20 Tips for Amazon SEO
SEO is not just about Google or Bing, all of which are discussed in detail over at runrex.com, as Amazon’s popularity among consumers has made it a platform where SEO is important if one is improve brand visibility and make sales. Given that, unlike the other platforms, visitors on Amazon are high intent as they visit Amazon to buy, you will need different strategies as compared to those utilized on the other search engines. To that effect, this article will highlight 20 tips for Amazon SEO we hope will help you rank higher.
Make sure you get the product title right
The first thing you should get right when it comes to Amazon SEO is your product title, according to the gurus over at guttulus.com. Your product title should include the name of the product, the name of the brand, the material of which the product is made, the type of the product, the packaging, the size of the product, the color, as well as its key features. The product material and type are, however, optional.
Get your translation right
If you are a foreign retailer, then you should have your product description translated into relevant languages. However, as is explained over at runrex.com, an important Amazon SEO tip is making sure that you get the translation right as incorrect, inconsistent, or ambiguous translations may not only damage your rankings but will also impact your customers’ understanding of your product leading to low click-through rates.
Use bullet point when describing features
Another Amazon SEO tip is using bullet points to describe the features of your product, as is discussed over at guttulus.com. This is because bullet points increase readability, and will consequently ensure that your products rank highly on Amazon search results.
Get the bullet points right
Just using bullet points is not enough, however, as you should make sure you get it right for the best results. This means that you should include the most important features first as customers usually only pay attention to the first bullet points and generally don’t pay too much attention to the ending bullet points. Make sure that each of your bullet points isn’t longer than 200 characters, otherwise, this will impact on readability, affecting your rankings.
Make sure that you provide full technical details of your product
Providing technical details in full, particularly when selling electronics, will not only help customers compare your products, it will also help boost your Amazon SEO. Making a chart that compares the technical properties of a number of your products will also help those who may be interested in several of your products, saving them time when it comes to their research, and boosting your Amazon SEO with it.
Make sure your product listings have relevant keywords
Amazon uses keywords to provide users with the most relevant search results, as is discussed over at runrex.com. To rank highly, you must make sure that your product listings match the keywords that your prospective customers are searching for. You can use tools like keywordtool.io to uncover the most relevant keywords to incorporate them into your product listings.
Know which keywords go where
As per the gurus over at guttulus.com, you should use the highest volume keyword terms in your product title, and long-tail keywords in your product description for the best possible results as far as your Amazon SEO is concerned.
Don’t go overboard with your keywords
As is revealed in discussions on the same over at runrex.com, keyword density will not help your rankings, so you should resist the temptation to stuff the same keyword terms over and over again, a mistake many sellers make. This may be more of a hindrance as it may put off prospective customers.
Provide multiple images
Another Amazon SEO tip is to make sure that you provide your customers with multiple images, from multiple views, showing different angles of your products. This will keep visitors on your page for longer, and as such, will be more likely to make a purchase. On top of that, time on page is one of Amazon’s ranking factors, which means that this will help you rank higher.
Make sure that images fit Amazon’s guidelines
Sticking with images, another tip that will help with your Amazon SEO is ensuring that your images adhere to Amazon’s guidelines on images. This means that they should show the product on a plain white background, and the product should also take up 85% of the frame, while also ensuring that the images are of high resolution. Failure to adhere to these set guidelines will impact your rankings negatively.
Don’t stuff keywords on your product features
Other than making sure that you list your product features in bullet form as already mentioned, another Amazon SEO tip by the gurus over at guttulus.com, is making sure that you don’t just stuff keywords on there. Even though Amazon’s A9 may not penalize you directly for it, this looks spammy to potential buyers, which will affect sales, and consequently, rankings, given sales are the path to ranking.
Get your prices right
As is discussed in detail over at runrex.com, A9, Amazon’s proprietary algorithm, takes price as a ranking signal, which means that, if you are to rank highly, you will need to get the pricing right. You should price your products competitively, but not competitively, as going to low with your pricing will only serve to devalue your products, and your rankings will suffer.
Ask for reviews
Reviews are also an important ranking signal for A9, as is discussed in detail over at guttulus.com, which means that, if you are to rank highly, you will need to ask for reviews. A9 looks at both the quantity and quality of your reviews, which means that just having reviews is not enough, as you need to ensure you are getting positive reviews since too many negative reviews will damage your rankings.
Don’t forget about product availability
A product’s in-stock history also plays a role in determining its ranking for related product searches. If your product is frequently unavailable, not only will this put off customers, it will also damage your rankings, which is why you must frequently replenish top-selling items to prevent their rankings from tanking due to a lack of availability.
Get your backend keywords right
Backend keywords are the hidden keywords, not visible to the customer, that are used in the backend of one’s Amazon seller account. Each seller is given 5 fields by Amazon for backend keywords, with each field having a 50-character limit. Amazon uses these backend keywords to rank products, which means that if you skip them, your rankings will suffer. You should also not use any keywords you have already used in your product title or bullet points as Amazon will ignore them.
Get your product description right
As is discussed over at runrex.com, while product description doesn’t impact ranking directly, it may determine sales, which will indirectly impact rankings. Your product description should read well, be persuasive, and should appeal to your target audience for the best results when it comes to visibility and conversion rates. Poor product descriptions will lead to poor sales, leading to poor rankings.
Answer questions
As is outlined in discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, answered questions are listed at the top of the product page, which means that they play an important role in conversions, and consequently, rankings. Make sure you answer your customers’ questions, ensuring that your answers are not vague, provide as much information as possible and that you are polite when answering even if you have to deal with hundreds of questions daily.
Complete your product listing page
Another tip as far as Amazon SEO is concerned, one that will help you to rank as high as possible, is making sure that you complete every single field in your product listing setup page. The more complete your product listing is, the higher it will rank according to discussions on the same over at runrex.com.
Conduct keyword research
Yet another important Amazon SEO tip worth mentioning is the importance of doing keyword research to ensure that you are using the most relevant keywords for the highest ranking possible. a pro tip when conducting keyword research as far as Amazon is concerned is focus less on buyer-focused attributes as compared to the other forms of SEO.
Optimize your title
A good product title will also increase conversion rates, and will help you rank highly. This is why you should make sure that you optimize your title, making sure that it contains keywords, is easy to read, and is under 200 characters to prevent it from being too wordy which may put off customers.
As always, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then look no further than the excellent runrex.com and guttulus.com.