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30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Hercules

30 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Hercules

Hercules is one of the most popular and well-known stories out there, and one that taught us a lot of lessons, including marketing lessons. To that end, this article with the help of the marketing experts over at will look to shine a spotlight on 30 marketing lessons we can learn from Hercules.

Develop yourself

Hercules was able to become the hero he became by improving and developing himself, as discussed over at The marketing lesson we can learn from this is the importance of developing your skills if you are to achieve success in marketing.

The important role mentors play

Just like Hercules had to find himself a coach to train and transform him from the lanky lad he initially was to the well-built man he became, you should also try and find someone to mentor you so that you can become better at marketing, particularly if you are new to it.

Nothing comes easy

Despite his natural ability, Hercules still had to work hard to achieve greatness, as covered over at As far as marketing is concerned, the lesson we can learn here is that nothing comes easy, and any success you will achieve in your marketing efforts will be as a result of hard work.

Believe in yourself

From the competition faced and the fact that things don’t always work out as far as marketing is concerned, it is easy to doubt yourself. However, if you are to be successful, you should have total faith in yourself and your ability to get things done.

Get help if you need it

Marketing is not always easy, and you may need help now and then to get the results you are looking for. Just like Hercules needed help sometimes, the marketing lesson we can learn here is that it is okay to seek help if you need it, with the subject matter experts over at being available if you need expert help with your marketing efforts.

The importance of loyalty

Hercules was surrounded by some pretty loyal friends who stuck with him even when he was about to tackle some extremely dangerous missions. When it comes to marketing, you must build loyalty with your audience, and they will stick with you, always ensuring that your marketing campaigns succeed.

Channel your energy and resources properly

Hercules, given his superhuman strength, could have used his power for evil or his selfish ends, but he chose to use his strength for good. In the same token, as the gurus over at will tell you if you are to be successful in marketing, make sure you are channeling your resources, time and energy properly, otherwise you will just be wasting them.

Strategy and planning

Hercules was strong, but he knew that his strength alone won’t always be enough to help him overcome the various challenges he faced, and he would, therefore, always put a plan in place when faced with a challenge. The marketing lesson we can take here is the importance of strategy and planning. Always ensure that you have a plan and strategy in place before embarking on a marketing campaign to be successful.

Creative solutions

Hercules was also pretty creative in the solutions he came up with to overcome the 12 labors he had to experience. The marketing lesson we can learn here is that sometimes you will have to be creative to find solutions to any issues you may encounter along the way.

Don’t always go for the obvious choice

When it comes to marketing, creativity and innovation are key, and to the end, a marketing lesson we can learn from Hercules is that we should not always go for the obvious choice. Try and be innovative and think outside the box, and the results will be more impressive.

Money is not always the measure of success

Initially, Hercules was only looking to get the money from his final 12 labors and go off and live his life, but he discovered there is more to life than just money. The same is true for marketing where, while you always want to keep an eye on the bottom line, other aspects and parameters such as reach are just as important as is discussed over at

Learn to face your issues head-on

Just like Hercules had to confront his internal demon head-on, you will also have to do the same when you encounter issues with your marketing campaigns. Don’t try and cover or ignore issues as this will only lead to more losses. Keep a close eye on the relevant metrics and fix the issues that come up.

The best marketing campaigns are those that don’t appear to be selling to the consumer

The reason why Amphiaraus’ advice was well received by Hercules was that he delivered his points in a quirky style and it didn’t appear like he was lecturing Hercules. This is another marketing lesson we can learn from Hercules, and as the gurus over at will tell you, the best marketing campaigns are those that don’t appear to be selling to the consumer.

The power of storytelling

The role Lolaus plays is Hercules is an important one as he is the one charged with spreading the myth of Hercules wherever they went, which served to both instill fear in their enemies while also inspiring and encouraging their supporters. When it comes to marketing, storytelling is crucial and you must make sure that you are telling a story that will go ahead of your brand and make people want to but your products and services.

Have other people tell your stories

Hercules didn’t blast his own horn, he had others tell the stories of his legend and his victories. This is equivalent to referrals from your customers, as discussed over at One of the best marketing tools is having your customers spread the good news as far as your products and services go through referrals.

A compelling story

While storytelling is important in marketing, you need to have a powerful and compelling story as well, just like Hercules had. A powerful and compelling story is what will attract and keep the attention of your audience, leading to the success of your marketing campaigns.

The role PR plays in marketing

If you have bad PR and a bad reputation, no matter how impressive your marketing efforts, you are unlikely to be successful. Hercules has great PR as a result of the stories of how he helped people and cities, and so should you. Tell people the good you are doing in the community and make sure you have a good reputation for your marketing efforts to bear fruit, something the gurus over at agree with.

Surround yourself with the right people

Hercules also surrounded himself with the right people, like Lolaus, which helped him achieve his goals, and you will have to do the same if you are to be successful in your marketing endeavors. Get the right talent around you and you will succeed.

A hands-on approach is sometimes what is required

Hercules had to get his hands dirty and strangle the Nemean Lion since arrows would bounce off his tough skin. When it comes to marketing, there are times when you have to take a hands-on approach rather than let the marketing team handle things, if you have one, which is a powerful lesson we can learn from Hercules.

Look for positives even when things don’t work out

When Hercules had to kill the Hydra in his 2nd labor, he realized that when he cut one of the hydra’s heads, two more would emerge in its stead, and to overcome this, he got help from Athena and Lolaus, which led to him being disqualified since he had gotten help. However, he still managed to collect the Hydra’s blood and dipped his arrows in it, which came in handy later on. He managed to get small wins even though he couldn’t attain the main win, which is a marketing lesson worth learning.

Speed of action is crucial

During his 3rd labor, as discussed over at, Hercules had to act quickly to both capture Hind and appease Artemis. This shows that creativity and planning go hand-in-hand with the speed of action when it comes to marketing. If you are too slow to take advantage of an opportunity, then it doesn’t matter if you have great creativity or a great strategy and plan.

Get the timing right

Hercules had to trap the Erymanthian Boar and carry it to Eurystheus alive, and to do so, he decided to trap it in thick snow. Therefore, to complete this task, he had to wait for winter to arrive for there to be snow. The marketing lesson we can learn from this is that timing is everything when it comes to marketing, and if you are to be successful, you will need to get the timing right.

Always adapt based on what the situation demands

On a related note to the point above, Hercules also had to adapt, by waiting for winter to complete that particular labor, and it is a marketing lesson worth learning. As per the gurus over at, you should be prepared to adapt to new situations when they arise.

Stay focused on the end-goal

Hercules encountered lots of roadblocks and challenges along the way but he never wavered and remained focused on his end-goal. This should also apply to your marketing campaigns where it is important that you remain focused and that you dent get distracted from your end-goal no matter what obstacles you encounter.

Build on your past experiences

As already mentioned earlier on, and covered over at, after the 2nd labor, Hercules dipped his arrows in the Hydra’s blood, and he used this to accomplish the 6th labor. The 2nd labor was considered a failure, but it helped him accomplish the 6th labor. In marketing, it is also just as important to build on your past experiences and to lean on them when faced with new challenges.

Always be prepared for anything

Just like Hercules had to quickly react when he was attacked by the Amazons after he thought his 9th labor would be an easy one, you should always be prepared for any eventuality when it comes to marketing. Never be caught cold or off guard.

Have patience

Marketing is not a sprint, but it is a marathon, and results will sometimes take time. Just like Hercules had to be patient, completing the 12 labors in 12 years, so will you need to be when it comes to your marketing campaigns, something the gurus over at agree with.

Always deliver what you promise

Hercules always does what he says he will do, and demonstrates tremendous integrity all through his journey. This is another marketing lesson worth learning, given that, when it comes to marketing, you must deliver what you promise to your audience if you are to build loyalty and credibility and hence see your marketing efforts bear fruit.

Take responsibility for failure

Just like Hercules took responsibility for what happened to his family, so should you when things go wrong with your marketing endeavors. According to the experts over at, you should never try to shift responsibility to others when things go wrong.

Be aware of your image and try and change it for the better

Hercules was aware that he was being portrayed as a raging murderer and took action to change that, and in the end, he was viewed as a hero on his way to being a god. When it comes to marketing, always be aware of your image and how your audience views you, and try and take steps to change your image for the better if you are to be successful with your campaigns.

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