25 Tips to Dominate Reddit for Law Firms in Houston Texas
25 Tips to Dominate Reddit for Law Firms in Houston Texas
Reddit, as discussed in detail over at runrex.com, has got lots of subreddits on matters law, which means that it can be an excellent platform to promote your law firm and get more clients when used properly. This article, through the following 25 tips, will look to highlight ways through which law firms in Houston, Texas can dominate on Reddit.
- Participate in subreddits
Reddit has got an endless supply of subreddits covering all manner of topics, including law-related topics. If you are to be successful on Reddit, the experts over at guttulus.com are adamant that you need to find relevant subreddits, those that fit your areas of practice, join, and make sure that you regularly participate in discussions.
- Don’t be salesy
When participating in discussions in the various subreddits, you should avoid engaging with members in a salesy manner if you want to be successful. Focus on meeting people at their pain points, helping them with any issues or questions they have, and providing them with value rather than promoting your law firm.
- Host an AMA
An AMA, also known as an Ask Me Anything forum, is a great way to show your legal expertise to a wide audience and is something you should consider if you want to be successful on Reddit. The beauty of AMAs is that you can host one in any area where your firm has some expertise, helping you get more clients and grow your law firm.
- Take advantage of the Reddit Enhancement Suite
It is also important that you install the Reddit Enhancement Suite for your browser as this addon will make your use of Reddit a lot easier and enjoyable. It will, for example, make it easier for you to switch between accounts in just two clicks, helping you get the best out of your Reddit account.
- Build a reputation
Karma points, as discussed in detail over at runrex.com, are important for any law firm looking to do well on Reddit. Make sure that you gain lots of positive karma points for your account, which will allow you to build your law firm’s reputation on the platform. Gain both positive comment karma and link karma points to position your law firm as an expert in your areas of practice on the platform.
- Delete posts that have been heavily downvoted
You must be through with your interactions on Reddit, making sure that any posts are well-researched and are accurate and helpful to avoid getting downvoted. However, given the damage that this could do to your law firm’s reputation, don’t shy away from deleting posts that have been heavily downvoted for one reason or the other.
- Follow the rules
Reddit as a whole as well as each subreddit has rules governing interactions which you must follow to avoid getting banned or shadow-banned. If you want to make the most of your Reddit account and grow your law firm, make sure that you adhere to all the rules governing interactions and engagements on the platform.
- Keep your information opinion-free
As a law firm on Reddit, you want to focus on helping your audience and providing them with value. To do this, make sure that any information you provide on the platform is not only factual but is also opinion-free as it is not your place to judge one way or the other. Keep your opinions to yourself to avoid offending part of your audience which could do your firm damage.
- Don’t judge
On top of keeping things opinion-free, the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com also recommend that your stick to an “innocent until proven guilty” mentality when engaging with your audience on the platform. Your lawyers should be used to this, so it shouldn’t be too difficult for you. Don’t pass any judgment on anyone on the platform.
- Go beyond your firm’s evergreen content
Yet another tip that will give you and your firm the success you crave and help you dominate on the platform is making sure that you post articles and pieces of information that are beyond your law firm’s evergreen content to ensure that you give your audience as much information and value as possible, building loyalty and trust with them.
- Engage with users
Given that Reddit allows you to reach out to users directly, you should take advantage of this feature to engage with your followers and other users. Reach out and answer any questions one may have, ask them to ask you questions, reply to comments, and so forth, and by so doing, you will build loyalty that will only serve to benefit your law firm.
- Post only on appropriate communities
The content you post and share on Reddit must add to the conversation there for maximum impact. This is why it is crucial that you only post to the most appropriate communities possible, those that are relevant to your areas of practice and law specialty.
- Be careful with criticism
According to discussions on the same over at runrex.com, you must provide constructive criticism if you decide to downvote a submission so that it doesn’t appear like you are downvoting senselessly. However, when doing so, be very careful and tactful as it could backfire on you. However, when done right, this could also help you showcase your thought leadership.
- Be careful when voting up submissions
If you are to build the credibility of your law firm on Reddit, you want to appear in discussions that provide audiences with value. This is why it is important that you only vote up submissions that you think truly contribute to the conversation and add value to maintain your credibility.
- Use easy-to-understand language
While you want to show off your expertise and thought leadership as far as your practice area is concerned, you also want to ensure that people reading your content understand what you are talking about. Therefore, you should avoid using law jargon, and instead use easy-to-understand language, while also making sure that you double-check your posts to remove any grammatical errors.
- Keep it ethical
As a law firm, abiding by the right ethical practices should be front and center of your operations on any platform, including on Reddit. You should, therefore, ensure that you abide by the right ethics, particularly on confidentiality, making sure that you don’t reveal or post any sensitive information on any of your clients when sharing posts on Reddit.
- Avoid personal attacks
Also, remain above the fray and always take the moral high-ground to maintain your professionalism as a law firm according to discussions on the same over at guttulus.com. This means avoiding getting into arguments with other users or attacking them. Ignore the trolls, and instead engage with users who are interested in constructive discussions.
- Don’t use Reddit to drive traffic to your website
If you decide to get on Reddit and use it to promote your law firm, commit to it fully. This means being thorough with your posts and answers and not using Reddit to only drive traffic to your website, as this is the sort of thing that will lead to users calling you out, damaging your prospects on the platform.
- Don’t duplicate posts
Also, avoid duplicating your posts when engaging with users on Reddit. Make sure that every post is unique, and avoid getting lazy and simply copy-pasting posts from one community or subreddit to the next. Put some thought into it and ensure that each post is customized and unique to the users it is aimed at.
- Go beyond your firm’s content
You should also avoid only posting your firm’s content on Reddit, as this is the sort of behavior that is considered to be spam and will hinder the chances of your growing and succeeding on Reddit. Try and post content by other industry experts, including firms that specialize in areas where your firm doesn’t.
- Avoid flooding content
Speaking of spam, the gurus over at runrex.com also point out that you should avoid flooding forums with lots of stories at the same time as this could also be considered as spam and may lead to you getting blocked from posting, which is something you want to avoid at all costs.
- Use Reddit for customer service
Using Reddit to provide your clients with additional customer service is another tip that will help you make the most out of the platform and achieve great success. Use Reddit to provide solutions, address concerns, and answer questions from your clients.
- Take advantage of Reddit paid ads
If you want to dominate on Reddit, then you should also consider running Reddit paid ads, which will help give your law firm even more exposure. Reddit has a very efficient and effective targeting system that will help to effectively target and reach your prospective clients on the platform.
- Leverage visuals
If you want your posts to do well on Reddit, then you should consider breaking the huge chunks of text with visual content such as images, GIFs, infographics, memes, videos, and so forth. This will allow you to inform your audience while also keeping them engaged.
- Don’t forget about analytics
Finally, it is important to stay on top of your Reddit account and your activities with the help of Reddit’s dashboard. This, as covered in detail over at guttulus.com, will help you know if your strategies are working, how effective your content is, and if you need to make any changes to the same. Always be on top of analytics if you are to be successful on Reddit.
Remember, if you are looking for help with your efforts on Reddit as far as your law firm is concerned, then look no further than the excellent runrex.com and guttulus.com, the best agencies in Houston, Texas for such services.