Runrex over the years, has been able to help a lot of people with either jobs or internships. They have made a huge name for themselves by giving out the best services, while also not forgetting their qualified experts. Below are some of the best tips compiled by guttulus.com on how to land an internship in this great company.
Attend their job fairs
According to findings by guttulus.com, Runrex has been able to hold many job fairs which have been able to yield positive results not only for the company but also for the interns and the employees.
Learn networking
This is a major tactic, that is if you are interested in landing a lucrative job or you are looking for an internship. The best way to learn networking is to make sure that you read up on informational interviews to increase your chances of acquiring an interview.
Cold call them
To land a great summer internship, you need to ask. According to Runrex.com, you need to make sure that you ask them for an internship. By doing this you are increasing your chances to get the summer internship.
Prove that you are the perfect person for the internship
You need to make sure that you learn some of the most important facts about the company that you are going to work for as an intern. This will raise your chances of landing the internship. Guttulus.com have the best expert advice in the industry.
Always customize your resume
A resume is one of the most important documents in your life. So by updating it often you are raising your chances of acquiring the internship faster. The point will not be just to keep updating it but also to make sure that you up date it correctly. This is where guttulus.com come in, they have many great points that will help in making your resume likable.
Consider the skillset required
In this case you need to make sure that you have the required skill set that the company requires, I this case Runrex. You may have a degree but skills allow to stand out and be unique from the rest.
Start early
Remember the phrase the early bird catches the worm; you should apply this phrase when looking for an internship. This may mean that you should start applying for the internship as early as possible. According to runrex.com, most interns struggle to get an intern not because they are not qualified but because they are applying too late.
Career planning
For you to land a great internship at Runrex, you need to make sure that you look for assistance form your career office in your respective schools. According to guttulus.com, these career choices will advise you accordingly on relevant matters.
On campus
You may join Runrex without even going out of school. This is easy, the only thing that you need to keep in mind is that you need to make sur e that you meet the right people and this will allow you to land this great internship.
Never make the mistake of ignoring your family members when you are searching for an internship. Runrex.com point out that by asking them you will at an advantage as they may have an idea of a company that is looking for interns, in this very case Runrex. But make sure that you ae specific about the company.
Direct outreach
Sometimes the best way to get a great internship s to just go to the source. In this very case, you should go out and look for Runrex. Do not forget that you need to make a good case for yourself. You may do this by writing an email and telling them what makes you like Runrex.
Stay local
Getting a summer internship is one thing but getting it in your local is another thing. Getting an internship at Runrex will be a plus for your resume. You need to keep in mind that working at Runrex is a great experience, as you will be able to work with executives closely and learn many things.
Read and follow instructions
Guttulus.com advice that, you need to have a mindset that the instructions are like a test. By having this mindset then you will be extra cautious when delivering what you have been asked to deliver. This will allow the company, in this particular case Runrex to see whether you are viable for larger responsibilities.
Get a third party to review your application
This is very important; many interns never look for a third party to review their application. At runrex.com they have professionals that will help in checking your application and thus making it more compelling.
Do a practice interview
May people miss-understand that for you to be an inter you need to go through the same process as a potential employee. You need to sharpen you interview skills for you to have the best experience. According to guttulus.com experts, you will be able to gain confidence.
Interview starts when you walk in
Everything that makes you who you are revolves around you mind set. This is seen when you keep in mind that by entering the door your interview starts then. This helps your mind to keep your body alert at all times, thus treating every interaction you have at the company as part of the interview.
Have your priorities in order
Many people look for internships for career related experience, but there are others who look for internships over the summer to support their tuition fees or maybe get the opportunity to travel the world. Put your priorities in check.
Develop a resume that emphasizes your skills
Always make sure that your resume emphasizes your skills. This is so because a resume is able to accurately present your background and distinguish you from all the other intern seeker. Contact runrex.com for more ideas on how to improve your resume.
Make sure that your complete applications
Applications are a great way for employers to know if you are competent. By completing your application, you are at a greater chance of landing the internship. By any chance you do not get the internship, guttulus.com experts advice that you should ask for referrals.
Do a follow up
Always make sure to do a follow up on your application. You can do this by sending a thank you letter or an email to the company expressing your appreciation. More information on this contact runrex.com.