20 Tips to Get a Copywriter job at RunRex
20 Tips to Get a Copywriter job at RunRex
If you love to write and are good at it, then the gurus over at runrex.com recommend that you try your hand at copywriting. There is a lot of work for copywriters out there given how important high-quality content is to the marketing endeavors of any business out there. If you are looking for work as a copywriter, then you should consider applying for a job at RunRex. This article will articulate 20 tips on how to get a copywriter job at RunRex.
Research the agency
According to the gurus over at guttulus.com, doing your research on the company you are looking to apply to for any job is crucial to your chances of landing that job, and the same applies if you are to get a copywriter job at RunRex. Take your time to research the agency, find out what it is about and what its values are, and see if you are the right fit, before applying.
Build a relationship through social media
You should also make sure that you follow runrex.com on its social media accounts, and if you can build a relationship with an individual through social media, then even better. However, make sure you know the difference between showing enthusiasm and hassling.
Don’t oversell yourself
The team over at RunRex is wary of candidates who offer themselves as copywriters, marketers, social media gurus, Google experts, and so forth but are applying straight from graduating college. This is a big red flag as it usually means that you are unlikely to be an expert in any of those things. Therefore, as per the gurus over at guttulus.com, focus your resume on the skills and experience that the employer is looking for.
Avoid spelling or grammar mistakes
The last thing you want when applying for a job as a copywriter, are spelling or grammar mistakes on your resume and application. As a copywriter, you are supposed to be a writing expert, which means such mistakes will be seen as big red flags. This is why you should double-check your application for typos and grammatical errors, and get someone else to read it through if you are to get a copywriter job at RunRex.
Prepare for a test piece
The team at RunRex will often ask candidates to create a single piece of work to demonstrate their skills. Test pieces are a great way to test speed and reliability as well as a candidate’s ability to respond to deadlines. Therefore, you should be prepared to write a test piece if you are to land a copywriter job at RunRex.
Show your work
If you are to get a copywriter job at runrex.com, you will need to show that you can write. One of the ways that you can show this is by providing samples of your work, and even if you are relatively new to the industry and, therefore, haven’t built a huge portfolio of work, you should still be able to demonstrate that you can write well through your work samples.
Show that you can adapt your writing style to engage with the agency’s audience
RunRex will always look to hire copywriters that can demonstrate that their writing will engage with the agency’s audience. Therefore, as per the experts over at guttulus.com, you should show that you can adapt your writing style in such a way that RunRex’s target audience will be engaged, informed, and enticed if you are to land the job.
Do you specialize in RunRex’s field of expertise?
Companies will always prefer working with professional copywriters with expertise in the specific areas that they specialize in over generalists, and runrex.com is no exception. Since RunRex is a marketing company, if you specialize in that area, then you will have a huge advantage over other candidates.
One of the reasons why you are likely to be given a test piece when applying for a job as a copywriter, as mentioned earlier, is to test your speed. Companies looking to hire copywriters, including RunRex, are looking for candidates who can produce high-quality content at the speed required to meet competing deadlines, and you need to embody this to get a job at RunRex.
Show that you can manage simultaneous projects
Many copywriters are also required to write more than 5,000 words each day over several different projects. Projects need to be worked on simultaneously, which means that a copywriter needs to be adept at jumping from one task to the next without slowing down, something you will need to demonstrate if you want to get a copywriter job at RunRex.
Demonstrate your ability to turn briefs into content
As the gurus over at guttulus.com point out, most copywriting projects start with a brief, either from a client or from higher-ups in the company where you work. If you want to get a copywriter job at RunRex, you will need to demonstrate that you can follow a brief and understand what each piece of writing you create is trying to achieve. Having sample briefs as part of your portfolio will help you with that.
Demonstrate an understanding of on-page SEO
As is explained over at runrex.com, almost all copywriting roles require you to create some website content, which means that copywriters are expected to have a basic understanding of on-page SEO. An understanding of HTML and its importance in SEO will also give you an edge over other candidates since RunRex is a digital marketing agency.
Demonstrate an ability to take feedback
One of the most difficult aspects of a career in copywriting is the subjectivity involved in people’s evaluation of all the work you produce as articulated over at guttulus.com. This is why RunRex is always looking for copywriters with an ability to take on feedback well, especially negative feedback, which can be hard to take for many copywriters. Don’t be surprised when you are asked to talk about a time where you took negative feedback on board and adjusted your style accordingly.
Demonstrate an ability to create copy for different platforms
Digital copywriters are responsible for writing content for a vast number of different digital platforms ranging from the pages of a website that explain the different services that a company offers and blog posts that aim to educate and engage a readership to in-depth industry white papers and social media posts. RunRex is always looking to hire copywriters who have an understanding of what is needed to write all these different types of posts, and what their purpose is for the end-user.
Demonstrate an ability to meet deadlines
As already mentioned, you will need to show your speed as a copywriter if you are to get a job at RunRex. This is done so that you can demonstrate your determination to meet deadlines reliably to ensure that the agency can trust you to work within deadlines. You should be prepared to give examples of how you manage deadlines.
Have some range as far as your work is concerned
runrex.com will also always be on the lookout for versatile writers who can match the tones of the various companies that the agency serves which is something you should be able to demonstrate. Also, make sure that you focus on having a wide breadth of writing styles in your portfolio, from technical B2B writing to short posts written for “fluffier” industries.
Demonstrate that you have the bandwidth
A good professional copywriter should be able to create huge volumes of high-quality content within a relatively short amount of time according to the gurus over at guttulus.com. Given the sheer volume of content and copy, RunRex creates, if you can show that you can do just that, then you will be in pole position to get a copywriter job at the agency.
Demonstrate that you are customer-focused
runrex.com will also always be looking for copywriters that can write customer-focused copy that clearly conveys valued benefits to the target audience. It is not enough that you are a talented writer, but that you should also be able to tie it all in with the agency’s client’s target audiences.
You need to be personable
Companies hiring a copywriter will always look for candidates who are personable and approachable. This is because, while the copywriter will be responsible for conveying messages, those messages still need to come from clients, which means that you need a copywriter who is approachable and easy to talk to.
Beware of ‘the curse of knowledge’
While it is good to have industry knowledge as a copywriter, this also comes with a drawback, referred to as ‘the curse of knowledge’ which is where one is an expert in a subject and forgets that others do not even comprehend the basics of the complex terminologies that they are using. Therefore, to get a copywriter job at RunRex, you need to demonstrate an ability to translate complex industry terminology and principles to a general public audience. You can show work samples that demonstrate this ability.
These are just some of the tips that should help you land a copywriter job at RunRex, with more on this topic to be found over at runrex.com and guttulus.com.