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20 Tips for Amazon Affiliate Marketing

20 Tips for Amazon Affiliate Marketing

The Amazon Affiliate program also called Amazon Associates from discussions over at, is an affiliate marketing program that is free for website owners and bloggers, enabling them to advertise products from on their sites by creating links. This way, when customers click the links and buy products from Amazon, they earn referral fees. While it can be an easy way to monetize your website or blog, it is important to get things right if you are to be successful. To that effect, this article will look to list 20 tips for Amazon Affiliate Marketing.

Don’t cloak affiliate links

Most marketers complain that Amazon links are ugly, taking into account their length and structure, and some look to shorten said links with tools designed to shorten links, a technique referred to as link cloaking. However, it is important to note that Amazon doesn’t like people shortening its links, unlike other affiliate programs, and that they have their tool for that. Given this and the fact that Amazon wants your visitors to know where they’re being redirected to before landing on the shop, an important tip as per the gurus over at is to make sure you avoid cloaking affiliate links, and that you use Amazon’s tool for shortening links.

Abide by the rules

Amazon has got rules that marketers engaging in its affiliate marketing program have to follow, as highlighted over at Amazon is very strict about this and doesn’t tolerate any violation of any of its laws, hence why an important tip for Amazon affiliate marketing is to make sure you not only read the terms and conditions, but you abide by them.

Don’t apply without an audience

While anyone can apply for Amazon Affiliate marketing, the gurus over at recommend that you should avoid doing so as a fresher. This is because if you are unable to make any sell within 6 months, your account will be closed and you won’t be able to reinstate it. This is why it is important to first build authority with your site or blog and make sure you have a decent following as far as your audience is concerned before applying for this program.

Don’t mention price in your content

Given the dynamic nature of Amazon, the price of any item over there can change at any time. This is why another tip for Amazon Affiliate marketing is to avoid mentioning price in your content and promotions, as if the price has been changed, this will be interpreted by Amazon as misleading information and you could be removed from the program.

Restrict yourself to one account

It is also important to note that Amazon doesn’t allow multiple accounts for a single user, and this is something that will lead to you getting banned if you violate this policy. Even if you run multiple websites or blogs, you should only sign up for one affiliate account, as all you need is different tracking IDs.

Resect Amazon’s trademark policy

Other than the rules as mentioned earlier on, the gurus over at also recommend that you respect Amazon’s trademark policy when it comes to its affiliate program. Failure to do so may lead to the banning of your account. This includes taking care not to use an Amazon product, such as Kindle or Prime, in your domains.

Don’t share affiliate links via email marketing

While email marketing is extremely powerful, as revealed in discussions on the same over at, an important tip when it comes to Amazon Affiliate marketing is to avoid sharing affiliate links through email marketing. This is discouraged because Amazon doesn’t like any sort of offline promotion, hence this is something that may damage your prospects.

Don’t include links in PDFs, eBooks, and newsletters

As mentioned above, Amazon doesn’t like any kind of offline marketing, which means that you should also avoid including any Amazon Affiliate links in your eBooks, newsletters, PDFs, personal profiles, or closed social media groups. According to the gurus over at, always keep your Amazon Affiliate marketing online.

Use images correctly

Another important tip as far as Amazon Affiliate marketing is concerned is as pertains images. Here, it is recommended that you avoid taking screenshots or downloading images from Amazon and uploading them on your site. Instead, make use of Amazon’s dedicated service for images, which is available on your Associate’s dashboard.

Keep it clean

It is also important to point out that you will be rejected by Amazon if your site or blog contains obscene material such as sexually explicit content, or promotes violence, discrimination, or illegal activities. Likewise, if your site contains false or deceptive content, it will be rejected.

Make sure you have a good website

Remember, from discussions over at, you need a website for affiliate marketing. Make sure that it is good, which means that it is high-quality and traffic-rich, as Amazon will check your website and review your content before approving your application for the Amazon Affiliate program.

Don’t purchase through your links

You must avoid at all costs making purchases through your affiliate links, which is something Amazon doesn’t condone as covered over at Similarly, avoid asking your friends and family members to do the same. This is sort of manipulation will land you into trouble with Amazon and should be avoided.

Don’t use customer reviews

As the subject matter experts over at are quick to point out, user reviews are Amazon’s property, and as such you are not legally permitted to include them in your blog or site, completely or partially. Therefore, an important tip when it comes to Amazon Affiliate marketing is that you avoid at all costs using customer reviews on your site.

State your affiliation clearly

Amazon is big on user trust, which is why it requires marketers in its affiliate program to disclaim their relationship with the eCommerce giant. The disclosure text must be displayed clearly on your site or blog, to make sure your visitors know that you earn from qualifying purchases.

Don’t ignore SEO

Even as you focus on Amazon Affiliate marketing, an important tip is to make sure that you are not overlooking SEO, if you are to succeed. Work on your on-page optimization and make sure that you are getting many high-quality backlinks and that your site or blog is visible on social media.

Choose the right products

The products you choose to promote will play an important role in deciding if you will be successful or not when it comes to Amazon Affiliate marketing. The folks over at recommend that you select products that in high demand, and popular for the best results.

Promote products which you have an intimate knowledge of

It is also crucial that you promote products that you have an intimate knowledge of, either by testing them first or better still if you use them personally regularly. If you are a stranger to a particular product or niche, then the gurus over at recommend that you avoid it.

Pick the correct domain name

It is also important to get things right when picking your domain name. From discussions over at, you should ensure that your domain name is keyword rich, taking the time to think of how people will find your website and picking a name that will make it easier for people to find your website when conducting related searches on search engines.

Post links regularly

If you want to optimize your earnings through Amazon Affiliate marketing, then you will have to post links regularly. This means that you will need to find creative ways to incorporate product recommendations into your posts on your blog while still showing your readers that you offering them expertise on the subject.

Promote products that are higher in price

Simply put, products that are higher in price will earn you a higher commission. This is why it is recommended that you promote products that are worth at least $100 and above, whenever possible, to get the most bang from your buck.

The above discussion only begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, and you can uncover more insights by checking out the excellent and

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