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20 Types of Content That Work Best for SEO

20 Types of Content That Work Best for SEO

When it comes to SEO and digital marketing, content makes the world go round according to Without good content, your website can’t rank in search engines at all. Therefore, you must carefully consider what goes onto your website, and make sure that you have well-written and well-structured quality content. Here is a list of 20 types of content that work best for SEO.

Blog posts

As the subject matter experts over at point out, blogging is one of the simplest ways to create a regular stream of effective SEO content. Blog posts are more likely to attract external links than product pages, and, therefore, are a great way to build authority for your website and can be a great platform for any of the other types of content discussed in this article.


Everybody loves lists, whether they are in the form of a magazine article or a blog post. They are a kind of informative article broken down into a list. Lists are extremely popular and work extremely well for SEO since they are easy to read and get the point across efficiently.

Product pages

From discussions on the same over at, product pages are essential for all retail e-commerce sites. Ensuring your product page is SEO friendly is crucial for getting people to find your product and services, while it can also act as a PPC landing page.


Guides are generally longer pieces of content explaining in greater detail how to do something, just as their name suggests. They require more work and will usually need to be broken down into several small bite-sized chunks with efficient navigation between them. While they may seem like you are giving the game away, they are excellent at attracting visitors to the site.


You want to use slideshows to display a series of related images. Many internet users tend to skim through websites, spending little time reading lengthy articles, which makes slideshows a good way to capture their attention.


As is articulated over at, these are images that contain a lot of data in an easy-to-read way. They are very popular and get a lot of shares since they are very informative while still being engaging and easy to consume.  However, since the content is embedded on the image, it isn’t readable as text by search engines, which is why you must ensure that it is labeled correctly and that the rest of the page on which it sits is optimized correctly as well.


Nowadays, many people use Google to look up words and terms as opposed to getting a dictionary and flipping through its pages for definitions. Specialized industry terms are particularly good, as when people are searching for niche products or services within your industry, they are likely to come across your site.


Directories provide links to other sites or resources about a given topic as is captured in discussions on the same over at This is an excellent way of developing reciprocal links with other associated businesses, therefore, building your website’s authority.

Trending content

While trending topics don’t last long, their popularity is often enough to drive traffic to your site in a short time. You can use trending content to help you launch new products or promote existing ones. If you time your content right, you can use breaking news and hot topics to attract more users and high-quality links, in a process known as “newsjacking”.

Longform content

Longform content is more in-depth, more formal, and more based on information and fact as compared to blogging. You want to create long-form content on the main section of your website using the hub and spoke model, which is discussed at Longform content is one of the best types of SEO content, as they are so large and comprehensive, meaning they offer great value to readers.

Case studies

Case studies are great for purposes of persuasion. If you want to persuade someone of something, you want to back it up with data and real-life success stories. Case studies use in-depth facts and data to show how a specific solution or methodology helped solve a problem.


While eBooks are quite large (larger than long-form content), they can be very effective lead magnets that you can use for years, being the epitome of evergreen content that always attracts interested readers. eBooks should follow the same purpose as long-form content. They should focus mostly on educating the readers, like an ultimate guide for a niche. They should also provide lots of value and information for the reader to completely cover a specific topic.


As per, assets are types of content that people often search for when they need help with something. They include templates, checklists, calculators, etc. If you have the resources, you can create a tool that calculates something that most people find too complicated, such as taxes, currency conversion, mortgage rates, etc. You can also create a checklist for someone to follow when performing a task so that they don’t forget anything. These assets have great SEO value as they can go viral on social media if people find them very useful.


People love watching videos online, which is why YouTube has over 1.8 billion active users. It is a more engaging form of content than pure text articles or blogs. It can also make it easier to digest than a wall of text for some people. The SEO value of video content is that people will engage with them.

White papers

White papers are effective for businesses wanting to prove industry expertise. Like eBooks, they can be offered as a free digital download or can be published online as PDFs for improved SEO. You want to use white papers when you want to solidify your reputation as a subject matter expert or when you want to offer a specific opinion that is best delivered in a long format.

Resource centers

One of the best ways to address specific concerns of potential customers is through a help center page as captured over at Not only are these resource centers great for building trust and loyalty with your audience, but they are also great for SEO as they target very specific keywords.


A FAQ (frequently asked questions) page on your website can be instrumental in attracting more visitors and increasing rankings on search engines. You can answer questions about your industry, products, services, and more. Not only are FAQs helpful to your potential customers, but they can save your staff time by reducing the number of routine questions they get asked.

User-generated content

From discussions on the same over at, user-generated content is great as it provides social proof to potential customers and it is free. This type of content can be great for SEO as users prefer listening to other users as compared to brands and will be more likely to engage with such content.

Photo and visual galleries

People may overlook a block of text, but an image can communicate your message in a matter of seconds. Photo and visual galleries work extremely well for SEO, especially for things that lent themselves to it, such as if you were to search for men’s haircut styles.

Opinion post

This style of post is very different from your typical blog post, mostly because of its tone. You may be used to publishing a careful and researched discussion of a topic. The opinion post (also known as “rant”), by contrast, may be stronger and more expressive. The more vociferous your position, the more it is going to get read and shared. These posts are great for when you want to express your opinion on a hot topic or big issue, such as a major industry change. When you address popular topics, you can get stronger search potential and shareability.

This article only just begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, and you can uncover more insights by checking out the top-rated

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