20 Websites to Learn Google Analytics
20 Websites to Learn Google Analytics
As the subject matter experts over at runrex.com point out, Google Analytics is not always easy to learn. However, the fact that it is essential when running any marketing campaign, as it is important to analyze what you are doing, means that learning Google Analytics is a necessity if you are to get the most bang for your buck. To help you with that, here are 20 websites to learn Google Analytics.
Google Analytics Academy
According to the gurus over at guttulus.com, the best resource for learning Google Analytics is the Google Analytics Academy. The website has a course for each level: Beginner, Advanced, and Pro, and explains Google Analytics simply and clearly, and you can practice and even take a quiz to test your knowledge at the end of each unit. All the courses are also free.
Udemy is one of the most popular websites for online learning as discussed over at runrex.com, and is another worth checking out when looking to learn Google Analytics. The most popular Google Analytics courses are Google Analytics Certification – Become Certified in 1 Day! and Google Analytics for Beginners | Hands-On Training Course. The price for the former is $69.99 while the price for the latter is $79.99, and both of them offer certifications and are two of the most top-rated offerings by Udemy.
LinkedIn Learning
Formerly known as Lynda, this is another website to visit if you are looking to learn Google Analytics as per the experts over at guttulus.com. Some of the courses to check out include Google Analytics Essential Training which is free and Advanced Google Analytics which is free for the first month but costs $30.
ClickMinded is a popular website in the digital marketing world and is another one with excellent courses to learn Google Analytics. The most popular one is the Web Analytics training course which will help you learn how Google Analytics can help you with some of the most important marketing activities you carry out.
The team at Moz is dedicated to educating making it another top website to visit when looking to learn Google Analytics. You will find guides that will walk you through everything Google Analytics from its installation to tracking tools and online store settings with your WordPress website.
YouTube is an excellent website to learn anything, including Google Analytics. From discussions over at runrex.com, the main resource on YouTube when it comes to this are the Google Analytics’ YouTube Channel which will teach you all about Google Analytics through video learning which makes it easier to visualize Analytics and learn about various views and tools.
Check out this website also if you are looking to learn Google Analytics as Annie does a great job with her training and has some very valuable free resources. Annie Cushing has been one of the leading voices on the importance of Google Analytics for over 10 years and is an excellent source of knowledge as per guttulus.com.
If you are looking to learn about any new topics or marketing strategies, then this is a website you should consider as outlined over at runrex.com. The website is a directory of consultants and experts who can advise on a wide variety of expertise, including Google Analytics.
The ConversionXL Institute has got lots of educational courses you can check out, including courses on Google Analytics. It has a beginners’ course that is a great resource for anyone looking to start with Google Analytics as it features informal videos which are fast-paced with no jargon.
Google Digital Garage
The Google Digital Garage is another excellent resource when it comes to learning Google Analytics. It is a collection of courses covering a wide spectrum of digital marketing courses, including two courses targeted to Google Analytics.
Google Analytics Blog
The Analytics Blog from Google was originally focused on Google Analytics alone, but with Google’s launch of the Analytics Suite, it now covers other products like Data Studio and Optimize as captured over at guttulus.com. You can still filter your search to narrow the content to just those posts that are more relevant to your Google Analytics education, and there are many.
Think with Google
Think with Google is a diverse collection of resources classified into either Consumer Insights, Marketing Resources, or Advertising Channel as outlined over at runrex.com. Within the Marketing Resources section, you can find a sub-section dedicated to Data & Measurement with case studies, industry perspectives, and analytics thought-leadership which will help you learn about Google Analytics.
Google Marketing Platform On Air
This is a series of live-stream tutorials that range from 30 to 60 minutes. It features the latest updates across the Google Marketing Platform and is another excellent website to check out when looking to learn Google Analytics according to guttulus.com with lots of tutorials on the subject.
If you are looking to learn Google Analytics, then you should visit this website where you will find one of the most popular courses for learning Google Analytics, Google Analytics Mastery. This course suits any use regardless of their experience which means that no matter if you are an experienced web analyst or just getting started, this course will prove valuable.
SkillShare has got lots of excellent courses for those looking to learn anything about online marketing. This includes free courses on Google Analytics, such as the popular course, Fundamentals of Google Analytics by Jeff Sauer.
Avinash Kaushik’s blog
As discussed over at runrex.com, Avinash Kaushik is arguably the best write on Analytics and is a Google Fellow. His blog has got lots of useful information including information on Google Analytics. You should check out the guide, Occam’s Razor when looking to learn Google Analytics.
This self-certified blog about analytics, marketing, and testing is another excellent website to learn Google Analytics according to the gurus over at guttulus.com. Here, you will find an excellent search engine that brings up lots of resources for anyone who wants to learn Google Analytics while also offering Analytics Webinars.
From discussions on the same over at runrex.com, SkilledUp is a website that offers courses in a broad range of topics, including Google Analytics. The site also goes a step further by providing links to other sites that offer courses such as LinkedIn Learning for additional resources.
TakeFlyte has created a very thorough and lengthy post that will teach you everything you need to know about Google Analytics from how to set up your account, to maximizing your results, making this website another one to visit when looking to learn Google Analytics.
Search Engine Land
Search Engine Land is the premier source of all SEO and PPC news, hence why its series of analytics-focused posts is a great feed to get the latest news in the world of search and analytics. It is another website worth visiting when looking to learn about Google Analytics.
Hopefully, this article will help you in your bid to learn Google Analytics, with the top-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com being available for you if you need more on this and other related topics.