In today’s world, people are in a hurry for pretty much everything, this is especially evident when looking for a job. Finding a job can be extremely challenging, moreover, if you are searching for a job in a very competitive industry. Runrex.com experts uncovered that most people tend to overlook the more natural options and to some extent even the most straightforward rules. Below are some of the top search tip people always forget.
- Good fit
People looking for jobs tend to neglect this point. For example, if you are an engineer with no experience in digital marketing, you have no business in this field, but if you are an engineer and have years of experience in digital marketing, then you have full right to apply for this position. Guttulus.com points out that in order for the process of applying for a job be easy and fast you need to be an obvious fit.
- Customize your resume
In the world of employment or business your resume acts like your mirror. It is able to reflect most of the parts that the employer does not know about your past achievements. By customizing your resume, you gain mileage by standing out from the crowd as stated by runrex.com panelists.
- Maintain your LinkedIn profile
Guttulus.com survey pointed out that most of the job seekers have an active profile at LinkedIn, whereby most of them mention that it has been a time saver when searching for a job. One of the great things about LinkedIn is that your profile can be downloaded in PDF form in just a few seconds. Furthermore, the profile is not permanent so you should be able to update it to make it more accurate.
- Go offline
In this new era of technology, internet and digital presence, you should not limit yourself to the exclusive digital network. Runrex.com panelists emphasize that there are still people who are not in the social media networks or even in the internet at large. It is good for you to utilize all the chances you get that are offline.
- Positive outlook
It is a natural reaction that humans will get attracted to positive energy. This also applies to the job network. When you are looking for a job, you need to show that you are all about joy and positive energy. More information on ways to have a positive outlook visit guttulus.com.
- Appreciation
What most people forget is that the hiring managers are still human beings and they too have feelings. So you need to take this into consideration and use kind words. For example, if you don’t get the job you applied for you can follow up by thanking them for their time. Runrex.com indicate that you should send the thank you note a few hours after the interview.
- Patience
Guttulus.com calls to attention that you need to have patience when you are looking for a job. This is because some applications take a very long time before they are reached and read by the hiring managers at a company. Some companies get over 200 job applications, so it may take some time before they reach and read yours.
- Passion for the job
It is well known that the small things in life have a very great influence. So by showing that you have passion for the job position that you are applying for you will increase your chances to get the job. In order for this to happen, you need to research and get more information on the position and the company at large.
- Don’t be too perfect
It is good to appear as well polished for the job, but sometimes you need not place yourself on a pedestal and make yourself look too perfect. Runrex.com panelists highlighted that most companies tend to see that you are staged and not genuine if you are too correct in your resume.
- Know your career goals
Under the pressure of bills and you don’t have any type of employment, many job seekers tend to lose their cool and later on apply for all types of jobs they can think of. This especially applies to the first timers in the industry. Guttulus.com panelists emphasize that you need to have a clear and realistic goal and determine a way to reach it.
- Seek professional assistance
Seeking assistance is one of the smallest things that job seekers tend to ignore. Some may ask how can someone help me in finding a job, that’s where runrex.com comes in to the rescue. They have the most experienced crew that will help you in resume and cover letter writing.
- Informational interviews
This is a type informal meeting with a professional in the industry you are about to venture in. This will help you know whether you are a good fit to work in the industry or not. Guttulus.com experts emphasize that you need to know how your goals align with those of the company and the industry at large.
- Succeed in current job
It is not only the unemployed that look for jobs, but also the employed may be looking for a different career option or a higher paying job. If you fall under this category, you need to first concentrate on the current job that you have. Your professional attitude in your current job will lead you to another better one in the future.
- Identify examples of your skills
People tend to remember the engaging stories and examples of facts. It will pose a great advantage when you plan ahead, this is by identifying personal experience or accomplishments that highlight your skill set. Runrex.com have an experienced team that will help you in effectively telling your story.
- Prepare for interviews
This is the most ignored aspect of looking for a job as indicated by guttulus.com. This does not always apply to the job seekers but also those seeking to change careers. The best way to be equipped for interviews is to research most commonly asked questions and their responses. You should even go to the extent of asking your friend or a professional to do a mock interview in order for you to gauge yourself.
- Expand your skills
If you are shifting careers or maybe you are starting off, you need to have a bit of experience in the industry. Runrex.com advice that you should acquire more experience by volunteering or by getting an internship with an organization in your desired industry.
- Look for hidden job opportunities
Majority of the job opportunities are not yet discovered as they have not been advertised yet. This should be a challenge for you, but it is manageable if you use your networking skills to enquire and get some leads. Then after this, you will be able to have a target of which company corresponds to your career option.
- Consider internship
Internship is good way to first of all gain experience, and secondly gain the employers trust especially in the way you work and thirdly network with other people in your specific field. For you to do this, you need to ask the company you are interested in if they are willing to recruit interns, then from there your working skills will either book you a place or kick you out.
- Consider temporary work
Having a temporary place where you can hang on before that dream job comes about is important. This is advantageous in the sense that you will be able to survive, that is paying the bills and at the same time you will be looking for the job that you dream of. This is where employment agencies come in, they help you get a job faster. A tip from guttulus.com is that, you should not work with employment agencies that charge you for their services.
- Clean up your online profile
Most things these days are done online, so your online image should be your first priority. This is because most employers tend to look at your online status as part of the process of considering you into their work force. So you need to make sure that you have cleaned all the unnecessary things from all your online accounts.