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17 Best Free Fonts to Use in Humble Texas


17 Best Free Fonts for Web Designers To Know


One thing designers tend to forget, especially if you are new in the industry, is that fonts are also proprietary material and some require you to pay to use them. This can bum you out if you are working on your design project on a budget. Read about some of the best free fonts you can use for your project.

This typeface is a creation of Missy Meyer and resembles a normal handwriting font. The letters appear as if they were hand-painted since they have the characteristics of letters done using a brush. Most of the curves have thin vertices with wide mid-sections.


If you are working on a marketing project, then this might be the font for you. Its creator, Jeremy Vessey, avails it to the general public for free with the little catch that you subscribe to his website. The clear cut sans serif font features sharp vertices and perfect circular edges.


Need to make it look like a signature? This gothic font fuses Scandinavian minimalism with an antique writing style to produce a beautiful font. Each word appears linked with a continuous brushstroke resembling a signature.


Fabian De Smet created this font as a way to modernize serif fonts. He drew his inspiration from the Bodoni family and altered the font curves. The Butler font family features 14 weights with half of them being stencil weights. Butler works well with decorative writings and on posters.


Inspired by the Garamond-esque typefaces, the Crimson Text font is especially suited for book production. Sebastian Kosch created it, and designers prefer it when they need a serif font to blend with geometric sans-serifs.


This typeface works well on short text passages due to its clear style. Its designer, Fabio Haag created the font family in various weights, but only the medium weight is free. The gothic font features vast proportions that are legible in small sizes.


Gatis Vilaks drew the inspiration for creating Cornera from the Modeka typeface. However, Cornera features cornered sharp edges instead of rounding smooth curves. The result is a simple futuristic design. This gothic design is suitable for designing logos.


Libre Baskerville stems from an open source project that is steered by Impallari Type. The font is meant for use on body text that is readable on digital electronics. Libre Baskerville is a modified version of Baskerville with subtle changes being made to optimize it for web pages.


The playlist is a brush font that works well for illustrated designs. Artimasa, which is an Indonesian based font studio, created it. The font is ideal for illustrations on clothing such as hoodies and t-shirts.


Titillium is a font family that keeps improving every year. The font is created and edited yearly by a group of students from the Urbino Academy of Fine Arts in Italy. It has a variety of weights and is suitable for large fonts such as on headings.


This sans-serif font features stylish rounded curves and is suitable for one-word illustrations. Johan Aakerlund designs the font, and it contains an extensive range of symbols too.


Noto Sans is one of Google’s many free fonts. It is designed to be harmonious across various writing systems, and it has a vast array of characters, supporting over one hundred writing systems. For designers who prefer serif fonts, Noto Sans has a serif version called the Noto Serif.


Escalope is a handwritten font created by Julia Martinez. The font is meant for branding and includes four textures to offer you a wide range of choices to fit your design. The style features false all caps with the upper and lowercase letters being of the same height.


Monly is a single weight font construction for the WildOnes font foundry. The font appears light and clear making it easy to read. It comes in two varieties of light and bold sans serif fonts with additional light and bold serif fonts.


Hans Renzler initially created this font for the company Velo Arch who manufacture bikes. This geometric gothic font is suitable for logos and branding. Its unique style of having no closed endings makes it resemble a maze. It is available in different varieties based on weight.


This font is the creation of James Barnard who designed it in a single day. The font has a lot of weight and is suitable for large-sized writings. Obidee Sans is a gothic style font with tall narrow characters.


Gilbert Color sans serif font is the creation of Gilbert Baker and designed it for LGBTQ activists. The font is suitable for banners and headlines and is available in its standard vector font and also as a colored font which features the Rainbow Flag colors.

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