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20 Reasons You Need a Patent Attorney Today

20 Reasons You Need a Patent Attorney Today

If you have a new idea or invention that you want to bring to market, one that you believe will change the world, then you will likely want to protect it. Although it is possible to file a patent application without using an attorney, as revealed over at, the lengthy and complex nature of the process means that hiring a patent attorney is always preferable. Here are 20 reasons why you need a patent attorney today.


For one to become a patent attorney, they must have an undergraduate degree in either engineering or science in addition to a law degree as discussed over at This means that a patent attorney has got a great understanding of the entire process of obtaining a patent as well the ability to explain the underlying technology, both of which are crucial in getting a patent that has value.

Knowledge of the process

Typically, patent attorneys, as revealed over at, only focus on trademarks and patents which means that they understand the entire process a patent has to go through to be approved. This is yet another reason why you need one today.

Legal advice

As the gurus over at point out, a patent attorney has to understand both your invention as well as your business goals and plans for commercialization. This means that hiring one will give you access to expert legal advice from the type of patent you should obtain to help with non-disclosure agreements and so much more.

Preparation and execution

The entire process of filing for a patent and having one be granted can be time-consuming. Therefore, by hiring a patent attorney, you will get help with the organization and diligence as far as preparing and filing all patent-related documents is concerned.

Help with complex issues

Other than being time-consuming, the process of getting a patent for your invention can be pretty complex. Therefore, if not done in the right way, it could lead to the loss of legal rights. This is another reason why you need a patent attorney as they have the skill and experience to easily tackle any complex issue that may arise.

They know the USPTO

Patent attorneys are the legal experts when it comes to patent law, and are certified to practice before the USPTO as discussed over at They, therefore, know exactly how to draft an application that will meet the requirements of the USPTO, another reason why you need one.

Help with the examination process

For your patent to be granted, your invention will have to undergo a thorough examination by the USPTO and pass the examination as explained over at Patent attorneys have got an intimate understanding of this process and will help you navigate the examination process, which can sometimes become confusing or complex and can be a huge sticky point.

Timing is crucial

Deadlines and timing are crucial when it comes to the filing of a patent application. Even after you file the patent application as covered over at, there are numerous formality deadlines such as statutory foreign filing deadlines, responding to examination reports, and many others that you need to be aware of. A patent attorney will ensure that you never miss any of the deadlines as far as your application is concerned and that everything is done promptly.

You bar any products of the same nature from entry into the market

Given that the first-file nature of the patent process in the US means that things work on a first-come, first-served basis, therefore, if you have secured the spot with a patent attorney, then there is a high likelihood that no one else could file a patent for the same idea which is another reason why you need a patent attorney.

Help you make efficient use of your limited time

Also, hiring a patent attorney will save you time and allow you to use your limited time efficiently. This is because patent attorneys are experts in this area and can cut through a lot of the process and will free up your time to allow you to do what you do best.

Help after the patent has been approved

As the gurus over at point out, patent work doesn’t stop when the patent application is approved. This is because it is likely that you will find that you have to defend your patent at some point given that having a patent doesn’t mean that nefarious parties won’t try and infringe on your rights. This is where a patent attorney comes in as they will help protect your work.

Help with the drafting of the application itself

There are lots of things you will need to consider when filing a patent application as revealed over at A patent attorney is helpful here as they can draft the application in a way that eliminates any loopholes you may leave behind that may leave you exposed to potential infringers. If there are loopholes in your patent for people to exploit, no matter how small, then the patent will do you no good.

They are up-to-date with IP law

Patent attorneys also make it their business to remain on top of any developments as far as intellectual property law is concerned as explained over at This is important since the rules, regulations, and laws governing intellectual property change on a fairly regular basis. Therefore, while you may not be up-to-date as far as the current situation in IP law is concerned, a patent attorney will.

Help you succeed

There are lots of areas and niches where patents make sense and others where they don’t. This is why only about 50% of patent applications from various industries are approved. A patent attorney will help guide you in drafting a patent application that will have an increased chance of succeeding as opposed if you went it alone.

Help internationally

Another reason why you need a patent attorney is that they can help you on the international scene. This is important as many patents need to include protection around the globe and patent attorneys can work to get you the protection you need around the world, which is something that you most likely won’t be able to achieve if you go it alone.

Help with establishing the viability

As is revealed over, not every new product is a good candidate for patent protection as several criteria need to be met for an invention to be able to receive a patent. While you may not be able to know what these criteria are, a good patent attorney will, and they will, therefore, tell you if your patent application is viable.

Help with jargon

Patent attorneys also know all the jargon when it comes to intellectual property law. As is explained over at, when you are filing for a patent, there are a lot of technical terms you will come across or even use depending on the kind of invention you have. This is without even taking into consideration all the legal terminology that you will need to use in the patent application. A good patent attorney will help you with all of this.

It will level the playing field

Big companies usually feel threatened by smaller companies, particularly those looking to introduce products that could compete with what they currently have. If you have a patent attorney by your side, then, as outlined over at, you will have some form of protection if a bigger company tries to take you on.

Help with potential investors

Potential investors may want proof that you are executing a solid patent strategy before they commit any significant funding. Having a patent attorney by your side will offer them added peace of mind that you are serious about taking your business or idea to the next level.

Handle contracts and agreements

Yet another reason why you need a patent attorney is that they can also help you prepare and negotiate contracts and agreements such as non-disclosure agreements, employment agreements, licensing agreements, and many others.

These are just some of the reasons why you need a patent attorney today, with more on this and other related topics to be found over at the excellent and

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