30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Lion King
30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Lion King
While the Lion King remake, released in 2019, was one of the most successful movies last year, as explained over at runrex.com, and was an excellent watch, it also taught us several lessons, including some marketing lessons, something this article is going to try and focus on by highlighting 30 marketing lessons we can learn from Lion King.
Importance of goals in marketing
Just like Simba had a goal to become king once he had discovered his destiny, the marketing lesson Lion King teaches us, according to the gurus over at runrex.com, is the importance of having goals in marketing. Set your marketing goals and work hard to achieve them.
The importance of mentors
Another marketing lesson Lion King teaches us is the importance of mentors, as can be seen in how Rafiki mentors Simba, helping him rediscover who he is and is who he is meant to be. In marketing, you should look for folks who are more experienced and more knowledgeable than you and ask them to mentor you.
The importance of perseverance
Just like Simba, you will fail and land on hard times when it comes to your marketing campaigns. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of persevering and making sure you keep going, as discussed over at runrex.com.
Failure is to be expected
While perseverance is key, it is also important that you know that failure is a part of marketing and that things won’t always run smoothly. This is a marketing lesson that we can learn from Lion King.
The importance of teamwork
Just like Simba surrounded himself with Rafiki, Timon, Pumba, and the rest, you should also recognize the importance of teamwork when it comes to marketing. This is another marketing lesson that we can learn from Lion King as per the gurus over at runrex.com.
The value of refreshing existing work
In marketing, repurposing content and refreshing existing work are a powerful tool as they help maximize the potential of what one already has since you get even more out of already existing content. This is a marketing lesson we can learn from Lion King, given the success of the remake.
The power of nostalgia
There is no doubt that one of the reasons why the remake of Lion King was so successful is because of the nostalgia and the childhood memories it triggered. This is a marketing lesson worth learning as it shows how powerful nostalgia can be when used properly in marketing campaigns.
Influencer marketing
The success involving megastars such as Beyoncé in the remake of Lion King can be equated to influencer marketing and is a marketing lesson worth learning. Some say influencer marketing is dead, but this couldn’t be further from the truth, and if you can leverage it properly, there is a great success to be had.
The importance of social media
Disney made excellent use of social media platforms to popularize the remake of Lion King, as discussed over at runrex.com, even releasing their ow emojis. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of social media when it comes to marketing in the current era.
The importance of tracking results as far as your marketing campaigns go
Disney tracked the success of the original Lion King release, noting its popularity in terms of viewership and the number of awards won and decided it was ripe for a live-action remake. The marketing lesson this shows is the importance of tracking results. This will tell you which campaigns are doing well and which need to be optimized for better results.
Content is king
There can be no denying that the Lion King remake is a masterpiece. As covered over at runrex.com, the animation is top-drawer, and so is the music and casting of voice actors. The storyline remains as compelling now as it was in the original. The marketing lesson we can learn here is a pretty simple one, having compelling content is important if your campaigns are to be successful.
Strategic distribution of content is just as important
The story of how Mufasa died, and how news spread quickly that both he and Simba had died, leading to Scar inheriting the throne is one that shows us that while content is important, distributing the content in the right channels so that it reaches the right people as just as important.
Let the success of others inspire you and don’t let it turn into envy
There can be no denying that Scar was intelligent, but his unchecked envy led to his eventual downfall as explained over at runrex.com. The marketing lesson we can take here is, we should let the success of others inspire us rather than letting it turn into envy.
Take responsibility for failure
When you suffer failure as far as your marketing campaigns are concerned, don’t shift blame like Scar who blamed his team, the Hyenas, rather, take responsibility and find out how you can improve to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.
Sometimes, you may need to take a bit and reflect
One of the reasons why Simba came back stronger, as discussed over at runrex.com, was because he took some time away from Pride Rock, to reflect and forgive himself for what happened to his father. The marketing lesson we can take from this is that sometimes you may need to take a bit, step back, and reflect on your marketing campaigns to find solutions to the issues that may be plaguing them.
Face your issues head-on
Simba had to eventually face his past and his fears, to forgive himself and return to challenge Scar for the throne. The same applies to your marketing campaigns, where you will need to face your challenges straight on if you are to move forward and prosper.
Identify your crowd
Just like Simba had to identify who his true friends are, as covered over at runrex.com, you will also have to identify your target audience and make sure you cater to them if your marketing campaigns are to succeed.
Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone
Simba stepped away from the comfort of the pride and into the unknown and was better for it. The marketing lesson we can learn from this is the importance of trying out new things in your campaigns. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
Choose your fights carefully
In Lion King, Simba discovers early on that his baby roar is no match for the hyenas, as is explained over at runrex.com. The lesson we can learn from this is the importance of choosing your battles carefully. Only take up challenges you are sure of winning.
The power of a catchy phrase
When you think of Lion King, one of the first things that come to mind is the phrase, “Hakuna Matata”. The marketing lesson we can take from this is just how powerful a catchy phrase can be. If you can find one, it could benefit your marketing efforts massively.
The power of creating an emotional bond with your audience
Lion King is such a compelling watch because we find ourselves attached to the characters, either backing them in the case of Simba or being against them in the case of Scar. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of creating an emotional bond with your audience. As per the gurus over at runrex.com, try and make your audience feel emotionally attached to your brand through your marketing campaigns.
Keep an open mind when it comes to your audience
It is safe to say that Simba never expected to be friends with a warthog. The same is true for marketing, where you never know the audience your brand will resonate with. When it comes to your audience, keep an open mind, and don’t restrict yourself.
Make sure you are listening to the right people
When it comes to marketing, nowadays everyone has an opinion on what works and what doesn’t. Just make sure you are listening to the right people and don’t fall into the trap Simba fell into when he listened to Scar.
The importance of long-term relationships
What we can learn from the interactions of Simba and Nala is that, when relationships are built properly with your audience, they will always remember you no matter the amount of time that passes. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of focusing on long-term relationships when it comes to marketing.
Nothing is given
What we learned from Simba’s journey to being king is that nothing is given, and everything has to be earned. As the gurus over at runrex.com will tell you, the same is true for marketing, where you will have to earn your success and nothing will be given to you given how competitive it is today.
When you are on top, you will always have people coming for you
Like Simba learned the hard way, when you are on top, there will always be people coveting your positing and coming for you. This also applies in marketing where competitors will always be looking to usurp you and you will have to work to stay ahead.
Constant growth is key
When watching Lion King, we get to see Simba go from cub to lion, which is a strong marketing lesson worth learning. In marketing, you should aim for continuous and constant growth, always looking to improve and get the best out of your campaigns, according to the gurus over at runrex.com.
Know your audience
There is no doubt that Disney knows its audience, given that their productions seem to follow a set template. As seen in Lion King, there is a character in distress, a character who saves the day, a character who is the villain, catchy songs, and a happy ending. They know what their audience wants and they always deliver. In marketing, you should also know your audience and what they want, and always make sure you give it to them.
Capitalize on success
Disney looked at which original films had been the most successful and knew that if they released remakes, they will most likely be successful too, as seen in the success of the Lion King remake. The marketing lesson we can learn from this is that we should always look to capitalize on success, looking at past campaigns and what was successful and how to improve and capitalize on the same, as explained over at runrex.com.
Recognize the potential in others
Timon and Pumba meet Simba when he is at an all-time low, but recognize that he has the potential to be king. The same is true for marketing where you should be quick to recognize the potential when it comes to the audience as you never know where your success will come from.
The above are some of the marketing lessons we can take from Lion King, with more on this to be found over at runrex.com.