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Houston Texas has been on the rise for offering some of the best jobs to qualified people. uncovered that at Runrex you will be able to get any type of  job you desire. This has made to be a go to source for marketable jobs with great salaries. Below are some of the great jobs in Houston Texas.

Patent lawyer

Everybody wants to be self-employed, this has enabled copycat companies, so to speak to have their way in the newbies company rights. By this I mean that copycat companies wait for your brand to grow and then utilize the uniqueness of your brand to their advantage by copying it. To prevent this from happening you need to have a patent lawyer, by patenting your brand you are safe from this issues.

Web developer

In this new age and era of technology everything has been digitalized. Many people are turning to the internet for more information on almost everything. By being a web developer you are at a great advantage as uncovered by panelists.

Mechanical engineering

Any type of engineering is marketable anywhere in the world. This is evident in Houston Texas. have uncovered that Houston Texas has many job opportunities for mechanical engineers. More information on this and more visit

Accounting jobs

Accounting has always been a big wig in the job industry. Accounting mainly comprises f putting in order all transactions done by the company. has been known to produce some of the best accountants in the industry.

Machine learning engineering

This is a very lucrative type of engineering in Houston Texas especially at Runrex. This has made to be at the foe front of helping out this company to acquire some o the best work force in the industry. According to machine learning is a very essential tool in educating the masses on using the new technology.

Data analyst

Data analyst has grown into a very marketable career. With the growing companies, they need to have a data analyst to manage their company data for them.  A good example is Runrex, they are a great name in the industry but they need to manage all of their client’s data and information

Software e-commerce

Technology makes work easier in each and every way. In this case software e-commerce makes it easier for you to intricate processes in a friendly user interface. This allows people with non-technical backgrounds to use it with no issues.

Trademark lawyer

A trademark is a law practitioner that only deals with law suits involving trademarks. They also provide legal advice on trademark and design matter so f brands. has the best experts in the industry with the most experience.

Copyright lawyer

With the significant rise in new companies, there has also been a significant rise in copyright offences. According to, copyright is act of infringing on the user rights, ownership and usage of a particular company.  

Data scientist

Being a data scientist requires you to combine skills form the use of scientific methods and the processing of algorithms to extract knowledge and insights from data. They have played a great role in making life much easier for those that do not really understand how data is generated and interpreted.

Brand manager

Brands need to have a brand manager; this is so because in marketing there first should be a brand analysis. This will later on lead the brand manager to understand how the brand is perceived in the market. After this, planning is done and strategies placed to allow the product to achieve its set expectations.

Marketing director

As the name suggest, their main work in this case is just to make sure that the strategies set aside for promotion and the positioning of a brand are adhered too to the letter. has the best rated marketing managers in the industry. Typically marketing managers are just hired to bring in more customers.   

Chief marketing officer has uncovered that, a chief marketing officer has the ability to control the marketing activities in a particular brand or company. This has been able to grow as career choice. 

Social media manager

Their main role that is according to is to make sure that brand promotions are created and maintained over multiple social media platforms. In larger organizations social media managers’ report to the head of brand or content. For more information contact

Brand ambassador

A brand ambassador has the responsibility of raising brand awareness and increase sales. They have a number of tasks ranging from promoting services or products, while not forgetting the implementation of marketing campaigns. In other words, they can be referred to as corporate ambassadors or influencers. has the best brand ambassadors I the industry.

Electrical engineers

With the evolving world many of the companies are I need of having an electrical engineer. Electrical engineering as the name suggests is mainly concerned with the study design, and application of equipment and systems that use electricity and electromagnetic principles. They mainly combine mathematics and physics to design components.


A programmer is a computer expert who has the ability to write instructions in form of codes that will give the computer instructions on what to do. Due to their expertise thy have been able to make life much easier for any computer user. has been able to identify some of the best computer programmers in the industry. 

Mobile application developer

With the increasing number of smart phones in the world, mobile application developers have a great task of developing viable mobile applications that will offer services to their customer. Experts have been able to uncover that, mobile application developing will be a top rated future job. 

Nuclear engineers

This is the most marketable career in the world now. This career is rated as a future career with a lucrative salary. At Runrex you will be able to find their services while also not forgetting their great expertise and experience in the industry. 

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