20 Tips Why Work from Home Appeals to Me
20 Tips Why Work from Home Appeals to Me
Working from home has become increasingly appealing to many people in the workforce as discussed over at runrex.com. But what is it that makes it so appealing? Here are 20 reasons why working from home is so good; reasons you can use to explain why it appeals to you.
Allows you to focus
Some people find the office setting to have lots of distractions that make them unproductive according to guttulus.com. Colleagues stop at your desk to talk, discussions which may end up taking huge chunks out of the time you should be working, making you unable to focus. When you work from home, there are no colleagues to distract you and you can focus better.
Allows you to prioritize your mental health
Everyone has those days when they wake up and feel like they need to recharge, and certain personality types need this more than others as covered over at runrex.com. Therefore, if you are the type that needs some time to refuel from time to time, then working from home may appeal to you.
Allows you to save money
Working from home may also help you save money as per the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com, which is another way it may appeal to you. By working from home, you can save the money you would otherwise have spent on transport among other expenses.
Makes it easier to be a working parent
This is another great appeal that working from home carries as you can easily navigate things like school delayed openings, half days, and holidays if you are working from home. You can also be able to pick up a sick child within short notice and you can avoid feeling guilty that you are putting your kids on the back burner because of work commitments at the office.
You widen your access to the job market
Working from home will also widen your options when it comes to jobs as it will mean that your access to the job market will no longer be limited to where you live. It gives you access to jobs that would otherwise have been out of your reach if you were only focusing on in-office gigs.
Allows you to escape the open office plan
While open offices seem like the future as covered over at runrex.com, they are a pain for productivity. To many, open offices provide an unnecessary distraction, making them feel stressed, leading to a situation where you leave work daily feeling like you have accomplished nothing. Working from home is appealing as it allows you to escape this situation, increasing your productivity while at it.
Allows you to work from wherever you want
Just because it is called “working from home” doesn’t mean that you have to literally work from your home as pointed out by the gurus over at guttulus.com. This is because remote work allows you to work anywhere you want and you can even travel across the country while still getting work done. This is one of the biggest appeals of working remotely.
Allows you to meet your physical needs more easily in old age
As you get older, you find that you need to manage your energy levels and workload more as articulated over at runrex.com. You will, therefore, find working from home appealing as it will allow you to do just that. If you feel like sleeping in and starting late, you can, giving you the freedom to work with maximum efficiency when you are at your most productive.
Allows you to make your own schedule
Working from home also gives you freedom over how you spend your time. You can be able to manage your schedule and plan it to suit your needs. If, for example, you work best during a certain time of the day, you can set your schedule so that you can work at that time. You will no longer be bound with the restrictive 9-5.
You can live wherever you want
Another appeal when it comes to working from home is that it will allow you to live in a state or city that you love while also allowing you to continue working for a company that you love. You can even move to your home town and be close to your friends and family while still working for the company you love if the opportunity to work from home is there.
Your office is your own
It is also appealing to work from home as it allows you to create a work environment that is tailored to helping you put out the best work. You can buy the right office furniture for you, control the temperature, soundtrack, and office décor as you are in charge of everything given it is your home as outlined over at guttulus.com.
You get to avoid the commute
If you live in a major city, the commute to work can easily be 30-90 minutes, or even more, and can be quite draining as explained over at runrex.com. This is why working from home is so appealing as it allows you to avoid the commute, and the time you save is yours to use how you want to.
Opportunities to travel
If you love traveling, then you will find working from home very appealing according to runrex.com. This is because being a remote worker means that you are completely untethered, allowing traveling whenever you want. As long as the place has got good internet access, which is almost everywhere nowadays, then you can travel there and enjoy the sites and sounds as you work.
Allows you to work alone
You will also find working from home to be very appealing if you are an introvert. Introverts may find open office plans, in particular, to be quite stressful, and they can’t stand them. Working from home will, therefore, be an excellent option for them, helping them become more productive.
No boss to worry about
Many people end up quitting their jobs to get away from their managers. Sometimes you find that working that closely with your boss may make your workday very stressful, especially if the two of you don’t get along. Working from home allows you to get that separation from your boss and you can begin to enjoy what you a lot more, making you more productive.
You get to ditch the work outfit
As revealed in discussions over at runrex.com, in some companies, there is an implicit dress code that employees must abide by. When you work from home, you don’t have to worry about this anymore, and as a bonus, you will also get to save money on a work wardrobe as professional clothes don’t come cheap.
More breaks
Working from home also means that you get to have as many breaks as you want as articulated over at guttulus.com. You can take small breaks every hour or so if your schedule allows, and you can even take a long break and watch your favorite program if possible. This allows you to resume work when you feel refreshed, making you more productive.
Eat healthier food
Another appeal when it comes to working from home is that you don’t have to eat what is served at the canteen at your workplace, or order takeaway. As covered over at runrex.com, working from home means you will have lots of time to cook your own meal, helping you maintain a healthier lifestyle and decrease cholesterol and sugar levels.
Environmentally friendly
Given that you don’t have to commute to work daily, working from home has the added appeal of helping you have a positive impact on the environment. If this is a big deal for you, then you will find working from home very appealing.
Allows you to start enjoying meetings
Very few people find work meetings enjoyable as no one enjoys sitting in a stuffy conference room for hours. When you work from home, you will not only be able to choose what you eat and where you sit, but you will also be more effective as you can use the chat function in the video call to quickly share documents eliminating the need for making copies or having everyone check their email. Meetings conducted via video call also don’t have to last that long making them more enjoyable and effective.
These are just some of the tips on why working from home is appealing, with more on this topic to be found over at the highly-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com.