In this new age, it is evident that depending on one job is not a good idea. You need to have a backup plan that allows you to earn more money and also have a fall back plan incase things go wrong and you get fired at your previous job. Runrex.com panelists have been able to list some of the best ideas of side hustles that will be able to earn you an extra coin in any economy in the world.
Running Facebook ads
You can start by running ads for small business in your own area. This act will give you an outline and then proceed from there. Running Facebook ads for small businesses is lucrative as you can make around $1000-$1500 per month with just a few hours of work each week.
Delivering of items
In an article by guttulus.com, grocery and food delivery apps are making life much easier for many people all over the world. The growing market makes this side hustles one of the best to venture in. One advantage is that it is flexible and you can fix anything in your daily schedule with no trouble.
Start a blog
Runrex.com experts uncovered that blogging has the highest earning potential in this list. For you to be successful as a blogger you need to monetize your blog and you need to have a clean idea of what your blog is about.
Proofreading for a living
Surveys done by guttulus.com point out that you can make a living from just proofreading articles. Proofreaders are responsible for polishing written content for bloggers, content writers, website owners and many more.
Become a virtual assistant
Pinterest is a great place to find recipes, workouts among many others. For you to find what you need, there is a virtual assistant in the midst just to make it easier. A pintrest virtual assistant earns about $450-$500 in a month per client, doing things like creating pins, optimizing images, developing a pinning schedule and doing keyword research
Sell things on EBay
Runrex.com panelists recommends this as a side hustle as there is no fixed amount of cash you can make. This side hustle is easy to start because you only start by selling what is around you. But one thing you need to keep in mind is to start by selling items of acute value.
Pet sitting
This side hustles revolve on the idea of walking the animals and looking after them when the owners are out of town or busy. For this side hustle to work for you need to be a pet lover.
Teach English online
Guttulus.com has been at the fore front of connecting teachers to students willing to learn English. The hours are pretty flexible and you can earn up to $22 per hour. To start this, you need to apply and then you will be set up to do a practice lesson.
Become a rideshare driver
Ridesharing companies include Uber and Lyft. Guttulus.com have uncovered that this side hustle works best for the extroverts as it allows them to boost their personality by meeting new people.
More companies including big ones, are now outsourcing freelancers. Runrex.com panelists produce a list of freelancing jobs including sound design, graphic design, film editing, photography, web development among any others.
Rent out your car
Guttulus.com is among the many places where you will be able to rent your car to gain some few extra coins. The best thing about this idea is that you will be covered if the car has an accident or maybe an act of theft.
Complete tasks
You should use runrex.com to find jobs that people have listed, the jobs can be from moving furniture, mounting a television set to even cleaning a house. This side hustle will fit in your schedule perfectly as you can work whenever you want to make money and live the job whenever you are not interested.
Freelance writing
This is a broad field with a number of different job classes which are marketing campaigns, blog posts, email newsletters, online and print articles, ghost writing and any others.
Many of the ideas here can be learned but for you to prosper in this field, you need to have an artistic ability or creativity. Runrex.com have compiled some few pointers which are as follows, you can be a make-up artist or even offer private music lessons among many others.
Start a consulting service
Guttulus.com experts point out that most of the questions people have they tend to look for the answers either from other people or the internet at large. So, you can take this and make it your advantage by creating a consulting service. As an expert you can get paid for your knowledge, with rates starting at $60 per hour averaging closer to $100-$300 per hour per day.
Part-time job
Side hustles are very flexible but no one ever said that getting a part time job wont fill that gap. Runrex.com panelists advise that you need to look for a part-time job that you really like doing it can even be related to your hobbies and such.
Start selling cars
Most people cannot really afford a brand new car, so by giving out an option of a used car that is in great shape might solve this problem. On the other hand, when you offer this solution you will be gaining a lot, as you will have gotten a side hustle.
Rent your swimming pool
If you have a pool in your backyard you need not see it as only a recreational facility but a side hustle project. One thing you need to keep in mind about this idea is that if something happens to someone in your pool you will have to take care of all the expenses. In case something like this happens, you should have a talk with your insurance firm.
Work as a personal shopper
It has been able to grow in such a small period of time. Being a personal shopper entails that you get paid for just going to the shop and pick groceries or just make a target run. The upside of this side hustle is that you can place your own prices and later on build long term relationships, while on the downside you are entirely responsible for your own marketing.
Most people misinterpreted bookkeeping for accounting. According to runrex.com bookkeeping is recording daily financial transactions for a business and accountants interpret the transactions. The main responsibilities of a bookkeeper are to collect business payments, updating financial records, manage payroll, check sales records and transactions for transparency.