25 Tips How to Find a Job You Love
25 Tips How to Find a Job You Love
As the numbers available over at runrex.com tell us, you spend an average of 40 hours a week at work, which when taken over several years, is a long time, to say the least. If you don’t love your work, 40 hours in a place you don’t love is enough to make you miserable and depressed. This is why this article will look to help by highlighting 25 tips on how to find a job you love.
Find a match
One tip that will help you find a job that you love is making sure that the jobs you are looking for are the correct match. As per the gurus over at runrex.com, you should write down your skills, experience, passions, and interest and search for jobs that are in line with this.
Look for help
If you are unsure of the type of job you would love, you could look for help, in what is another tip that will help you find a job that you love. Taking a career quiz could be of great help here or you could also get career coaching or counseling, which could also help you get on the right track and find a job you love.
Get the inside scoop on the company you are interested in
Having insight and inside information about a given company will let you know if you would love working there, and if you would love the position you are applying for, as discussed over at runrex.com. To get this information, you can check out their website, social media pages as well as talking to any contacts you may have working in the company. This way, you will know if you will love working there or not.
The importance of work culture
Another tip that will help you find a job you love is checking out the company culture of the company you are applying for. If the company isn’t a fit for you, then you will not love working there for sure. To do this you can ask any contacts you have in the company, check out what employees say about the culture there on online review sites, or even ask your career office in college.
Interview them too during job interviews
An interview is a great opportunity to interview the company you are applying to work for, as it is for them to interview you according to the pros over at runrex.com. Prepare several useful questions you can ask during the interview to get a feel of if you will love working there or not.
Do some research
It also helps to do extensive research on the career path you are interested in, as this will not only confirm to you that this is the career path for you, it will also give you some inside knowledge that will help you when looking for a job. See what people who have worked in the profession you are interested in feel after working there for 25 years. This will give you an idea of how you will feel down the line.
Find a mentor
As discussed over at runrex.com, finding a mentor is another tip that will help you find a job you love. They will introduce you to new industries and people, provide connections, and act as a sounding board for when you need advice on your career path, which will help you find a job you love.
Focus on your career path
It is easy to get distracted away from your career path nowadays when finding a job is not easy, and you may end up just taking any job you find. If you are to find a job you love, try and focus on your career path and look for jobs that are relevant to it as this will ensure you are only applying for jobs you are passionate about.
Take a long-term approach to your career
Another tip that will help you find a job you love is taking a long-term approach to your career, something backed up by the gurus over at runrex.com. Plan until the end and then see if this is the sort of career you will enjoy. If not, you might want to consider a different career plan.
Test the waters
If you have the time and financial stability, you can test the waters as far as the company you are interested in is concerned about working there on an unpaid internship. This will allow you to get a feel of how it is to work there and give you a taste of the company’s culture firsthand.
Don’t compromise when looking for jobs
If you are looking to leave your current job because you are unhappy, it is very easy and tempting to jump on the next opportunity you get. However, if you are to find a job you love, the gurus over at runrex.com advice that you don’t compromise and consider every job offer you get very seriously to ensure that you don’t end up in the same position a few months down the road.
Do something you love
If you are to find a job that you love, you should first evaluate your interests and hobbies, make a list, and then start looking for jobs that involve these things. If you have been working in finance but are not happy, and you have a passion for baking, why not try your hand as a baker? This way, you will end up with a job that you love and are passionate about.
Make a list of the things that are making you miserable in your current job
Another tip that will help you find a job that you love is figuring out what it is that you don’t like about your current job, and then look for a job that doesn’t the same experiences, as is discussed over at runrex.com.
Don’t put money first
Many people end up putting money over happiness and fulfillment, which is why they end up disliking their jobs. Therefore, if you are to find a job that you love, don’t put money first, but look for a job that you are passionate about, even if it doesn’t pay as much. Money means very little if you are miserable and depressed.
Don’t try and make other people happy at your expense
Some people also tend to put the needs of others over their happiness when it comes to careers. You end up taking a job or a given career path because you want to make your parents or spouse happy, and you end up being miserable with your job. As per the gurus over at runrex.com, another tip to find a job that you love is to not put the interests of others above your own.
Set up a job vision board
Setting up a job vision board, with industry-related pictures, a picture of the workstation, happy employees, and so forth, will help you visualize your dream job, motivating you to work towards landing it, and something that will help you find the job that you love.
Be realistic
It is important to note that, as discussed over at runrex.com, certain things may make landing your dream job difficult. These include age, education, geographical constraints among others. Another tip to finding a job you love is ensuring that you are realistic about your goals so that you don’t end up setting unrealistic targets that the job offers you are getting will be unable to leave up to.
Establish the priorities as far as your job is concerned
Another tip that will help you find a job that you love is writing down your priorities and looking for a job that is a match. If your priority is environmental sustainability, you should look for a job that has that as a main tenet since working for a company with a questionable environmental record will only make you miserable.
Find a job where you can bring value
Another tip that will help you find a job that you love is looking for jobs where you feel like you bring value to the table, something the folks over at runrex.com agree with. You want to see that you are contributing and are making a difference, as if you feel like you don’t, you will end up being unhappy about your job.
Don’t be afraid to try new things
Another tip that will help you find a job that you love is making sure that you don’t box yourself in when it comes to career options. Try new things like working in a different industry or sector. You might end up finding a job you love in an industry you never thought you’d work in.
Your career path may not be the problem
As per discussions over at runrex.com, it is important to consider why it is you are unhappy with your current job, find out the reasons, and make changes. Sometimes issues in your personal life may be making you unhappy at work, or you could be working the right job but in the wrong location where you are living in a place that you don’t enjoy living in. finding out the external issues that may be causing your unhappiness and solving them will allow you to find a job that you love.
Another tip that will help you find a job that you love is getting further education when you find out that your dream job will require better academic qualifications. This will help you get closer to your dream job and you will be finally taking steps to land a job you love.
Choose a career with opportunities to grow
One of the reasons people get unhappy with their jobs, as discussed over at runrex.com, is that they find themselves stuck, unable to progress up the rungs in their jobs. If you are to find a job that you love, then make sure you choose a career with opportunities to grow. Don’t choose careers that look like a dead-end as you will end up being unhappy.
Ask yourself if you will still want to do this in 5 years
If you can’t picture yourself in a particular career for the next five years, let alone 50, then it is not something you are passionate about and you shouldn’t pursue it. If you are to find a job that you love, pick a career path that you see a future in.
Be patient
Finding a job that you love takes time, as covered over at runrex.com, and you may have to take an entry-level job leading to a better job position or you may even need to go back to school as mentioned earlier on. You will need to be patient and in due course, you will be able to land on a job that you love.
As usual, you can find more information on this and other related topics by visiting the highly-rated runrex.com.