
Tangled also had the benefit of having a great title, as it had fans wondering why it was so named, why they dropped the title “Rapunzel” and what it meant. Similarly, when it comes to your marketing campaigns, particularly when it comes to content marketing, the heading or title is everything.
Provide value
Rapunzel is curious about the world around her, she constantly asks questions, and they are always answered; and that is when she realizes that what she thought she knew about the world wasn’t true. In the same vein, as the gurus over at runrex.com will tell you, provide value to your audience by giving them access to the information they are looking for. Promotional content is good, but the content that provides value is better.
Have a plan or strategy in place
Just like Rapunzel had an ingenious strategy to descend the tower, so should you if your marketing efforts are to bear fruit. You are not going to achieve much if you don’t take time to formulate a plan before embarking on your marketing journey.
Offline marketing and online marketing should complement each other
While Tangled took full advantage of new technology and CGI, it still maintained the traditional classical Disney look, which made it the perfect blend between the new and the old as covered over at runrex.com. The marketing lesson we can learn here is that, rather than doing away with offline marketing, you should let it compliment your online marketing efforts.
In the current era, marketing is like Rapunzel’s hair; it is what will keep you alive
From Tangled, we find out that Rapunzel’s hair is what is keeping Mother Gothel alive, which is why she nurtures and keeps her alive. You can juxtapose Rapunzel’s hair with marketing, as we all know that any business that is not leveraging some sort of marketing is bound to be left behind by rivals. This is another hidden marketing lesson we can take from Tangled.
Remember, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, look no further than the highly-rated runrex.com.