17 Tips to Become a Better Golfer
17 Tips to Become a Better Golfer
Golf comes naturally for some people while others pick interest in the game on the side. However, all professional golfers have one thing in common: years of practice. Pro golfers have gained a lot of experience and knowledge from their years of experience, and you too can become a pro by following their advice. Here are 17 tips for becoming a better golfer.
Warm up before every game
It is important for your mind and body to be immersed in the game before tee time to avoid silly mistakes such as a rusty swing. As such, arrive at the course at least one hour before tee time to warm up and work out.
Move your knees
It is important to move your knees in synchronization with your swing for a flawless shot. Top golfer Rory Mcllroy suggests driving your left knee towards the ball before hitting and straightening it when making the full swing.
Choose your clubs well
The club matters just as much as your skills. As such, choose your club well taking all the important factors into consideration. Some of the factors to consider include hazards, wind, and distance, among others. Additionally, make sure that your clubs are of excellent quality.
Take advantage of the wind
The wind will affect your ball’s speed and direction. As such, always take note of the wind’s direction and strength before taking a swing. It is recommended to play downwind to take advantage of the wind’s power; playing against the wind results in a backspin.
Observe the grass
Grass also affects how your ball breaks and the distance it rolls once it lands. This all depends on how tall the grass is as well as its direction of growth. As such, put some more energy into the swing if the grass is tall or growing in an opposite direction to compensate for the friction.
Think one move ahead
Some aspects of golf are closely similar to chess; a good chess player thinks several moves ahead. A good golf player should also consider the result of the first swing; as the professionals put it, you should hit the second ball before the first one. The goal is for the ball to land at a strategic position so that getting it into the whole is easy.
Master your grip
One of the common mistakes for most beginners is putting too much energy into their swing. Anxiety, coupled with inexperience, results in a tight grip and clumsy shot. Professionals, however, are gentle with the grip on their clubs and energetic with their swings.
Keep your hands low
The impact’s angle depends on the position of your hands—a low position for the hands helps in achieving a low impact angle. A low angle impact, in turn, results in less flight trajectory and greater distance.
Play with your body, not your arms
Have you ever heard of the concept of hitting with your body? Arms play an important role in golf, but it takes more than arms to achieve the perfect swing. Pros recommend keeping the wrists, hands, and arms passive and directing the energy to the legs, hips, and torso when swinging. It may seem unbelievable, but arms are only important for controlling the swing.
Aim above or below the flag
Most beginners aim directly at the flag and align their bodies with it. However, several pros deviate from this seemingly unwritten rule and instead aim above or below the flag especially when they are not directly playing at it. The trick is to find something to concentrate on; it can be tree tops or even the audience.
Never up, never in
Even pro golfers miss the hole several times, but they always try to ensure that the ball lands on the upper side. This is because it is easy to take advantage of gravity when playing from the upper side.
Keep calm
It is easy to be anxious when playing golf especially if you are a beginner or when there is an audience watching. Anxiety, however, only makes you a pathetic golfer. As such, it is important to keep calm both mentally and physically to harness your energy and concentration.
Take breaks in between the game
Golf demands great concentration, but it is difficult to maintain flawless concentration for a whole game. Pros realize this, and rather than fight distractions they just take breaks occasionally. One way to take a break without leaving the course is taking short walks or making small talk with other players.
Keep fit and flexible
Like any other sport, golf demands that players keep fit and maintain flexible bodies. Your swing will depend on how well your limbs coordinate. As such, establish a workout routine to keep your body fit and flexible; concentrate your exercising on your arms, shoulders, hips, and lower back.
Do not lift your head too soon
It is instinctive to lift your head when putting, but this is a major and common mistake; lifting your head disrupts your swing. As such, keep your head bowed when swinging and only lift it once the ball is well off the ground.
Work with a mentor
Golf is a practical game that needs a practical approach. It pays to learn these tips, but a mentor is necessary to put them into practice and eventually perfect them. As such, work with a trainer or skilled mentor and be ready to learn under supervision.
Practice often
Golf may seem complicated at first, but it becomes simple with ample practice. Practicing is the best way to refine one’s skills, and even pros such as Tiger Woods occasionally play just for the fun of it or to practice.