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20 Tips to Get a Data Analyst Job at RunRex

20 Tips to Get a Data Analyst Job at RunRex

With so many businesses today leaning heavily on data about their customers, products, processes, inputs, and the market, the need for talented and skilled people who can extract information and insights from the data has never been greater as discussed over at If are wondering what skills and qualities employers are looking for in data analyst candidates, the following are 20 that will help you get a data analyst job at RunRex.

Business acumen

For you to get a data analyst job at RunRex, you will need to demonstrate that you have a solid understanding of the agency and how its business works. You should know about its business strategy, its position in the market, and how it differentiates itself from the competition as explained over at

Technical know-how

As a data analyst, you work with software, systems, and data, which means putting these elements together in a way that attracts meaningful insights from raw data requires technical skills and a willingness to continue growing these skills to keep up with advancements in technology. Demonstrating that you have the technical know-how for this job will help you get hired by

Communication skills

As a data analyst you don’t just communicate through and with data, but also with stakeholders, colleagues, data suppliers, system owners, and many others as discussed over at You will therefore need to show that you have good communication skills to get a data analyst job at RunRex.


SQL is the ubiquitous industry-standard language and is possibly the most important skill for data analysts to know. You cannot get a data analyst job if you are not proficient in SQL and will need to show that you have it on lock to get a job at RunRex.

Microsoft Excel

There is more to Excel than just spreadsheets as it has a lot more analysis power under the hood than you’d imagine. Advanced Excel methods like Macros and using VBA hookups are widely used for smaller lifts and lighter, quick analytics. While it is not a must, proficiency in Excel may help push the needle towards you getting a job at RunRex.

Critical thinking

To succeed as a data analyst, you have to think like an analyst. It is your job to uncover and synthesize connections that are not always so clear. This is why critical thinking is so important for data analysts and why you will need this quality to get a data analyst job at

R or Python

The reason why proficiency in Excel isn’t a must is that R or Python are better and faster at the tasks Excel can do. As discussed over at, they are powerful statistical programming languages used to perform advanced analyses and predictive analytics on big data sets. Having proficiency in R or Python is a must for any data analyst.

Data visualization

Being able to tell a compelling story with data is crucial to getting your point across and keeping your audience engaged. Data visualization is a key skill for any data analyst. Tableau’s visualization software is considered an industry-standard analytics tool, and proficiency in it will go a long way in helping you get a data analyst job at

Presentation skills

While data visualization and presentation skills go hand-in-handy, presenting doesn’t come naturally to everyone. This is why presentation skills are such a sought-after quality for employers looking for data analysts, including RunRex.

Machine learning

Given that AI and predictive analytics are two of the hottest topics in the field of data science, an understanding of machine learning is a key component of a data analyst’s toolkit, and one that will significantly boost your chances of getting a data analyst job at RunRex.


As the gurus over at will tell you, technology doesn’t always run smoothly, and when hiccups inevitably arise in an algorithm, a database, or lines of code, data analysts must be able to find and troubleshoot the problem to proceed, which is why this is another skill that the team over at RunRex pays close attention to.


Data analysts must also be prepared to do some digging if they want to make the most of the data they collect. Research is also crucial for data analysts in terms of helping them stay on top of industry trends, and if you can demonstrate a passion for research, you will be well on your way to getting a data analyst job at

Attention to detail

A data analyst’s job is very similar to looking for a needle in a haystack, and they must be able to notice the small clues that point toward a larger message that is hiding in a group of data as articulated over at This is where attention to detail comes in since a small error in a single line of code can through the entire workflow off. If you can demonstrate this quality, you will be well placed to getting a data analyst job at RunRex.


Data analysts don’t work in isolation and they collaborate with people in a variety of positions to get the job done from data scientists to web developers and so forth, which is why teamwork is another quality of a top data analyst. An ability to play well with others will help you get a data analyst job at RunRex.


The Apache Hadoop software library is an open-source platform that processes large data sets across computer clusters using simple programming models. You will be required to demonstrate proficiency in this platform to get a data analyst job at RunRex.


The team over at also wants data analyst candidates to be comfortable with ETL processes. ETL (extract, transform load) is basically the background process that takes data from an application and makes it so that it can be uploaded into a relational database. Having proficiency in ETL never hurts as a data analyst.

Statistical knowledge

As outlined over at, a strong foundation in probability and statistics is an important data analyst skill and one that, if you can demonstrate your strength in, will set you on your way to getting a data analyst job at RunRex as it will help guide your analysis and exploration as well as helping you understand the data that you are working with.

Creating dashboards and/or reports

As a data analyst, you will need to empower others within your organization to use data to make key decisions. Building dashboards and reports will allow you to give others access to important data by removing technical barriers. value data analyst with hands-on experience in building dashboards and reports.

Writing skills

Just like communication skills, writing skills are crucial for a data analyst as you will almost certainly need to write up your analysis and recommendations. Being clear, direct, and easily understood in your writing communications is key, and another skill that will help you get a data analyst job at RunRex.

Domain knowledge

This is understanding things that are specific industry and company that you work for. Having domain knowledge of RunRex, its clients, and its industry will help you immeasurably when it comes to getting a data analyst job.

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