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30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Pocahontas

30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Pocahontas

Disney Movies teach us more than just life lessons like not taking apples from strangers, something that is apparent when you watch Pocahontas. This article, with the help of the gurus over at, will look to highlight 30 marketing lessons we can learn from Pocahontas.

The importance of learning

The story of Pocahontas and John Smith shows us the importance of learning when it comes to marketing. As the gurus over at will tell you, marketing is a constant learning curve and you should be open to learning new techniques and strategies.

Don’t be afraid to try out something different

Pocahontas was not allowed to go and see the Brits when they arrived at the shore, but she was still curious and brave enough to go, where she ended up meeting John Smith. The marketing lesson this teaches is the importance of trying out new things in your marketing campaigns, and not being afraid to experiment.


Even though her tribe didn’t understand her stance, Pocahontas persevered with her mediation efforts, and eventually succeeded as discussed over at The marketing lesson we can take here is the importance of perseverance when you hit a rough patch as far as your marketing campaigns are concerned.

Success is no accident

Pocahontas showed us that success is no accident and that anything you achieve as far as your marketing campaigns are concerned is going to have to be earned through sheer hard work.

Seek advice when you need it

You will not always have all the answer when it comes to marketing, as the gurus over at will tell you, and if you re stuck, just like Pocahontas would seek counsel from grandmother Willow, you should look for advice from someone you trust and who is more experienced on such matters.

There are different metrics for success

John Smith expected to find gold, and to him, the expedition would have been a failure if he hadn’t found it; so much so that he was willing to bulldozer the entire country for gold. Pocahontas showed him that he should appreciate the land as it was. The marketing lesson we can take from this is that there is more than one metric for success, and you should appreciate the seemingly small wins.

The importance of being unique and different

Unlike many Disney movies, the couple that is Pocahontas and John Smith splits at the end, with Smith going back home, as explained over at This helps make the movie unique due to its lack of the cliché happy ending, helping make it more fascinating. The marketing lesson this teaches is the importance of being unique and offering your audience something different when it comes to marketing.

Compelling content

 The storyline in Pocahontas is compelling and gripping, to say the least, and when added to the impressive animation and the memorable songs, you end up with a product that will leave an indelible mark. The marketing lesson that we can learn from this is the importance of having compelling content as far as our campaigns are concerned to keep our audience engaged.

Harness your audience’s emotions

We find ourselves emotionally attached to Pocahontas, willing her to succeed in her mission of mediating peace. The marketing lesson we can learn from this is the importance of harnessing your audience’s emotions, which is a key part of any marketing campaign.

Make sure your audience resonates with the stories you are telling

Disney went to great length to provide context to the story, even collaborating with historians and Native American groups, when releasing Pocahontas, ensuring that viewers would resonate with the stories being told and bringing some authenticity to the movie. In marketing, you should aim to do the same, providing context to the stories about your marketing campaigns to ensure that your audience resonates with them.

The power of pioneering

As explained over at, Pocahontas features the first interracial romance seen in a Disney film, and this helped contribute to its popularity. In marketing, the lesson this teaches us the power of pioneering and breaking new ground; something that will greatly benefit your marketing efforts.

Success takes time

Pocahontas famously took 5 years to complete, mostly due to the animation techniques available at the time. The marketing lesson we can take here is that success is not always immediate when it comes to marketing. It may take time, but you should keep going, and eventually, you will reap the rewards.

The power of real-life events and personalities

Unlike most Disney movies, Pocahontas tells a real-life story as discussed over at, in yet another aspect that contributed to its popularity and success. In marketing, if you can link your campaigns to powerful real-life events and personalities, then you could achieve great success; a marketing lesson worth learning.

Influencer marketing

Pocahontas had a strong cast of voice actors from Irene Bedard to Billy Connolly and even Mel Gibson among many others. This also helped make it the hit it was as this helped attract a massive audience. This shows that influencer marketing can still be effective when done properly, a marketing lesson we should take from the animation.

Know your audience

It is obvious that Disney knows its audience, and it gave them exactly what they wanted with Pocahontas despite critics arguing that the animation contained lots of historical inaccuracies as discussed over at In marketing also, it is important to know your audience and always give them what they want if your campaigns are to be successful.

Good things don’t have to come to an end

Even though Pocahontas was released in 1995, it hasn’t stopped Disney from re-releasing the animation, as seen in the DVD release to celebrate its 10th anniversary and so forth. There is even talk of a live-action remake. The marketing lesson we can learn from this is the good things don’t have to come to an end, and if you have successful content, you should try and reboot it to try and get even more out of it.

The importance of marketing on various channels

Pocahontas is available in all sorts of channels, from DVD to digital and so forth, as covered over at In marketing, it is equally as important to have your content available to your audience in various channels from social media to blogs and vlogs, to reach as much of your audience as possible.

Sometimes you will have to go against those who taught you

Pocahontas wants to please her father, but she also knows that her life is her own and she must make her own decisions, which is why she chooses to go against marrying Kocoum as her father had planned. In marketing, sometimes you may have to go against your mentors and those you learned from; don’t be afraid to do so.

Experience is the best teacher

Another marketing lesson we can learn from Pocahontas is that experience is the best teacher and you have to make your own decisions to learn. Whatever you may have learned about marketing, until you put them into practice, you won’t truly learn.

Sometimes you may need to listen to your gut rather than go with logic

Rationality and logic may not always lead to the desired results when it comes to marketing, and sometimes you may need to follow your gut instinct to be successful. This is another lesson we learn from Pocahontas and one we shouldn’t be afraid to put into practice.

Don’t be afraid to embrace change

Even though Chief Powhatan tells her daughter to be steady like the river, as discussed over at, she notes that the rive is not steady at all and that it is ever-changing. The same is true for marketing, which is always in flux, and you should be willing to embrace change if you are to be successful, a marketing lesson we can take from Pocahontas.

Don’t restrict yourself as far as your audience is concerned

Even though Pocahontas and John Smith are from two different, not to mention warring, races, they accept each other and fall in love. Just like you should restrict yourself when it comes to love, you shouldn’t restrict yourself when it comes to marketing either, particularly when it comes to your audience.

Always seek out new perspectives

Another marketing lesson we can learn from Pocahontas, as per the gurus over at, is that we should always seek new perspectives when it comes to our marketing campaigns. Different perspectives give us new insights.

The most valuable marketing campaigns are the ones that don’t appear to be selling to the audience

As Pocahontas will tell you, the materialistic nature of the world has led to us ignoring the beauty of the world around us, and the same is true for marketing. The marketing lesson we can learn here is that the most valuable marketing campaigns are the ones that don’t appear to be selling to the audience but create great experiences.

The safest options don’t always offer the best results

Another marketing lesson we can learn from Pocahontas is that the safest option, one that is smooth and steady as the beating drum, is not always the most productive one, as the experts over at will tell you. Don’t be afraid to experiment with more daring ideas as mentioned in one of the tips above.

The power of content that triggers a conversation

Pocahontas has over the years triggered lots of conversations among movie enthusiasts, as people argue about its historical accuracy, which has led to more and more people watching it so that they can make their judgment, contributing to its popularity. The marketing lesson this teaches is the importance of having content that triggers discussions among your audience, as this will increase engagement and increase chances of success.

The value of being a voice for good in the community

The teachings about accepting people from different cultures, as discussed over at, have made Pocahontas a powerful voice for good in the world, teaching racial tolerance. When it comes to marketing, campaigns that contribute positively to the community will always do well, which is a marketing lesson worth learning.

The power of a catchy phrase

Pocahontas is forever synonymous with “Colors of the Wind”, with the song being one of the most catchy and popular out there when it comes to songs in animations. This contributed to its popularity and is a marketing lesson worth learning as it shows the power a catchy phrase can have in making a marketing campaign successful.

Offering your audience value

Pocahontas, as evident in discussions over at, is more than just entertainment as it also offers viewers great lessons on history, while offering many life lessons. The same should apply for marketing where you should look to offer your audience value and offer them more than they expect, going above and beyond for them when it comes to content.

We should enable our audience to experience more

Finally, just like Pocahontas was able to teach John Smith to see colors in the wind and hear voices in the mountains, we should also open up our audience to new ideas and content, allowing them to experience more through the technology available out there. This is a valuable marketing lesson we can learn from Pocahontas.

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