20 Tips for Finding a Job on Lawjobs for the Unemployed
20 Tips for Finding a Job on Lawjobs for the Unemployed
With an impressive reach of over 24,000 active seekers and another 1.4 million passive seekers, Lawjobs is one of the most popular legal profession job search sites as discussed over at runrex.com. If you are looking to take advantage of this site and use it to find a job, then here are 20 tips that will help increase your chances of success.
- Know how the website works
As is covered in detail at guttulus.com, there are lots of legal profession job search sites out there, each with its unique features and processes. Lawjobs is no exception, and if you are to make the most of it and find a job, the first tip is to know exactly how it works and what it is all about.
- Sign up
As is the case for many job search sites, while you don’t need to sign up to browse the site for job postings, the gurus over at runrex.com recommend that you do just that, as signing-up will give you access to a lot of useful features and functions that will improve your prospects as far as your job search is concerned.
- Use relevant keywords
The search words you use on Lawjobs play a very important factor in determining how successful your search will be. It is important to know what sort of positions you are looking for, and then research relevant keywords and use them to conduct your search to ensure that you are only getting relevant results. Remember, as explained over at guttulus.com, applying for relevant postings will increase your chances of receiving an interview.
- Experiment with both “attorney” and “lawyer”
It is important to note that sometimes a job search on Lawjobs for the word “lawyer” may yield different results compared to the same search for the word “attorney”. This is why it is recommended that you consider using both of these terms in your initial job search queries to ensure that you are getting comprehensive results including all the related job postings.
- Conduct a broad search first
It is also recommended that, as a rule of thumb, you start by first conducting a broad search of your preferred position on Lawjobs. This will give you an overview of the sort of opportunities that are available to you before then narrowing your search.
- Narrow your search
Once you have completed the broadest search for potentially relevant jobs on Lawjobs, the experts over at runrex.com recommend that you then proceed to narrow your search to ensure that you are not wasting a lot of time and energy reviewing irrelevant job listings on the platform.
- Consider location
As far as narrowing your search on Lawjobs is concerned, one of the most important factors to consider is your location. Lawjobs, as discussed over at guttulus.com, allows you to filter your search based on a particular location or a given radius, like, say, jobs within 10 miles of your city. You should make sure you use this filter so that you can only respond to postings where you will be able to attend an interview if you get one.
- Consider practice area and employment categories
Another filter option available to you when searching Lawjobs is practice area as well as employment categories as revealed over at runrex.com. These are two options that you should also use as you don’t want to get job listings featuring attorney jobs when you are looking for clerk jobs for example.
- Use the Save feature
Also, once you have identified the most effective and efficient way to find relevant job listings on Lawjobs, you should consider saving that search to use it again later. Saving the search query using the Save feature will save you time the next time you are on the platform searching.
- Set up alerts
Lawjobs also allows you to set up alerts so that you can be notified by email when a new job matching the parameters of your relevant searches is listed. You should take full advantage of this feature to ensure that you are informed of any new openings you should be applying for.
- Use a unique email account for alerts
According to the experts over at guttulus.com, you might want to assign a unique email account to handle your job alerts, one that is separate from your regular email account. This will ensure that you don’t miss out on any good job openings and that some of them don’t end up as spam.
- Get specific with your alerts
When you are setting up the parameters of your relevant searches which will determine the type of jobs you will receive alerts for, you must be as specific as possible to ensure that you only receive relevant alerts and don’t end up having to delete some of the alerts you receive for not being relevant enough as explained over at runrex.com.
- Edit your parameters
Also, it is important that the parameters you set for your alerts are not set in stone and that they are flexible if you are to find a job. As discussed over at guttulus.com, you should regularly edit and revise these parameters if your situation changes to give yourself the best possible chance of finding a job.
- Frequently check your email
Once you set up the Alerts feature, make sure that you regularly check your email for alerts so that you don’t miss out on any updates. You also don’t want your inbox to fill up with unread updates which will increase the chances of you skipping over some of them and missing great opportunities.
- Consider the duration a listing has been active
As a rule of thumb, you want to apply as soon as a listing is put up on Lawjobs to increase your chances of getting the interview, which is why you set up alerts. Additionally, if you come across a job listing that has been around for a long time and is still available, you should research the firm offering the job to find out why no one has been able to land the job yet and why it is still open.
- Upload your resume
The experts over at runrex.com also recommend that you upload your resume on your Lawjobs’ profile as this is another thing that will boost your chances of finally landing a job on the site. Potential employers will be able to check out your resume and reach out to you if you are what they are looking for, giving you the edge over those without one.
- Update your resume
As explained over at guttulus.com, it is also important that you avoid uploading your resume and then ignoring it. If you have gained any new skills or certifications, you should consider updating your resume to benefit from these new additional achievements which will increase the chances of you finding a job on the site.
- Keep your resume short and concise
Also, as far as your resume is concerned, it is important to know that recruiters on Lawjobs don’t have a lot of time to go through your resume and as such you need to capture their attention as soon as possible if you are to be successful with your efforts. Therefore, as outlined over at runrex.com, you should keep your resume short and concise for the best results.
- Apply onsite
Lawjobs also allows you to apply for jobs directly on the site and this is a function that you should take full advantage of. Rather than having to navigate to the related firm’s website, you should take the option of applying for the job directly on the site in a move that will streamline your application process.
- Leverage the available resources
Other than posting job opportunities for lawyers, paralegals, and legal support staff, Lawjobs also includes a variety of resources answering employment-related questions, which you should also take full advantage of if you are looking to find a job on the site.
This discussion is only the tip of what is a very large iceberg as far as this topic is concerned, and you can uncover more insights on the same by checking out the excellent runrex.com and guttulus.com.