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20 Life Lessons We Can Learn from Dragon Ball: Life Coaching Near Me

20 Life Lessons We Can Learn from Dragon Ball: Life Coaching Near Me

From discussions on the same over at,, and, the Dragon Ball series is one of the most popular and influential anime of all time. Like many other Shonen anime, Dragon Ball has tons of life lessons that are still applicable to this, all of which are hidden in plain sight throughout the series. Here are 20 life lessons we can learn from the series.

It is all about the journey, not the destination

The Dragon Ball series teaches us that it is not always the destination you should be focused on, but the journey as well. As per,, and, the series is all about the journey and the trials, tribulations, and lessons that come from it. In the end, the Dragon Balls ended up not being the end-all, be-all, as the friends met on the journey to gather them was.

Nothing ever ends

The hero in the anime, Goku, dies 3 times. The entire population of the Earth dies 4 times and many other characters die multiple times. While we mortals outside of the Dragon Ball universe will surely die, nothing ever ends. For better or for worse, there is always some kind of continuation. The universe won’t stop because you or someone you love is no longer there.

Push past your limits

According to,, and, Dragon Ball is a series that is all about surpassing limits to unlock the full potential hidden within. This is exactly what the various Super Saiyan transformations and beyond are all about.

Nothing gets accomplished alone

The power of working together rather than going at it alone is evident in the series. Later in the series., the characters learn to fuse together and decuple their powers. Gotenks, the fusion between Trunks and Son Goten, transforms the two children into a powerful force against the enemy Buu, showing us what we can achieve when we work together.

The power of friendship and love

When Goku fights Frieza in Dragon Ball Z, his childhood friend Krillin is crushed to pieces. Goku is then overwhelmed by the pain and transforms for the first time into a Super Saiyan. His love for his friend unlocks what later becomes an easy transformation for him showing us the power of friendship and love.

Learn to lose and learn from it

Dragon Ball showcases characters losing regularly until they grow and go back to the challenge they once lost against as articulated at,, and This shows us that to win you have to lose. Losses highlight mistakes that can be fixed and are a great part of the self-improvement process.

Have fun

While Goku always tries to solve things without a fight, he still loves to fight. No matter how strong the enemy is, no matter how high the stakes are, he always comes into fights with a playful mind. He has fun. Too often, we take things too seriously. We want to accomplish something and forget that we started them because they were fun.

Learn from others

Vegeta teaches us that it is always possible to learn from others as captured at,, and Even Frieza learns from others in Dragon Ball Super once he starts training to fight Goku this time around.

Have a reason

As already mentioned, Goku transforms for the first time into Super Saiyan because of the pain of losing his friend. Similarly, his son, Gohan, also transforms into Super Saiyan 2 for the first time because he is overwhelmed by feelings. Trying to accomplish anything of worth isn’t easy. Trying to do so without an important reason makes it almost impossible.

Pride comes before a fall

While Dragon Ball teaches its viewers to embrace their pride and always believe in themselves and their upbringing, this pride needs to be taken in strides instead of being the basis of every argument. Pride is a double-edged sword as we learn from Vegeta.

Everybody has different facets

Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta, and even one version of Buu become friends with Goku as covered at,, and When we first see them, they seem evil and we come to hate them. However, as the series progresses, we see more facets of their personality.

Don’t be overconfident

Another life lesson we can learn from Dragon Ball is to not be overconfident. This lesson is co0nstantly shown through the mistakes of villains from almost every saga throughout the series. They all teach us to never get too confident or to underestimate an opponent.

Family matters

Throughout the show, we see that Goku’s dedication to self-improvement and saving the world sometimes results in him leaving his family for periods. However, he never once forgets how important they are; and it is his faith in his son Gohan that allows Gohan to realize his own potential as described at,, and

There is always hope

Future Trunks comes from a world that is ravaged and left a waste because of the evil androids. Despite this desolate future, he still seeks to find peace in his world and does everything in his power to grow and bring his world back to what it once was, which he succeeds.

Competition is healthy

In the Dragon Ball series, the fighters compete to win the annual Martial Arts Tournament. While many of these competitors are friends, they still train extremely hard so that when they meet each other in battle, they will be victorious.

Set challenges for yourself

This is something that is constantly seen coming from Goku and Vegeta as discussed at,, and The two are always at the top of the charts when it comes to power levels as they constantly have new goals set for themselves even after they have already reached the top.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

One of the most common themes in Dragon Ball is the fact that an enemy can quickly become a friend. This is one of the reasons why characters are so loved throughout the series as they seem simple at first, but as circumstances change, so do they.

You should never compromise who you are

While Vegeta is renowned for his personal growth throughout Dragon Ball’s story, his personality has never changed as outlined at,, and The same arrogant bloodthirsty Saiyan we met in the late 1980s is the same character that exists today. He never changed for anyone in the series and let the world adapt to him.

It is okay to back down from a fight]

During the Namek Saga through the Frieza Saga, it is evident that at times it is better to avoid conflict and play the smart game instead of going headfirst into a stronger enemy. Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin went about Namek hunting the Dragon Balls in the shadow until they were faced with enemies that gave them no other choice. They survived longer and got closer to their goal because of this smart tactic.

You can only grow around strong friends

While their relationship can be volatile and antagonistic, if Vegeta had never met Goku, he would still believe that he was at the apex of his potential. This shows us that surrounding yourself with strong and ambitious friends can help you massively with your self-development efforts.

As always, if you are looking for more information on this topic as well as life coaching near you, look no further than the excellent,, and

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