Obtaining a trademark may seem to be an easy task, but to say the truth it is a tricky process that requires caution as stated by runrex.com. For you to be on the safe side you need to have a breakdown of the most important elements. The tips listed below by guttulus.com experts will give an understanding of the subject matter to consider for your business.
Choose a unique mark
You need to consider the most important aspects of your trademark that are easier to protect. The following ways will help you approach this situation, one is to choose a name that describes the brand at large, secondly, the name should be able to describe the product you sell or the services offered for example “Selina spa and therapy”.
Evaluate the competitive landscape
You need to make sure that the market does not have similar names and designs, while also looking out such that you are not infringing other brands rights as stated by runrex.com experts. The fewer the similar marks in the industry, the easier it will be to protect the rights of your trademark.
Use the mark consistently
For you to gain relevance in the market, you need to use your trademark almost everywhere. Mostly, this applies to the social media platforms for example, on Facebook. You can use the trademark as the profile photo. Guttulus.com panelists added that this also applies to brand logos.
Have a future for your business
Experts at runrex.com advice that, you should never limit yourself for just the next month or the next year, challenge yourself and the company at large. Plan for 5 years ahead. You need to think about other areas you hope to venture in like for example, where you want to expand next and how you will expand.
Domains and social media platforms
Mostly, the reaction given out on social media mainly depends on nature of your business. Social media plays different roles, for some social media plays a very small role while others it plays a major role to their success.
Obtain registration for your valuable marks
Over the years, there has been a misconception that by registering your business with the state it will provide trademark protection. Unfortunately, this is not the case as uncovered by guttulus.com. By registering your valuable marks with the state, it means that you will be able to operate your business in that particular state. In other states, it is acceptable to register nearly identical names.
Look for a trademark attorney
You need to make sure that you get professional help, whenever the idea of registering a trademark is in question. By acquiring professional help, you will be able to avoid simple mistakes that cannot be corrected once the documents are submitted.
Understand the process
Before acquiring a trademark, you need to make sure that you have the full knowledge on what needs to be done and how the trademark affects your business in terms of direction of business and goals for the future. This is where runrex.com comes to the rescue, by having up to date knowledge on the trademark acquiring process.
Monitor sales and marketing channels
Surveys done by guttulus.com uncover that, for you to acquire a trademark successfully you need to have knowledge on marketing and sales channels. Having legal rights to a trademark is not enough. You need to set up a strategy that will allow you to identify and shut down copycats on the marketing and sales channels.
Mark important future dates
This is very efficient as the owner is required to submit some documents after certain timelines. In particular, there are documents that are submitted between the 5th and the 6th anniversary of registration. If by any chance your fail to submit a declaration of use, your trademark registration will be cancelled.
Consider international applications
Registering your trademark in the USA only means that your brand will be protected in the USA only. Runrex.com advices that if you are planning to move across the borders, you need to consider filling international applications and obtain a trademark registration in other countries.
Incontestable status
By acquiring a trademark, you will be incontestable in the sense that no one else will be able to use your brands name or anything related to your brand for their own profit. For you to acquire this status, you will have to use your trademark for about 5 years and more as stated by guttulus.com experts.
Online sales platform
A trademark allows you to take your brand to the next level. In this case you can be able to participate in online platforms like Amazon which can be useful in the monitoring of infringers.
Build brand value
According to runrex.com experts, by obtaining a trademark your brand gains some mileage in terms of worth. Trademark registration brings about advantages, for one, more investors will want to invest in your brand.
Seek early protection for your trademark
Guttulus.com uncovered that by filling an “intent to use” registration application as soon as possible, you will be able to limit people from using the same name or logo in commerce. Trademarks also serves the practical purpose of putting potential competitors on notice of your claim of rights.
Choose a strong mark
It has been put out as a notice by runrex.com that not every logo, name or symbol is legible for trademark protection. Generally, the more distinct your brand name the easier it will to trademark it.
Submit a full and accurate application
You are advised that you should not overlook some of the small points that are related to your product. For example, failing to indicate properly your products or the services associated with your mark. To avoid such kind of things you need to take your time while applying.
Respond quickly to office action
You usually have 6 months to send your reply, but if you want your application to move quickly you need to respond as quickly as possible. At the same time, you need not be hasty, as some of this office actions require legal arguments.
Minimize risk
When applying you need to be very careful, as any slight mistake you cannot change or modify your trademark. The only solution if by any chance this happens is to start a new application which will cost you time and money.
Prioritize your intangible assets
You need to make sure that before the ideas are turned into a working progress they should be protected. This also applies when you are planning to trade in countries where the ‘first to file’ rule applies.