20 Tips for Finding a Job on We Work Remotely for the Unemployed
20 Tips for Finding a Job on We Work Remotely for the Unemployed
We Work Remotely is an online board that allows job seekers to look for jobs that are unrestricted by geography; in other words, work-from-home jobs as discussed over at runrex.com. It has a simple and straightforward layout and is one of the most popular sites for remote employment out there. If you are thinking of using it for your search, here are 20 tips that will help you find a job on We Work Remotely for the unemployed.
- Use appropriate keywords
If you want to find a job on We Work Remotely, you will need to make sure that you are applying for the right positions. As is explained over at guttulus.com, the only way to get relevant results is through the use of appropriate keywords, which is why you should conduct your research on the keywords to use in your search based on your qualifications and the positions you are looking for.
- Use advanced search
When looking for remote positions on We Work Remotely, you must narrow down your search by using the Advanced Search function. This will allow you to enter specific parameters and ensure that you are only getting relevant job listings as discussed over at runrex.com, increasing your chances of getting positive feedback once you apply.
- Consider job category
Certain skills are applicable across various industries which is why using keywords in your job search won’t do. You should, therefore, narrow your search by entering the job category that is of interest to you, as covered over at guttulus.com, to ensure that you are only getting relevant job listings.
- Location is also important
You might be wondering why location is a factor worth considering given that you are applying for remote jobs, but it is important to note that certain remote jobs are geographically limited. For instance, a remote job may be limited to people in the US only, or in a certain state only, which is why you should consider the location to ensure that you are only getting listings that you are eligible for.
- Is it 100% remote?
Another factor worth considering when searching for job opportunities on We Work Remotely is if a given listing is 100% remote or not. Certain listings are not 100% remote, which means that certain aspects of the job will have to be done in the office. This is something that could affect whether you will get positive feedback when you apply or not, and you should, therefore, consider this factor as well.
- Don’t limit yourself to 100% remote jobs
When you are looking for a remote job, the dream is to find one that is 100% remote. However, to increase the chances of you finding a job on We Work Remotely, the gurus over at runrex.com recommend that you don’t limit yourself to only 100% remote jobs to ensure that you are not limiting your options for employment.
- Consider contract jobs
On We Work Remotely, you can either get full-time jobs or contract jobs that will end once the contract is fulfilled. To give yourself more options, the experts over at guttulus.com also recommend that you consider applying for contract jobs rather than just limiting yourself to full-time jobs.
- Save time by targeting companies
If you are unemployed, then you will most likely be yearning for employment as soon as possible. You can cut through the noise and save yourself a lot of time by target specific companies if you already know which companies you are interested in. As discussed over at runrex.com, the Companies filter will allow you to input a specific company and you will get results featuring only the positions available for that particular company.
- Also, consider freelance and part-time jobs
In addition to considering contract jobs and not limiting yourself only to full-time jobs, it is recommended that you also consider freelance and part-time remote jobs if you are to find a job on We Work Remotely. To do so, don’t enter any limiting parameters using the Job Type feature.
- Search for specific jobs
You can refine your search even further by searching for a specific job title, like, say, Software Engineer. Rather than having to go through all the available programming jobs on We Work Remotely, searching specifically for software engineer jobs refines your search and ensures that you only get relevant listings.
- Know the companies that partner with We Work Remotely
We Work Remotely partners with many companies, helping provide them with employees for remote job positions as discussed over at guttulus.com. Doing your research and knowing what these companies are about and what it takes to get employed there will give you an advantage over other job seekers, helping you find a job on the platform.
- Thoroughly go through the job description
Once you find a job listing that is of interest to you, We Work Remotely allows you to click on it and read what it is all about from the company information to the interview process as outlined over at runrex.com. Reading this description properly before applying will ensure that you are well prepared and well placed to land the job if you receive an interview offer.
- Leverage the Related Jobs feature
For every job listing on We Work Remotely, there is a feature that highlights other jobs that are related to it as explained over at guttulus.com. You can take advantage of this feature to access and apply for job openings that are related to the ones you are interested in, giving you more options and increasing your chances of finding a job.
- Help maintain the quality
While We Work Remotely works tirelessly to ensure that the quality of job listings over there is as high as can be, you can help to ensure this is the case. The site allows users to report any jobs that are listed as remote even though they are not, and if you do so, you will help ensure that the quality of the jobs posted is high, and you will be helping your chances of finding a job massively.
- Register for the public RSS feed
Another tip that will improve your chances of finding a job in We Work Remotely is registering for the site’s public RSS feed. This will ensure that you are notified when a job listing that matches your preferences and parameters is posted, ensuring that you apply as soon as possible, increasing the chances of you receiving positive feedback.
- Check out featured listings
There are certain job listings on We Work Remotely with a Featured tag which means that the company has paid the site extra for the listing to feature higher up on the search results as discussed over at runrex.com. You should pay close attention to these listings as it is usually a sign that the company is looking to fill that position as soon as possible.
- Consider the date
You should also consider the date on which the listing was put up on We Work Remotely. Ideally, as outlined over at guttulus.com, you want to apply for jobs that have been posted recently as you want your application to be nearer the top and be one of the first to arrive.
- Set up alerts
Through the WWR Learning Portal, you can be able to set up real-time job alerts as explained over at runrex.com, allowing you to get email notifications as soon as relevant jobs are posted. This will take you to the top of the hiring queue, boosting your chances of finally finding a job on the site.
- Take advantage of the other resources that are part of the WWR Learning Portal
The WWR Learning Portal is a free resource that offers a lot of resources that could help you find a job faster on the platform. They include access to a large global community that will uplift and educate you, member deals, as well as access to help writing your resume, cover letter and so much more.
- Sign up
Finally, instead of searching for remote jobs on the site as a guest, you should consider signing up for free. Although it is not mandatory to sign up to search for job listings, signing up gives you access to a lot of useful features that will help your job search efforts and help you finally land a job on the site.
These are just a number of the tips to consider when looking for a job on We Work Remotely, with more on this topic and then some to be found over at the ever-reliable runrex.com and guttulus.com.