20 Hacks to Find a New Job in 48 Hours
20 Hacks to Find a New Job in 48 Hours
The job-hunting process can be quite exhausting and can seem to drag on forever as is revealed in discussions over at runrex.com. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. This article will look to highlight 20 hacks aimed at helping you find a new job in 48 hours.
- Book a dinner with people whose career advice you trust
The very first step to finding a new job is admitting that you are looking for one and letting it be known that you are. This is why the first hack to find a job in 48 hours is to make plans with a few people you trust, and who give you excellent advice, particularly career advice, according to the gurus over at guttulus.com. Share with them that you are looking to move on from your old job and even vent out all the concerns you have about it.
- Ask for their opinion
When out with these people whose career advice you trust, you should also ask them what they think of you and how they would describe you. You can then use their answers to edit your resume and your LinkedIn summary as discussed over at runrex.com.
- Get their perspective
Close friends and confidants will often see strengths and opportunities that you don’t, which is why, according to the experts over at guttulus.com, you should get their perspective on what they think would be a great move for you when on your dinner with them.
- Start pitching right away
Another hack is making sure that when you go out with friends and acquaintances, your dinner isn’t only a vent session. While it is good to vent, you should also take advantage of the time you have to pitch and ensure that your interactions include the statement, “If you happen to know something that interests me, please connect me with it”.
Hacks on updating your resume
It goes without saying that before you start a job search then you will have to update all your materials, including your resume and cover letters. The following hacks will help you get this part right, helping you in your bid to land a new job in 48 hours. All you have to do is set a timer for an hour, and follow the following procedure in the tips below.
- Make a list of your current tasks
It is worth noting that recruiters hardly spend 5 seconds screening resumes on the first pass, which means that you shouldn’t waste time stressing over wordings. What you should do is make a list of the tasks that you are doing in your current job without worrying about vocabulary.
- Rate the tasks and select the most resume-worthy
Once you have your list, the gurus over at runrex.com recommend that you rate them accordingly and select 4-6 tasks that you think are most resume-worthy. Those you select should display a combination of your most impressive responsibilities or projects and should be relevant to the jobs you want to land.
- Turn the tasks into resume bullets
Next up, you should now turn the tasks into resume bullets, keeping in mind that, as discussed over at guttulus.com, strong resume bullets clarify, include examples or metrics where possible, and answer the all-important “so what?” by demonstrating how the task creates value.
- Proofread
Once you are done with bullet points, you should proceed to proofread your resume given how crucial it is that your resume is error-free, something the gurus over at runrex.com agree with. Given that, no matter how thorough you are, some mistakes may escape your attentive eyes, you should ensure that over and above going through each line on your own, you also run your resume through a tool like Grammarly to be sure.
- Move on to the format
It is important to highlight that the look and feel of your resume are also very important. This means that not only should the font be clear, but the document should also be organized and easy to read. You should, therefore, make sure that nothing looks sloppy, inconsistent, or misaligned, after which you should proceed to PDF the document.
The above process should take you about an hour to complete, and at the end of it all, you should now have an up-to-date resume.
- Get a second pair of eyes on it
Once you are done updating your resume, you should then email it off to one of those trusted advisors from your dinner to get a second pair of eyes on it. If there are any changes they recommend, you should consider them and update the resume accordingly until you are finally happy with it.
- Don’t forget about your LinkedIn profile
Once you are finally happy with your resume after the step above, you should then move to ensure that your LinkedIn is also up-to-date with short descriptions under each job you have held. To quicken this step, you can copy the descriptions from the resume you just finished updating, according to guttulus.com.
Hacks on tapping your professional network
The following hacks will help you tap into your professional network once you have updated your resume and LinkedIn profile.
- Write an “ask” email
As soon as your resume is up to date, as well as your LinkedIn profile, you should proceed to write an “ask” email. As is discussed over at runrex.com, you will use this template to write to people in your network who may be able to help your next step.
- What should your email cover?
It is important to know what your “ask” email should include, and according to guttulus.com, it should cover what you are currently up to in case they don’t know, what you are looking to do next where you should give as much detail as possible, your updated resume and an ask at the end of the email to connect you with anyone they think might be helpful or relevant.
- Send personalized emails
It is also important that you send personalized emails. Here, you can copy and paste and then spend a couple of minutes adjusting some small details and adding a personal touch so it doesn’t seem like a mass email. This is important as if you are asking someone for help finding a new job, you don’t want them feeling like you put zero effort into your email to them.
Hacks on Implementing search skills to find a new job
The following hacks will come in handy when it comes to searching for and finding a job
- Automate the process
With the technology that is available out there, you shouldn’t have to do a lot of manual work when it comes to searching for and applying for jobs. You should automate the process by downloading tools like the LinkedIn job search app or getting on job boards like Indeed.
- Set up alerts
Once you have on the relevant job boards, another hack worth mentioning is making sure that you set up alerts so that you are notified when new job listings matching your job search criteria are posted, as explained over at runrex.com. This will ensure that, instead of going to search for job listings, the job listings come to you.
- Set up a unique email for your alerts
Another hack, one that will ensure that you don’t miss out on any job alerts, is setting up a unique email account specifically for your job alerts, rather than using your regular email. This way, you don’t miss out on any alerts as they won’t be mixed up with any of your regular emails, and also ensures that none of them end up as spam according to the gurus over at guttulus.com.
- Only apply for jobs that are a fit
Another hack according to the subject matter experts over at runrex.com is making sure that you only apply for jobs that are truly a great fit for you. Don’t apply for jobs willy-nilly as this will only delay your job-hunting process, making it unlikely that you will find one in 48 hours.
- Set a weekly goal
Also, it is worth pointing out that applying for 20 or so jobs in one weekend is not wise, which is why you should consider setting up a weekly goal for yourself that you can be able to realistically meet. Now that your materials are ready and organized, you will be in a position to easily apply as you see job postings that you are interested in and excited about.
- Use advanced search options
Finally, to ensure that you are only getting and applying for relevant jobs, you should consider using the advanced search options available on the various job boards. These filters will allow you to filter your results based on your preferences for things like location, industry, job type, and much more.
While it is probably not possible to start and complete a full job search in 48 hours, the above tips are designed to set you up for a stress-free and successful job search, with more on this topic as well as help on your job search to be found over at the highly-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com.