30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Lilo & Stitch
30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Lilo & Stitch
Lilo & Stitch is one of the most popular movies ever released by Disney, and on top of the cuteness of the friendship between Lilo and Stitch, the animation has several great lessons it teaches, including marketing lessons. With the help of the marketing experts over at runrex.com, this article will look to highlight 30 marketing lessons we can learn from Lilo & Stitch.
Offer your audience something different
Lilo & Stitch is unlike what you would expect from a Disney movie. As discussed over at runrex.com, it doesn’t have a princess nor does it subscribe to the normal Disney formula. This uniqueness is what made Lilo & Stitch so popular as it was different from anything else offered by Disney. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the power of offering your audience something different from what is available out there.
Try and keep up with your competitors
Lilo & Stitch came at the right time for Disney, as it was coming under serious pressure from Pixar and DreamWorks who had moved to make the Disney formula appear outdated. With Lilo & Stitch, Disney was able to wrestle back control, while still retaining their identity with some usual Disney tropes. The marketing lesson we can learn here is that we should always be aware of what our competitors are doing and make sure we are always a step ahead.
Don’t be afraid to be different
Stitch is an alien and is different, but embraces this, as is discussed over at runrex.com. The marketing lesson we can take from this is that when it comes to marketing, don’t be afraid to position yourself as being different from the pack. This will increase the chances of your campaigns being successful.
Have goals
The various characters in Lilo & Stitch had goals they were working towards; for example, Nani knew she had to provide for Lilo and make sure she wasn’t taken from her by child services. This is just as important when it comes to marketing, as you need to have set goals, to give you something to work towards and to aim for.
Hard work is the foundation of success
Nani worked hard, as discussed over at runrex.com, and this paid out for her, both emotionally and financially. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of hard work if you are to be successful with your marketing campaigns.
Treat your customers like family
Lilo & Stitch is all about family and the notion that no family member should ever be left behind. This is something we can apply to our marketing endeavors, making sure that you treat your customers like family and you make them feel valued. This will foster loyalty and will benefit your marketing efforts as your customers are likely to refer you to others.
Compelling content
Lilo & Stitch knocked it out of the park when you consider the unique storyline and characters, as well as the excellent animation and music, as covered over at runrex.com. This contributed to its popularity and is another marketing lesson worth learning as it shows that if you have compelling content to offer your audience, your marketing campaigns will benefit greatly.
The power of perception
Given the negative expectations placed on him, people expect the worst from stitch and they are surprised when he saves Lilo. This just shows the power perception has, and if your marketing efforts are to bear fruit, you should try and make sure you don’t have negative perception among your audience. Work with the PR department to make sure you have a good reputation.
Things won’t always run smoothly
The lives of the characters in Lilo & Stitch are full of obstacles and challenges which adds to the charm of the movie. This is also true when it comes to marketing where it is important to note that things will not always run smoothly, which is an important marketing lesson we can learn here.
Patience is key
Just like the characters in Lilo & Stitch, particularly Nani, had to wait and be patient to see success, so will you have to be patient to see the fruits of your marketing efforts. Success doesn’t happen overnight when it comes to marketing, and, therefore, patience is key.
Embrace new technology and trends
You should also be like Lilo, who rather than fearing and shunning Stitch, embraced him and took him in. Stitch represents new technology and trends in marketing, and the lesson this teaches us, according to the gurus over at runrex.com, is the importance of embracing new technology and trends as the benefits are usually significant, just like Stitch saved Lilo’s life.
Always be open to new possibilities
Other than embracing new technology, another marketing lesson that we can learn from Lilo & Stitch is the importance of being open to new possibilities. Don’t be afraid to innovate and try out new ideas as the rewards are usually bigger.
Learn from your experiences
Lilo is growing, and along the way she learns lessons from her experiences which stand her in good stead, making her a better person for it. When it comes to marketing, as the experts over at runrex.com will tell you, you must learn from your experiences and from past failures, to become a better and get better results in the future.
Surround yourself with the right people
Lilo has got an excellent support system around her, from Stitch to Nani, which makes her stronger and enables her to get through the challenges she faces. This should also be the case when it comes to marketing where you should try as much as possible to surround yourself with the right people, such as the gurus over at runrex.com.
Create a connection with your audience
The characters in Lilo and Stitch are extremely relatable, which served to create an emotional connection between the animation and the viewers, contributing to its popularity. As far as marketing is concerned, you should also try as much as possible to create an emotional connection between your campaigns and your audience, as this will give you the success that you are looking for.
Marketing is all about getting the balance right
From Nani’s experiences, where she is struggling to balance between taking care of Lilo and her job, we can learn the importance of getting the balance right when it comes to marketing. You will probably be dealing with other aspects of your business, and it is, therefore, important to get the balance right if your marketing efforts are to bear fruit, just like Nani did.
The movie also offers a great variety when it comes to the characters, and you are likely to find at least one character you can relate to. According to the folks over at runrex.com, this is also important as far as marketing is concerned, particularly content marketing, where you should try to provide your audience with variety and make sure there is something for everyone.
User experience is just as important as the content
Disney does a great job of bringing out the colors, terrain, and nature of Kauai, making us feel like we are part of the movie, which also contributed to Lilo & Stitch’s popularity. When it comes to marketing, this shows that user experience is just as important as your content as poor user experience will reduce the effectiveness of your marketing, even if you have compelling content.
Determination and perseverance are key
Lilo is determined to make it work with Stitch and help turn him from an evil experiment to a loving member of the family, and in the end, she succeeds. You will need these qualities if you are to be successful in marketing, which is another marketing lesson we can learn from Lilo & Stitch.
You will have to take action to get results
Even though Lilo has so much trust and belief in Stitch and his potential for good, Stitch still has to take action to prove Lilo right, and those who doubted him wrong. The marketing lesson we can learn here is that, at the end of the day, you will have to take action to get the results you are looking for.
The power of a catchphrases
When Lilo & Stitch is mentioned, one of the things that come to mind is the phrase, “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten”. It is a phrase that has defined the movie and helped make it popular, as covered over at runrex.com. This is also true when it comes to marketing where a catchy phrase could transform your campaign and give you the results you crave.
The movie goes to length to make sure we understand where Stitch comes from and how he came to be. In the same token, you should go out of your way to make sure your audience has all the information they need on your brand; something that will boost your marketing campaigns.
Put your audience first
Nani puts her sister first and doesn’t at any time appear to be prioritizing herself, even turning down the chance for love. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of putting your audience first and making sure that your decisions are taken with their needs in mind, as per the gurus over at runrex.com.
Open your audience up to new experiences
If it wasn’t for Lilo, Nani and David would never have had the chance to experience Stitch; because she took a chance on him, she opened up those around her to new experiences. The marketing lesson we can take from this is that we should always try and open our audience to new experiences, which will benefit our marketing efforts no doubt.
Be aware of the needs of your audience
Disney was aware that its audience was craving a movie like Lilo & Stitch and went on to deliver, as discussed over at runrex.com. In the same token, you should always be aware of the changing needs of your audience, and make sure you meet their needs if your marketing efforts are to succeed.
What worked in the past may not necessarily work in the present or future
Given that Disney had to abandon its tried and tested formula to make Lilo & Stitch, and the success it got by so doing, it shows us that we should be aware that want worked in the past may not necessarily work in the present or future. Don’t be afraid to innovate when it comes to marketing.
You don’t have to rip up the winning formula
While Lilo & Stitch wasn’t your typical Disney animation, it still contained enough of the traditional Disney tropes to leverage the benefits that are there to be had for a Disney movie. This shoes that you don’t have to rip up the winning formula, but can make incremental changes to it for better results, a marketing lesson worth learning according to the folks over at runrex.com.
Keep up with new trends
When Lilo & Stitch came out, the trend that was on the up was that of science fiction movies. Disney was able to keep up with this trend by incorporating some elements of science fiction to the usual Disney template by introducing Stitch, an alien, as a character. As far as marketing is concerned, if you are to be successful and to avoid being left behind, you will need to keep up with new trends, particularly since this is a field that is always changing.
Make the best out of a bad hand
Stitch is the created as the most dangerous creature in his world and has to turn this around, Lilo and Nani are orphans, and also have to make the best out of the hand they have been dealt. The marketing lesson here is the importance of always trying to make the best out of a bad situation. If results are not what you want, try and take positives from the situation as per the gurus over at runrex.com.
Repackaging content
With news that Lilo & Stitch is set for a live-action remake, the marketing lesson we can learn here is the power of repackaging content. If you have content that was popular and did well, then rather than discarding it, you should try and have it repackaged and improved so that you can reuse it once more.
These are some of the marketing lessons that we can learn from Lilo & Stitch, with there being more information available on the same over at runrex.com.