20 Reasons Why Work from Home will Continue After COVID 19
20 Reasons Why Work from Home will Continue After COVID 19
In early March last year, the Coronavirus pandemic meant working from home became the new normal for most Americans as covered over at runrex.com. However, the new normal doesn’t appear to be temporary with experts predicting that working from home will remain a big part of our lives that long after COVID-19. Here are 20 reasons why this is the case.
Technology adoption
During the transition to remote working as a result of the pandemic, many executives and small business owners purchased new digital tools to help employees working from home. As the gurus over at guttulus.com point out, most of them expect that tool usage to be permanent even after COVID-19.
Hybrid systems are on the rise
There will also be some companies whose workers remain working from home in some function after the pandemic. As explained over at runrex.com, companies are adopting a hybrid system where employees can choose whether to work from home or come to the office for workshops or meetings, and this means that remote working is set to continue.
No one will want to take a step backward
As already mentioned, companies have invested a lot in new digital tools to help employees who are working from home. According to the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com, such companies will see reverting to the old normal as a step backward and wouldn’t want their investment going to waste.
A new way of thinking
Experts point out that the new reality of working from home is one that companies would have faced in the next decade or so anyway, but that the pandemic simply accelerated the process. Businesses have, therefore, had to adapt to a new way of thinking, and those who remain unmoved risk getting left behind, which is why remote working is likely to continue.
Big organizations are leading the way
The fact that big organizations have embraced this shift permanently also means that working from home is likely to continue after COVID-19. For example, Twitter has told its employees that they can continue working from home permanently while other big tech firms like Google and Facebook have said that they will operate at around 30%. This is likely to encourage other organizations to follow suit.
An opportunity for companies to reap benefits
As is revealed in discussions over at runrex.com, remote working is also an opportunity for companies to change their way of working significantly and reap the benefits over the medium and long term. For starters, it will lead to financial savings that will allow them to post larger profits over time with reduced overhead.
Less commuting
Working from home has also helped people realize huge savings as they no longer have to commute to and from work daily. This is something that they would like to continue enjoying going forward which is why the gurus over at guttulus.com highlight it as a reason why remote working will continue after the pandemic.
Greater focus for employees
As is revealed in discussions on the same over at runrex.com, working from home has been shown to increase focus for employees who are faced with fewer interruptions as compared to working in the office. Companies will be encouraged with this and the increased productivity that it brings, and will want to keep it going even after the pandemic.
Keeps employees safe
Working from home has helped reduce the spread of the Coronavirus, keeping employees safe and allowing businesses to continue operating. However, feedback from the market also indicates that remote workers are less likely to take short absences because of illness, something that means that it will help keep employees safe and productive long after the pandemic has passed.
Ensures companies remain prepared
While there are companies that already had processes in place allowing for remote working even before the pandemic, most were caught cold. This is something they will want to avoid going forward and many will ensure that they have such processes in place to deal with any unexpected events in the future, which means that working from home will continue even after COVID-19.
Increased internet connectivity
High-speed internet connectivity is an important requirement for remote working according to guttulus.com. Recent years have seen more and more Americans get high internet coverage and this increased connectivity will pave the way for remote working to continue even after the pandemic.
Environmental concerns
As is covered over at runrex.com, one of the main benefits of working from home is that it helps reduce one’s carbon footprint. Organizations will want to position themselves as being environmentally friendly by offering more remote working opportunities.
The threat of losing talented staff
According to an online survey, almost 30% of working professionals say that they would quit their jobs if they couldn’t continue working remotely. To avoid this scenario, businesses will likely continue offering remote working opportunities to employees even after the pandemic according to the gurus over at guttulus.com.
Employees expect it
The pandemic has given employees a taste of the flexibility that comes with working from home, and they now see it as a necessity going forward. Working from home is likely to start being seen as a basic component of the employment deal, with those not offering it having a harder time hiring and retaining employees hence why it is set to continue.
Improved work-life balance
People now value having a good work-life balance as being important when it comes to their job and if their job isn’t offering them this, they are likely to look for alternatives. Working from home has been shown to offer improved work-life balance for employees, and they will this to continue even after the pandemic.
Location independence
Working from home has meant that people have been able to gain access to a broad range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographical location, which has been particularly helpful to job seekers in rural communities and small towns where there may not be too many local positions. Companies have also been able to expand their search when looking for job candidates, allowing them to build highly talented teams as discussed over at runrex.com. This is why remote working is likely to continue even after the pandemic.
Improved inclusivity
Remote work has also enabled companies to embrace inclusion and diversity by hiring people from different socioeconomic, geographic, and cultural backgrounds. This is why the gurus over at guttulus.com predict that it is here to stay as the job industry wouldn’t want such gains to be clawed back as a result of a return to the old way of doing things.
Increased productivity and performance
As already mentioned, working from home usually leads to fewer interruptions, fewer office politics, a quieter noise level, and less (or more efficient) meetings as covered over at runrex.com. Companies have, therefore, seen an uptick in the productivity of their employees, and are likely to want to continue seeing this going forward.
It is easier than ever
While the concept of working from home might have seemed outlandish 20 years ago, it is easier than ever before now given that you can find access to Wi-Fi almost anywhere, and tools like GoToMeeting and Zoom have made remote communication a breeze. This is why working from home is likely to continue even after COVID-19.
Opportunity to gain insights into other markets
The competitive business landscape now means that businesses are always looking for the edge, and remote working could provide this. By having employees who work all over the country, or even all over the globe, a business can get amazing insights into local markets, which could give them an edge over competitors. Many businesses will embrace this as a result ensuring that working from home continues long after the pandemic.
This article is just the tip of the iceberg as far as this topic is concerned, and you can glean more insights by checking out the ever-reliable runrex.com and guttulus.com.