25 Tips to Dominate Quora for Law Firms in Houston Texas
25 Tips to Dominate Quora for Law Firms in Houston Texas
People seek out lawyers for services because they lack the legal information and expertise needed to advocate for themselves, which means that, as a lawyer, you know something that clients need to know, and you also have the expertise to use it. This sort of arrangement is what makes online Q&A platforms such as Quora such a powerful tool for lawyers and law firms according to the gurus over at runrex.com. This is because people flock Quora looking for answers to their questions, providing law firms with an opportunity to connect and help people. This article, through the following 25 tips, will be looking to help law firms in Houston, Texas dominate on Quora and get the results they are looking for.
- Get your name right
If you are to be successful on Quora, then you must build a professional-looking profile for your law firm. This means including your name as it appears on your law firm’s website. According to discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, this is important as it will make it easier for people to find your law firm if they want to search for you later after reading your answers.
- Get your profile picture right
It is also important that you use a clear and professional picture for your profile on Quora as you want to look like someone users on the platform would trust to give them legal advice. You should use a picture of your team, or you can select one of your senior attorneys to be in charge of answering questions on Quora, in which case you should use their picture.
- Don’t forget about the description
Although the field where you are required to add a description for your profile is optional, it is one you should not skip if you want to do well on Quora. Use this space to write an engaging description and expand on the themes of your profile credential.
- Add your profile credential
Your profile credential is what users will see under your name when they check out your profile and will let them know what your area of expertise is. The first thing you should write is ‘Lawyer’ or ‘Attorney’, followed by something about your experience and area of expertise. You should also mention if you have spent any time working in academia here as this will also help boost your credentials.
- Add your employment credential
You should take your employment credential seriously as this is are where you will be able to do some obvious marketing as far as your profile is concerned. Here, as discussed over at runrex.com, list your firm and the position you hold there.
- Add your education credential
Next up you should also not forget about your education credential, which is where you list your educational background. If users can see a title like J.D. here, it will reinforce to them that you are a credible source and an expert in what you do.
- Don’t forget about your location
Your location credential is also very important and is just as important as listing your firm. This is because this is what will allow any potential clients to find you since if they are to do so, they will need to know that you are in their area. Here is where you let them know that you are based in Houston, Texas.
- Remember to add contact information
You also want people to be able to know how to contact you in case they are interested, which is why you should add your contacts to your profile. This includes your phone number, your email address, and so forth to help people reach out to you easily.
- Build your “Knows About” section
As is explained over at guttulus.com, if you mark certain topics as ‘Favorite’ when creating your profile, you will see them in the “Knows About” section after you complete your profile. This is important because when you answer a question that matches a category from your “Knows About” section, Quora’s algorithm will give it a higher rank, which means you will be displayed on top of other answers leading to more upvotes and profile views.
- Search for topics relevant to your location
To get the best out of Quora make sure that you are answering relevant questions. Here, you should take advantage of the search bar at the top of the site to search for topics that are relevant to your location, which will allow you to get your law firm in front of prospective future clients as these are the people who are likely to seek you out if they need legal representation.
- Look for question with the most traffic
You should also identify the types of questions that attract lots of answers and followers as this will let you know what legal information people are looking for. This will, therefore, help you know which questions to answer as well as which topics to write about in your articles and blogs.
- Look for newer questions
If you want your answers to get the most exposure possible, you should avoid questions that have already received hugely popular answers. This is why you should look to answer relatively new questions, and are yet to receive popular answers so that you can make your mark.
- Choose the right credential for every question
As is discussed in detail over at runrex.com, it is important to choose the right credential for every question you are looking to answer. For example, if you are answering a question related to corporate law and your profile mentions your expertise and experience in corporate law, then this is the credential you should select to be displayed next to your name for that particular answer.
- Be careful with your employment credential
When selecting which credential you want to be displayed next to your name when looking to answer a question, be careful about selecting your employment credential as this will usually come off as obvious advertising, which will put off users.
- Ensure that your answers are clear and comprehensive
If you want to dominate on Quora, make sure that your answers are clear, useful, and are delivered in a friendly manner. Ensure that your answers are comprehensive so that people don’t come out needing more information. Be as comprehensive and as detailed as you can with your answers to provide users with the most value.
- Avoid legalese
You should also ensure that you avoid bogging yourself down with legal jargon when answering questions on Quora. Remember, you are writing for a lay audience and you should, therefore, make sure that you use language that any person can understand clearly.
- Avoid legal trouble
As is revealed in discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, while answering questions on Quora, you should avoid providing any explicit legal advice as this could land you in trouble. You should remember that your role is to educate and not to provide specific advice to users.
- Answer questions frequently
It is also important that you frequently answer questions on Quora if you are to make a name for yourself on the platform. Make sure that you frequently provide high-scoring answers to relevant questions and not only will users notice you, but you will also win distinctions from Quora such as ‘Top Writer’ which will be displayed on your profile, helping you to build a reputation as an expert in your areas of practice.
- Pin popular answers
If you are looking for more exposure, you can pin the answer that got the most upvotes and views to your profile. This will also help users to notice you more, and they will be more willing to click on your profile and check out your other answers.
- Make sure you have quality content on your website
If you are sending Quora traffic to your website for more information on an answer you have just provided, make sure that you have high-quality content waiting for them there, content that will solve their problem, and answer any questions they may have. If your site lacks quality, they will bounce immediately, and this will damage your reputation on Quora.
- Also, provide short answers if you can
If the situation calls for something short and sweet, there is no need to drag on your answers. Certain users are skimmers and don’t have time for long-form content. This is why, as explained over at runrex.com, if the situation demands it, don’t be afraid to keep your answers short and sweet.
- Structure your answers based on the stage of the user journey a user is in
Different users on Quora are on different stages as far as the user journey is concerned, and you should consider this when answering questions for the best results. Here, some users are in the ‘Ignorance’ stage which means that they are not even aware they have a certain problem, some are in the ‘Problem-awareness’ stage which means that they suspect that they have a problem but don’t know how to approach it, others are in the ‘Solution-awareness’ stage which means that they know what they need to do to solve their problem, they just need help with the details, while others are in the ‘Product-awareness’ stage which means that they know the specific product or service that they need to solve their problem. Consider which stage a user us before crafting an answer so that you can deliver a relevant and helpful answer.
- Get help from Google
You should also take advantage of Google and search for popular topics and questions in your area of practice, and prioritize answering the Quora questions that appear on the first page of search results. This will ensure that you are answering questions that are popular among your target audience.
- Make lists
You should also take full advantage of Quora’s auto-formatting to organize the information you provide in your answers into lists. This is because Quora’s algorithm ranks answers with lists higher, which means that this is a great way to get more upvotes and exposure for your answers.
- Avoid plain text
Plain text is boring to read, particularly if it is long-form content. To make your answers more engaging, you should use bold, cursive, and underlined text to highlight important points and add some structure to your answers. You should also use images, but be careful when using them. as explained over at guttulus.com, you should only use images that you own or are licensed to use for free and avoid using your law firm’s logo as this will be perceived as a promotional image. Quora also supports embedded videos and GIFs, and as such, you should consider using them in your answers where appropriate.
If after reading this article you are interested in using Quora to promote and drive traffic to your law firm, then the highly-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com have got you covered as they are the best agencies for such services in Houston, Texas.