20 Data Entry Jobs that Allow You to Work from Home
20 Data Entry Jobs that Allow You to Work from Home
Online data entry jobs have become increasingly popular out there as they provide one with an opportunity to work from home and make money during this time of the pandemic as discussed over at runrex.com. This article will look to mention 20 data entry jobs that will allow you to work from home without needing to invest in an elaborate work-from-home office.
Data Entry Keyers
A data entry keyer’s responsibilities include accurately extracting pertinent information from all types of documents and then typing data into databases such as an Excel spreadsheet or company templates as outlined over at guttulus.com. This data is then delivered to customers. Data keyers are also part of quality control in that they help identify errors in the data and fix them. To be a data keyer, you need to have a typing speed of 50 words per minute with a 0% error ratio as well as knowledge of MS Excel.
Data Entry Clerks
Data entry clerks follow specific procedures for completing various repetitive clerical jobs such as filing documents in an alphabetical file, posting to individual accounts, calculating and posting to department accounts, coding, etc. The difference between a data keyer and a data entry clerk is that the latter’s job involves a lot of physical activities standing for long as discussed over at runrex.com.
Converting audio to text
In this job, you convert audio files into text format, listening to audio files, and then reproducing them into a Word document. You will require great listening skills because quite often voice is not clear and may contain much technical jargon. Typing speed is also very important if you want to complete a great number of files per day according to guttulus.com.
Converting image to text
In this job, you will be given image files, such as a screenshot of a paragraph containing medical terminologies, and you have to read from the images and write it down in MS Word. Here, accuracy is very important as words are mainly medical terminologies rather than regular English.
Medical coder
A medical coder has to read the patient’s health report, analyze his/her medical history, and then based on charts and reports, transcribe the patient’s medical history. Medical coders transcribe codes into a “shorthand” writing style which is then used by doctors, medical professionals, and health insurance companies to know a patient’s medical history.
Medical transcriptionist
As revealed in discussions over at runrex.com, there is a huge demand for medical transcriptionists in the USA right now. A medical transcriptionist listens to various audio files and converts them into a word file. The challenge is that the transcriptionist has to listen and type dictations from doctors with thick accents and slur words, and sometimes the voice in the audio isn’t clear. You need great listening skills as well as familiarity with all medical jargon or you won’t understand certain words.
Amazon Mechanical Turk
Also known as mTurk as pointed out by the gurus over at guttulus.com, this is a one-of-its-kind data entry platform that allows data entry workers across the USA to work online. It provides you tasks, also known as Human Intelligence Tasks or HITs, on behalf of other companies and third-party clients, which you have to complete and submit to them. You have to qualify to work with mTurk as you have to pass a test before clients give you certain tasks.
Copy & paste job
Just as the name suggests, in this job, you copy content from one file and paste it onto another after doing some formatting as explained over at runrex.com. You will be converting a PDF file into Word Documents or vice versa, or Excel to Word and vice versa, and so forth. Content can be text, numbers, letters, and any other kinds of data.
Captcha solving
Captchas are images containing texts, numbers, and alphanumerical characters used to prevent spamming. Solving one captcha file doesn’t earn a lot of money, therefore, to earn a decent amount, you will have to solve lots of captchas daily. If you solve one captcha in 3 seconds and work for 7 hours, you can easily earn up to $150 daily.
Captioning jobs are a bit more advanced than Captcha solving jobs as, here, you have to create headings and captions for an image. You need some creativity to do this job. The caption you write must justify the images. With the popularity of social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and many others, captioning jobs are readily available online.
Data formatting job
Data formatting jobs involve less typing and more formatting. Here, you will be asked to format content in a word document, which means you will have to do things like arranging the text into paragraphs, aligning them, creating bulleted lists, indentation, fonts, and so forth as described over at guttulus.com.
Online surveys
In this job, you will be asked to answer questions on a particular topic by filling the survey forms. A survey can have 5 to 50 questions depending on the topic as covered over at runrex.com. Bigger surveys take longer to complete but you earn more money. Surveys are conducted by companies like Ipsos, Pew, etc.
Online form filling
Here, you are provided with a set of huge data and on online form separately. This data is a file containing various fields like Customer Name, Phone No., Email Address, House Address, bank account details, social security number, and so forth. You then have to enter the value from the database into each field of the online form, making sure you are careful and don’t make a mistake as pointed out by the gurus over at guttulus.com.
Payroll data entry operator
A payroll data entry operator has to fill fields of a database with variables like employee name, age, DOJ, payment, allowances, phone number, and so forth. You will need relevant training to familiarize yourself with all the features of the software suite you will be using.
Catalog data entry operator
A catalog data entry worker has to fill various fields of a table with information like product name, code number, price, expiry date, and so forth. Operators must also know how to sort and pull out specific data from the database.
Proofreading and editing
In this job, you proofread articles already written, correcting grammatical and spelling errors, while also removing typos. As articulated over at runrex.com, you will need to have reasonable knowledge of English to do this job.
Web content writing
As the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com point out, here, you write simple articles for websites and blogs. Articles are usually generic and easy to write and for an experienced writer, an online writing job is like typing grammatically correct sentences.
Ad posting
As is covered over at runrex.com, in this job, you are required to post ads on different classified sites, blogs, and forums. The company hiring you will provide you with the ads and various websites where you have to post them and for each ad posting you do, you earn a few cents. To earn a decent income, you will have to post thousands of ads each month.
Email processing
Also known as email reading, this is another popular type of online data entry work out there. Here, hundreds of website links are sent to your email address and you have to click on these links and go to each site, stay on that site for a given amount of time, usually 30-40 seconds, and you get paid. On some sites, you will be asked to Sign Up and become a member for free.
Creating customized reports
Finally, as a data entry operator, you have to create reports on different projects given by the client. In this job, specific instructions may be given by the company such as creating Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, charts, graphs, and so forth.
This article only just begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, and you can learn more on this over at the excellent runrex.com and guttulus.com.