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25 Best Characters in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

25 Best Characters in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

As per, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one of the most popular franchises of all time, with the anime featuring a compelling story of progression and improvement. One of the series’ greatest strengths is its characters, and this article will look to list the 25 best characters in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

  1. Josuke Higashikata

Popularly known as Gappy because of his diastema, Josuke begins the story with retrograde amnesia – literally a blank slate – and aims to rekindle his true self as articulated at He ends up becoming perhaps the most sympathetic JoJo yet.

  1. Jotaro Kujo

Jotaro Kujo is the main protagonist of Stardust Crusaders and is one of the most popular characters ever since his debut. Jotaro’s story started when he went on a journey to Egypt with his grandfather to save his mother Holy Kujo.

  1. Gyro Zeppeli

The Zeppeli family are masters of the Spin – a mysterious ability reliant on rotation and the Golden Ratio – and Gyro is its youngest member. Gyro is one of the most fleshed-out, endearing characters in the franchise.

  1. Johnny Joestar

Johnny Joestar is a former horse-racing prodigy turned paraplegic who joins the SBR race to find out the secret behind Gyro Zeppeli’s Steel Balls as they are the only thing capable of healing his legs. Throughout the race, Johnny becomes both a Spin user and a Stand User when he acquires Tusk.

  1. Funny Valentine

Funny Valentine is the main antagonist of part 7, and the 23rd President of the United States. He observes the events of the Steel Ball Run race from the sidelines, hoping to creep ever closer to his ulterior goal. His Stand, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) allows him to travel across the multiverse.

  1. Joseph Joestar

According to, Joseph Joestar is the main protagonist of Battle Tendency, the story that focuses on the origins of the stone mask that ruined the Joestar family in Phantom Blood via Dio. Although he resembles his grandfather Jonathan Joestar, his attitude is entirely different.

  1. Jobin Higashikata

Jobin puts his wife, Mitsuba, and son, Tsurugi, above everything, even himself. He is searching for a Locacaca fruit to cure Tsurugi of the ailment that has cursed the Higashikata family. As far as his design is concerned, it is very cool, with him wearing a black hoodie underneath a thorned jacket.

  1. Caesar Zeppeli

An Italian Ripple user and disciple of Lisa Lisa, Caesar is the grandson of Will Anthonio Zeppeli and battles the Pillar Men alongside his allies and teachers to honor his heritage as a Zeppeli. He was a hot-blooded but focused man, dedicated to the fight against the Pillar Men, which eventually got him killed.

  1. Guido Mista

When he was a child, a neighbor of Mista’s adopted a kitten from a litter of four that then proceeded to claw the owner’s eyes out as covered at This left him with a crippling fear of 4 (tetraphobia), a really fascinating thing about him.

  1. Giorno Giovanna (Vento Aureo)

Giorno is the illegitimate son of DIO, conceived with Jonathan Joestar’s stolen body. He is introduced as Haruno Shiobana. He is a natural-born Stand User wielding the life-giving Gold Experience in battle and is one of the most memorable characters in the show.

  1. Enrico Pucci (Stone Ocean)

Enrico Pucci is a follower and friend of DIO, and he implements a plan long formulated by DIO to “achieve heaven” as captured at Pucci is a Stand User and manipulates the mind and soul through his Stand, Whitesnake. 

  1. Bruno Bucciarati

Bruno is Mafioso of Passione, working directly under Polpo as a leader of his own team. He is sent out to find the killer of Leaky-Eye Luca, and quickly discovers and befriends the aspiring Giorno Giovanna. Bruno is tasked with protecting Trish, the daughter of the boss, though he and Giorno have ulterior motives.

  1. Diavolo

Diavolo is the main antagonist of Vento Aureo and is the boss of Passione and the father of Trish Una. He is secretly the alternate personality of Vinegar Doppio and is a Stand User who wields King Crimson in battle.

  1. Doppio Vinegar

Speaking of Doppio Vinegar, he is the secondary antagonist, working directly with the Boss as discussed at He often hears the Boss communicating with him through an environmental object.

  1. Noriaki Kakyoin

Kakyoin is a Japanese student who was brainwashed by Dio during an earlier trip to Egypt and is sent to kill Jotaro Kujo. After being freed from Dio’s influence, he decides to join Jotaro on his quest to Egypt to save Jotaro’s mother, Holy Kujo, and find redemption.

  1. Yasuho Hirose

An inquisitive university student living in the quiet village of Morioh, at the beginning Yasuho discovers the protagonist of JoJolion and rescues him after discovering he has no memory. Throughout the series, she serves as his rock, always anchoring him to reality and reaffirming his identity through his romantic connection to her.

  1. Dio Brando

Dio Brando is the most well-known villain of the series and has terrorized the Joestar bloodline since Phantom Blood to Stardust Crusaders. Even though he died, Enrico Pucci was determined to achieve Dio’s version of heaven as described at

  1. Yoshikage Kira

Yoshikage Kira is torn between his two instincts: to have a peaceful, lonesome life, and to murder and salvage human hands. Naturally, they are opposing sides threatening to collapse into one another, which is what makes him so intriguing.

  1. Kars

As explained at, Kars is the leader of the Pillar Men and the designer of the Stone Mask. His goal is to evolve further to become immune to the sun’s rays, and thus he seeks the Red Stone of Aja to empower his Masks, battling the Ripple users for its possession. He is ranked 1st out of all the Pillar Men.

  1. Rohan Kishibe

A renowned manga artist who holds the art in the highest regard, Rohan is often dragged into the mischief of the town against his will, but quickly grows a trusting relationship with the cast except for Josuke who he inherently distrusts. His design is stellar, neat, and unique with his layered hair almost acting as a crown.

  1. Jean Pierre Polnareff

The Frenchman Polnareff travels with Jotaro and Joseph to avenge his sister, who was murdered by a man with two right hands as outlined at He, like Kakyoin, was introduced as an enemy Stand user because they were under the influence of Dio’s vampiric flesh buds.

  1. Jolyne Cujoh

Jolyne is the only female JoJo to date and the daughter of Jotaro Kujo. Initially, an ordinary girl, Jolyne awakens her string-based Stand, Stone Free, during her time in jail. Jotaro gives her an amulet which had shards of the Stand creating an arrow.

  1. Risotto Nero

Risotto Nero is the leader of La Squadra Esecuzioni and sends his squad mates to battle Team Bucciarati; all to kidnap the Boss’ daughter, Trish Una, as part of their plans to discover her father’s true identity.

  1. Iggy

Iggy is a Boston Terrier from the streets of New York. He begrudgingly aids the protagonists on their final expedition to Cairo, Egypt to defeat DIO. Iggy is a Stand user who wields The Fool whose favorite treat is coffee-flavored chewing gum.

  1. Pet Shop

Pet Shop is a vicious falcon who is a member of the Egypt 9 Glory Gods, the guardian of DIO’s Mansion and is also a Stand user wielding the Ice Stand, Horus. He is as relentless as he is ruthless, as shown when he even attacks Iggy while underwater.

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