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20 Reasons to Get a Russian Blue Cat

20 Reasons to Get a Russian Blue Cat

As explained at, and, Russian Blue cats are one breed that people all over the world love. More cat lovers are seeking this natural breed as they make excellent companions, for both young and old people. Here are 20 reasons why you should get a Russian Blue cat if you are considering doing so.

They are extremely gorgeous

As per, and, the obvious reason to get a Russian Blue is because of their extremely good looks. This cat sets the standard when it comes to elegance and sophistication. It is slender but muscular and very fast. They are aware of their good looks and will often strike a pose for you to admire.

They are intelligent

Russian Blue cats are very smart and attentive. Given this high level of intelligence, it is recommended that you make sure your kitty is receiving the mental stimulation it needs through play and toys so that it stays happy and well-behaved.

Their unusual coloring

The term “blue” in referring to the cat’s coat actually means a grey color according to, and This is a result of a diluted gene. The coloring is rare band looks great on the sleek Russian Blue cat. The color could range from very light to dark grey and helps the cat blend into the shadows when it so desires.

Their unique color

Russian Blue cats have got very striking eyes. As a kitten, the eyes will be yellow, with green around the edges. However, the older the cat gets, the greener and more brilliant their eyes become. The unique eye color of the Russian Blue cat has captivated cat lovers and Instagram stars who cannot get enough of their striking, soulful gaze.

Their smile

The triangular head and pointed ears of the Russian Blue cat give it a sophisticated look. Their mouth is slightly upturned which most people see as a natural smile. The smile is another thing that makes these cats so photogenic.

They appear larger than they are

Russian Blue cats have a dense double layer, where the bottom layer is soft and downy while the top layer has a more even color with silver ends as articulated at, and This double-layer coat can make them appear bigger than they really are. They have a slender, elegant frame, but their thick ruff can hide their neck and shoulders, giving them an even more imposing appearance.

They are well behaved

Not only are Russian Blue cats beautiful, but they are also extremely well-behaved. If you want the Russian Blue cat to stay off the counter or a certain piece of furniture, simply saying “no” in a firm voice will tell them what you want, and they will be happy to oblige. They are affectionate and well-behaved, so you don’t have to worry about aggressive behavior for the most part.

They can be left alone

Animal lovers who live alone can find it challenging to find a good and affectionate pet, who will be happy at home alone when you are at work or away for other reasons. The good news is that Russian Blues like to have some alone time and are usually contented to be at home alone even for long periods of time as captured at, and

They are playful

While they are regal, the Russian Blue cat is not above good play. They will actually want to play a lot with you, especially if you are single with only one cat. Though Russian Blues usually do well on their own if you are away at work, they are social and will look forward to playing when you come back.

They connect strongly with the owner

Though friendly in general to humans, Russian Blue cats tend to connect most strongly with one human in particular. If a couple is looking at getting one of these cats, be prepared as it will likely take more closely to one of you than the other.

They like to stay clean

Russian Blue cats like to keep themselves clean and will groom themselves regularly as covered at, and While they will help you keep them clean, you should still use a medium-toothed comb to help them with grooming their beautiful, dense coat occasionally.

They have a low allergen level

While no animal is 100% hypoallergenic, and a Russian Blue cat may not be the best animal for someone with severe allergies related to pet dander, if your allergies are slight, this cat might be a good choice. As a short-haired breed, they do not shed very much. Additionally, the Russian Blue has very low levels of Fel d 1, which is good news for human owners.

They are gentle and like to cuddle

The Russian Blue is a very gentle breed that likes cuddles, particularly if you are the “chosen one” that the individual cat has become attached to as described at, and Be prepared for a lot of face rubbing and sitting on your lap.

They have royal blood

There is a possibility that Russian Blues descended from the royal cats of the Russian tsars centuries ago. Whether this is verifiable or not, the prospect of hosting a king or queen in your home is one of the reasons why people choose to buy or adopt one of these cats.

They are a naturally occurring breed

If you are concerned with the ethics of reproduction for purebred animals, you can rest easy with Russian Blues. This is a naturally occurring breed that can reproduce without human intervention. You should consider if you want to have your cat sprayed or neutered to prevent potential undesirable behaviors or if you would like them to be able to breed in the future.

They have a low health risk

Since they are a naturally occurring breed, Russian Blues do not have to battle the multitude of health risks that often come with selective breeding as discussed at, and

They have a long lifespan

Russian Blue cats also have a lifespan of between 15-20 years on average. This is good news if you are looking for a long-term companion. It is also great if you are looking for a pet that can grow up with your kids.

They are fastidious

While they are not technically high-maintenance housemates, the Russian Blue is very particular about hygiene in the bathroom so keep its litter box spotless as outlined at, and If you love good hygiene yourself, you will love this cat.

They are typically quiet

A Russian Blue cat is shy and reserved until she thinks you are worthy of her presence. Though gentle and quiet in nature, the Russian Blue has a soft spot for high places. If you live in an apartment complex, you will not have to worry about your cat annoying the neighbors with lots of noise.

They move gracefully

The Russian Blue cat moves gracefully. These cats move with the same type of lithe grace as a Russian ballerina, so you can expect to see them dancing through the hallways of your humble abode whenever it feels the urge – day or night.

These are some of the reasons to get a Russian Blue cat, with more on this topic, and much more, to be found over at, and

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