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18 Native Advertising Examples

18 Native Advertising Examples

Native advertising is something that developed out of necessity. It was after it became pitifully obvious that the Click through rate for normal ads had gone way down. A native ad is worked seamlessly into the content so that it does not look like an ad. Here are a few examples of native advertising. 

1.    Online advertorials

An online advertorial is content that is embedded within an online publication. To the ordinary person, it looks like the content is from the site since it is written in the same font and style as other content on the site. However, it subtly sells or recommends a product from the advertiser. 

2.    Video Advertorials

A video advertorial is formatted in a way that it gives information or is in the form of entertaining content such as a music video. However, in the course of the video, the advertiser subtly places their product in it. 

3.    Single Sponsoring

This is used mainly to raise brand awareness. In this method, an advertiser buys all the ad space in an issue of an online magazine for a certain period. That way, only their ads can be seen, which helps to focus attention on them. 

4.    Branded Content

In this type of native advertising, the advertiser creates the content. Thus, they can either choose to talk only about their brand or give a few tips, with some mentions of their brand. 

5.    Product Placement

This type of native advertising occurs when a writer talks about something such as types of clothes for various occasions. In the photos they use, they ensure that all the models wear clothes from one company. It is subtle but effective. 

6.    In-feed ads

If you have ever visited any major news site, they always recommend videos from around the web at the bottom. It is an effective way for advertisers to place ads on the site. 

7.    Sponsored posts

It mostly applies to Facebook. An advertiser designed a post, which is meant to look just like other posts on your news feed. However, it is marked ‘sponsored.’ It is quite effective. 

8.    Promoted Tweets

Twitter also uses this technique to get more people interested in ads. The ad will appear in between other tweets. It is more effective than ads on the side of the twitter site. 

9.    Google Text Ads

Google has managed to capitalize on native ads in a huge way. A text ad appears on the results page just above the search results. To the target audience, it appears to be part of the results. 

10.    Articles About a Historical Event

If a company takes part in a historical event, they may decide to generate information about the event. However, in their articles, they will ensure that everyone knows about their role in it. 

11.    Getting in the news

Sometimes, a company will do something with the aim of generating news articles about it. When online publications began talking about the action, they will have to mention the company. It is a great way to get people to hear about something. 

12.    Get involved in controversy

If your brand gets involved in controversial actions, it is a great way to generate interest in the topic. However, you have to be careful about how you handle the controversy. It could bun you. 

13.    Talking about recent events

Sometimes, native advertising only requires that you be part of the conversation. For instance, if the government announces a certain policy, you can give your opinion on it. 

14.    Host events

For instance, you can host a competition and offer a ridiculously large price. When tongues begin wagging about the event, one of the names they mention will be that of your brand. 

15.    Create viral posts on social media 

If you can come up with an interesting video and share it on social media, it is definitely going to generate some interest. The video does not even have to be related to your brand. However, when people check the source of the ad, they will hear about your brand.

16.    Generate suspense about a product you intend to release

If you are going to be releasing a new product, you do not need to tell people outright about it. Spend some time releasing crumbs. People will be interested, and they will try to find out more. 

17.    Tell a story

If you are using social media, use it to tell a story. Release an interesting story and give it to viewers in bits. It will generate interest over time. People will be glued to your posts wanting to find out more. The extra interest will also mean that people are talking about your brand. 

18.    Get people to talk about your products on TV shows 

You can proposition a TV show to talk about your product. Even if it is just in one line, it is a great way to get information out about what your sell. Some of the largest brands in the world use this method to spread awareness.

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