30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Sleeping Beauty
30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Sleeping Beauty
When it comes to Disney animations, very few are more iconic than Sleeping Beauty. Not only is the movie great entertainment, but it also teaches us great marketing lessons, and this article, with the help of the gurus over at runrex.com, will look to highlight 30 marketing lessons we can learn from Sleeping Beauty.
Marketing is key
Aurora sleeping through much of sleeping beauty shows us how a business that is not leveraging marketing looks like. According to the gurus over at runrex.com, if you are not leveraging marketing in one form or the other, then you will be like Aurora, sleeping and not achieving much.
Don’t wait for things to happen, make them happen
Another marketing lesson we can learn from Sleeping Beauty is that in marketing, rather than waiting for things to happen to us like Aurora, we should make things happen. In short, take charge of your destiny and try and test your keywords to see if you can make improvements, improve your SEO, improve your UX and so forth; don’t just sit and wait for results.
Look for your “Sleeping Beauty” content
For those who regularly produce content, then you most likely have “sleeping Beauty” content, which is really good content, but for whatever reason, it just hasn’t taken off. The marketing lesson we can learn from Sleeping Beauty, as per the experts over at runrex.com, is to make sure you look for your sleeping beauties as far as your content is concerned and wake them up.
Reuse good content
Repurposing and reusing good and popular content are important lessons for any marketer to learn, and one that Disney teaches us with Sleeping Beauty. It is commonly accepted that Maleficent is the live-action remake of Sleeping Beauty, which over the years has gotten several remakes, utilizing popular content over again.
Improve content before reusing to give your users a different perspective
While Maleficent covers all the important ground as far as Sleeping Beauty is concerned, it is not a copy and paste remake of the original Sleeping Beauty and gives viewers a different perspective. When it comes to marketing, you must improve your content and add value to it before reusing it, as advised by the gurus over at runrex.com.
Follow good advice when you get it
You don’t want to be like sleeping beauty and ignore good advice from people with more experience with marketing, as this could lead you into trouble like Aurora. Don’t be stubborn for no reason, if you receive a good piece of advice, take it; it could help your marketing efforts.
Take risks
The Prince who ultimately saved Aurora took a risk by attempting a rescue that so many before him had failed, as covered over at runrex.com. Risks are a key part of marketing, and you should be ready to take them if you are to be successful.
Risks usually come with big rewards
The reason why you should take risks and be innovative when it comes to marketing is that such risks usually come with big rewards if successful. Just like the Prince, you stand to gain big if you take a calculated risk.
Do your research before you enter into strategic partnerships
Strategic partnerships in marketing are important, from partnerships with marketers to partnerships with influencers and so forth. However, do your research to ensure you end up with the right partner and don’t end up like Aurora who didn’t do hers when she trusted the seemingly-innocent old lady.
Learn from the failures of others, but don’t let them put you off
The Prince is aware that many have tried to rescue the Sleeping Beauty before him, and failed. He is, however, not discouraged; he learns from their failure rather than letting it discourage him. When it comes to marketing, while it is important to learn from the failures of others, don’t let those failures scare you and put you off taking risks.
Don’t leave anyone out
If only Aurora had invited the fairy, as discussed over at runrex.com, her misfortune would have been avoided. The marketing lesson we can take from this is the importance of making sure we don’t exclude anyone when it comes to targeting your audience. Cast your net as far and wide as possible, to make sure you are reaching out to as many people who may be interested in your product or service as possible.
Give your audience as much information as possible
If Aurora had all the information about her curse, she could have avoided the spindle that pricks her finger sending her into her long slumber. In the same light, maybe the reason why your marketing efforts aren’t bearing fruit is that you aren’t providing your audience with enough information for them to convert. Make sure they have all the information they need.
Be patient
Many of the princes who failed to wake up the Sleeping Beauty were impatient and were unable to wait until the appropriate time had passed to wake her. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of patience. Results will likely take time to be seen as far as your marketing efforts go, and you should be patient and give it time, as pointed out by the gurus over at runrex.com.
Don’t do what everyone else is doing
The successful prince was able to win out because he didn’t do what the other princes before him were doing. When it comes to marketing, following the crowd very rarely yields the results you are looking for. Try and do things your way and have your strategies.
Have set goals
The valiant prince sets out with the goal of finding and rescuing the princess, which shows us the importance of having set goals to work towards. According to the gurus over at runrex.com, make sure you set your goals before embarking on your marketing journey.
Things won’t always work out
One thing we can learn from the princes who failed is that things won’t always work out, a marketing lesson that is worth taking. Your marketing decisions and strategies won’t always bear fruit, and this is something you must keep in mind.
The power of being a trendsetter
When the first Sleeping Beauty movie came out in 1959, it was the first Disney movie to be produced in Technicolor and photographed using a Super Technirama 70 Widescreen process, as discussed over at runrex.com. This made the movie special and popular, hence why it was such a hit. The marketing lesson we can take here is the power being a trendsetter can have on your marketing campaigns. Jump on new trends early and you will reap the rewards.
Give your audience something different
As opposed to Snow White and Cinderella, which were released before Sleeping Beauty, the prince in Sleeping Beauty had a name; known as Prince Philip. This was something different and helped with the buzz around the movie. What this shows is that we should aim to offer our audience something different, something that is not available out there, and our marketing campaigns will benefit from it.
You will need the right skills and knowledge to succeed in marketing
Just like the prince is told to arm himself with the enchanted shield of virtue and the mighty sword of truth, so will you need to have the right weapons to succeed in marketing. This means having the right skills and knowledge, as marketing can be quite complex to crack.
Be honest with your customers
Don’t be like Flora, Merryweather, and Fauna who keep Aurora in the dark about her true identity and the fact that she has a curse hanging over her head. If you are not honest with your customers, when the truth comes out, the trust will be broken and your marketing efforts will suffer badly.
You will fail if you don’t work as a team
Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are the definition of a bad team, they can’t compete for any task as they undo each other’s work, and just don’t function as a team, as is covered over at runrex.com. The marketing lesson we can take here is the importance of teamwork. Make sure that everyone in your marketing team is working together and pulling in the same direction.
Assign everyone tasks they are good at
Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather regularly each regularly attempted tasks the other was good at, which is why they hardly ever got things done and ended up arguing. In your marketing team, to avoid this, make sure everyone is assigned a role they are good at.
Know your strengths
The three good fairies mentioned above, and discussed in detail over at runrex.com, eventually discovered where their strengths lied and were able to give Prince Philip the shield of virtue and the sword of truth to enable him to destroy Maleficent. The marketing lesson we learn here is the importance of knowing your team’s strengths and utilizing them.
You don’t have one chance for success
Just like Aurora had various shots at finding the prince who would wake her up, so will you have several shots at success in marketing. Don’t think that you have to get results straight away and if you don’t, then you need to quit.
Embrace new technology
When Prince Philip accepts the tools given to him by the three good fairies, he is embracing a new and different way of doing things, one that would eventually help him rescue Aurora. As the gurus over at runrex.com will tell you, this shows the importance of embracing new technology when it comes out and is an important marketing lesson worth learning.
Compelling content
Part of the reason why Sleeping Beauty has been able to stay relevant all these years is because it is such a compelling story. A great storyline, great animation, which has been improved over the years and great music. This is yet another important marketing lesson as it shows the importance of having compelling content if you are to be successful.
Seek help when you need it
Just like the three good fairies seek the help of Prince Philip to help rescue Aurora, so should you seek help if you need it as far as our marketing campaigns go. Don’t be afraid to bring in marketing experts such as the experts over at runrex.com.
Know your audience
Disney knows their audience and they know what the want and they delivered massively when it comes to Sleeping Beauty. The marketing lesson to take here is the importance of knowing your audience if you are going to deliver to them what they want and need.
Have a plan
Prince Philip was able to succeed because he took the time to formulate a plan to rescue Aurora, rather than just showing up and trying to wake her like the other princes that failed. This is why the gurus over at runrex.com are adamant that you should always have a plan if your marketing efforts are to bear fruit. Don’t work off-the-cuff.
Timing is everything
The bottom line is that Prince Philip got his timing right and was able to wake up Aurora, and in the same token you should make sure you get your timing right as timing is everything in marketing. You get your timing wrong, and your excellent plan could fail.
Remember, if you are looking for more on this and other related topics, then look no further than the highly regarded runrex.com.