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20 Ways to Make Money on Pinterest Online

20 Ways to Make Money on Pinterest Online

If you have been on Pinterest for years and have been wondering if your pins can translate to cash, then you will find that there are several ways that pinning can make you money as outlined at Here are some of the ways through which you can make money on Pinterest online.

Start a blog

According to, blogging has the highest earning potential of all the potential ways to help you make money on Pinterest. When a Pinterest user searches for something that matches your blog post, they will be able to see your Pin, click on it, and ultimately see your ads or buy products from you, allowing you to make money.

How to make money with a blog on Pinterest

Here is a quick rundown on how making money with a blog on Pinterest works

Choose a blogging niche (food, finance, fashion, personal, etc.)

Create content and post it on your blog, and monetize it with ads, affiliate products, or even sponsored placements

Create a Pinterest account

Create a Pin (an interesting image that shows what your blog is about)

Post the image on Pinterest

Become a Pinterest virtual assistant

Pinterest virtual assistants (VAs) help bloggers, social media influencers, and online business owners optimize their Pinterest accounts, which includes things like creating pins, using Tailwind for scheduling, automating the pinning process, doing keyword research, etc. as outlined at You can make around $500 monthly as a Pinterest VA.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you partner with companies to promote products and/or services. The company gives you a unique link that you insert in your posts or pins, and when someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, you are paid a commission. Affiliate marketing is another legit way to make money on Pinterest. You can find affiliates through networks like ShareASale, FlexOffers, and many others, and once you have affiliates to work with, you create pins with affiliate links in the text.

Important things to know about affiliate marketing on Pinterest

Here are a few important things to know about affiliate marketing on Pinterest:

Some companies don’t let you post their affiliate links on Pinterest, therefore, always check with the company’s affiliate manager and read the rules of your contract

Some companies will not allow you to take images from their sites to be used when creating pins, even if you are an affiliate, with Amazon being an example

When posting affiliate links, Pinterest doesn’t want you to mask or shorten the affiliate link to be as transparent as possible

You always need to disclose your affiliate relationship. This is required by the FTC. The easiest way to do this is by putting #affiliate or #affiliatelink in your pin

Don’t depend solely on affiliate marketing

As covered at, Pinterest has changed its stance on affiliate marketing several times already. It allowed it in the beginning, banned it in 2015, and now it has allowed it again. Therefore, a change in Pinterest’s policy could be devastating to an affiliate marketer who was making money on Pinterest alone, which is why you should diversify your streams of income.

Use Pinterest to drive traffic to your eCommerce site

If you have an eCommerce site, whether it is through Shopify or Etsy, you can drive traffic to your site and make money with Pinterest. Here, you will not be making money directly with Pinterest but will be leveraging Pinterest’s powerful search engine.

Leverage Promoted Pins

On a related note to the previous point, Promoted Pins are huge assets to eCommerce owners who want to learn how to make money on Pinterest. They are Pinterest’s version of Facebook ads. They look like normal pins, but they are actually ads. As is explained at, they can drive even more traffic to your eCommerce site, helping you make more money.

Gain a skill from Pinterest and monetize it

You can also think of Pinterest as being a huge learning library as you can put in the most random stuff and find someone somewhere has pinned something about it. You can learn how to decorate cakes, build furniture, and so much more. There are so many different things you can learn how to do on Pinterest, a lot of which are marketable skills, which is another way to make money on Pinterest.

Curate a shared board with a brand

For pinners with a decent-sized following, curating a shared board with a brand is a great way to make money with Pinterest. Curating a shared board with a brand means you work with the company and they pay you, usually, a flat fee, to create a board for them on Pinterest. Not only do you get paid, but you end up gaining some followers and views from people who are looking at companies that align with your personal brand and niche.

Do a joint promotion with a brand

As per, a joint promotion is when a pinner works directly with a brand to create pins that promote the company’s products. It can be product placement things like, “10 ways to repurpose Pepsi cans” or “5 amazing Airbnb vacations”.

How to make money on Pinterest through a joint promotion

To make money on Pinterest through a joint promotion, you will need a successful account and be able to create amazing pins, which would include:

The concept of the pin


Brand placement

Design of pin

If you are looking for brands to work with, Pinterest recommends checking out the Pin Collective.

Help people shop your look

Shop the Look pins, as covered at, are an extremely popular way for pinners to earn money by promoting products they are literally wearing or using. As long as your account is set up as a business account, you can create these pins. For items you have tagged in your pins, someone can click on that little blue dot, see the item, make a purchase, and you earn a commission.

Teach people your Pinterest strategy

If you have gotten really good at Pinterest and the ideas mentioned in this article, the next step is to make money on Pinterest by leveraging your Pinterest knowledge. If you managed to find several brands to work with, other pinners will want to know how, for example. You can monetize your Pinterest knowledge with courses, eBooks, coaching, etc.

Become a Pinterest influencer

An influencer on Pinterest is someone who has plenty of followers and, more importantly, engages with his/her followers. Brands are likely to pay them to promote products and services, which is another route to making bank on Pinterest.

Tips for making money on Pinterest

Now that you know how to make money on Pinterest, it is important to stay on top of growing your Pinterest audience, and the following tips will help you achieve this:

Create eye-catching pins

Pinterest is a visual tool, and your pins need to stand out according to Additionally, if you are trying to make money on Pinterest, then they also need to look professional. You can leverage Canva, which is a great free tool for creating digital images for Pinterest.

Know how to describe your pins

Pinterest is a search engine just like Google, which means you want to describe your pins using searchable keywords. Start by looking at the pins that pop up at the top of your feed, and see what you can learn from them. You will find out that you need to ensure your descriptions are simple and to the point. Also, conduct some keyword research and include keywords in your descriptions. Using hashtags is also really useful for searching things so don’t forget to add those too.

Interact with other pinners

Pin other people’s pins, click their follow links, etc. Pinterest may be a search engine, but it is also a social media platform as covered at, which means that interacting with other pinners will grow your audience and help you make more money.

Make sure you have a business account

If you want to learn how to make money on Pinterest, you need a business account. This is a must if you want to reach out to any brands for partnerships, affiliate links, and so forth. Business accounts are free and give you access to analytics, among other things.

Use Tailwind to schedule pins

Last, but not least, Tailwind is a marketing app that was created just for Pinterest and Instagram. while this tool can help you with analytics and promoting pins, one of the things it does extremely well is helping you create a pinning schedule.

As always, if you are looking for more on this topic, including more tips on how to make money on Pinterest, then look no further than the top-rated

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