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20 Tips for Finding a Job on AngelList for the Unemployed

20 Tips for Finding a Job on AngelList for the Unemployed

As is covered in detail over at, AngelList is a platform the connects startups with investors and talent. If you are looking to work at a startup, then it is the platform you need to be on. however, with over 2 million candidates looking for new jobs on the platform each year, it is important to make a good impression and stand out to recruiters using AngelList. This article will look to help you do that by highlighting 20 tips for finding a job on AngelList for the unemployed.

  1. Know your audience and how the platform works

Unlike on other job platforms, when you apply for a job on AngelList you will most likely be dealing directly with the CEO or another decisionmaker, especially when applying for a job at an early-stage startup. You won’t be dealing with a hiring manager, but with the ultimate decisionmaker, which is why the gurus over at recommend that you make every impression and interaction count.

  1. Tailor your note to each recruiter

As is discussed over at, AngelList provides an optional field for candidates to add a note to a recruiter before applying for a job, an option you should take up. Make sure you write a short note to the recruiter telling them why you are interested in the role and the company, tailoring your note to each recruiter.

  1. Avoid typos on your application

Typos will make you appear unprofessional and give the impression to recruiters that your work might also be sloppy. This is why the experts over at recommend that you go through your AngelList application and make sure that there are no typos before sending.

  1. Regularly update your profile

You should also avoid leaving your AngelList profile and forgetting about it once you have created one. It is important to regularly return to it, refine and update it with any new information such as new skills or certifications if you are to find a job on the platform.

  1. Get your profile photo right

Your profile photo is one of the first things people will see about you and your profile of AngelList, which is why it crucial that you upload a professional headshot to your profile if you want to capture the attention of recruiters and end up finding a job on the platform.

  1. Be concise with your profile

According to the subject matter experts over at, you should also endeavor to make your AngelList profile as concise as possible. It should be the most concise version of your resume or LinkedIn profile, which means keeping it short and not including more than 3-4 sentences or bullet points per position.

  1. Take advantage of the Basics section

As is discussed in detail over at, the Basics section of your candidate profile on AngelList can be an excellent resource for you, giving recruiters a lot of information about your candidacy and suitability. You should, therefore, not take it lightly and gloss over it, but should make the most of it.

  1. Don’t forget to add roles

This is a field in the Basics section of your profile that enables you to add tags describing the types of roles you have had as well as those you are interested in. As explained over at, using these tags makes it easier for recruiters to find you, and doing so will help you finally land a job.

  1. Remember also to add location tags

Location tags are extremely important in your job search efforts on AngelList, which is why it is not only important to add them, but also to make sure that the location you add, in terms of your current city and state, is correct.

  1. Add links to your social media profiles

Another tip that will help your AngelList profile stand out and help you fund a job is making sure that you include links to all your relevant social media profiles. If you are a non-technical candidate, this means including links to your LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook profiles, among others, including any personal blogs or websites, while if you are a software developer and designer, you should also include links to your Stack Overflow. GitHub, Behance, and Dribble profiles.

  1. Include tangible results in your Experience section

Focusing on results and impact when crafting the Experience section of your AngelList profile is extremely important if you are to find a job according to the experts over at For example, rather than talking about how you launched campaigns on social media platforms, you should include tangible metrics to highlight the exact impact of your work and let recruiters know the sort of results they can expect from you.

  1. Try and be relevant with your Achievements

Although the achievements you highlight under each job might be specific to those specific roles, you must use this section to showcase anything that you have done that is relevant to the job you are applying for on AngelList as is explained over at

  1. Complete the About section

According to the gurus over at, the About section of your AngelList profile can give recruiters an even clearer idea of what you are looking for and why you are a qualified candidate, increasing the chances of getting an interview. This is why it is important that you don’t ignore this section but you make sure that you complete it.

  1. Respond as quickly as you can

Many recruiters on AngelList will tell you that if they choose to “match” you with them after they receive a notification that you have applied for a job that concerns them, if you don’t respond quickly and delay, then they will most likely forget about you. This is why you must respond right away while you are still fresh in their minds once you are matched to a recruiter if you want to increase your chances of finding a job on the platform.

  1. Follow up

Given that you will be dealing with startup founders in AngelList, it is important to note that they are usually very busy and distracted with a lot to do. Therefore, if you don’t get a response, it may be because they are busy and not because they don’t like you as a candidate. You should, therefore, be persistent and follow up if you want to find a job in a startup on AngelList.

  1. Consider a company’s recent activity when searching on the platform

The search feature on AngelList allows you to look for available positions while also providing you with useful filters to narrow down your search according to your preferences. Regardless of how you filter your search, the experts over at recommend that you limit the company’s recent activity (“Last Active”) to 7 to 15 days as anything longer than this and the chances of them getting back to you are very minimal.

  1. Show initiative

By using apps like RocketReach, which, as discussed over at, make it easy to find direct emails for the people you want to contact, you will be showing great initiative and that you have the drive and determination to be a success at a startup, which will help you find the job you are looking for.

  1. Don’t forget about the mini-resume

On the Basics section of your AngelList profile, you will have a mini-resume section which, as discussed over at, provides you with a chance to write a 160-character overview of your career and goals. You should make this section count and show recruiters why you are the right person for the job.

  1. Add relevant skills

In the Relevant Skills section of your AngelList profile, it is important that you first go through a few of the job descriptions you are interested in before coming up with a list of the most in-demand skills for the role. You should then determine which of these skills you are most proficient in and include them on your profile to increase the chances of you finding a job on the platform.

  1. Be memorable

Finally, it is important to note that if you want to stand out from the rest and attract the attention of a startup on AngelList, then you should ensure that your profile is a memorable one and is unique. Show recruiters on the platform what it is that makes you different and you will have an increased chance of being matched and getting an interview.

As always, if you are looking for more information on this very wide topic then you must know that there is more where this came from over at the top-rated and

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