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15 Traits of a Good Scramble Golf Partner

15 Traits of a Good Scramble Golf Partner

If you love playing golf, one of the best ways to pay the beautiful game is in a golf scramble team. However, you need to ensure that you assemble the right group if you want to succeed. It can be the difference between you winning and losing if you do not get it right. Here are a few of the traits we at RunRex think should help you find the correct partner. 

Dresses sharp

Most people who dress smartly are also most likely to be sharp. That also means they are likely to play well on the golf course. Clothes reveal how confident someone feels about himself or herself. When looking for partners, this is one of the first things, which you want to see. 

Look for someone with complementary skills

You may be quite good with the drive and getting the ball just within feet of the hole. However, you will need to find someone who has excellent close approach skills and great putting skills. This way, you always learn all the skills that you need at your disposal.

They need to be a good caddie

When picking a scramble partner, often this part is ignored. However, you will need to find someone who can help ease the tension in an intense round of golf. You also need someone who knows just when to crack a joke. 

Handles pressure well

Scramble golf can get quite intense. You do not just need someone who has sharp swings. You will also need to find someone who is quite good at handling pressure when things are not going well. If they cannot keep their cool, you will find it hard to win any rounds.

Have someone who knows how to read the greens

Greens are one of the most critical aspects of any golf scramble game. You want someone who can, not only provide you with great advice but is himself or herself excellent at getting the balls to the bottom of the cups. 

It should be someone you know

Scramble golf is quite emotionally draining. You want to find someone who you know well. It should be ideally a close friend, with whom you can persevere through the hard times. If you play with a new person, it could lead to sparks flying since you do not know each other. 

They should always believe in the team

The person you choose should be a person who cheers you up even when things are not going your way. Never go for a person who starts to discourage you when things begin to seem a bit off. 

He or she does not judge you

When you are trying to make a shot, the last thing you need in your ear is a backseat driver. Such a person will cause you to doubt your every move. Eventually, you will end up making horrible shots. 

He or she should not dredge up old mistakes you made

If you have a friend who is always raking you over the coals over a shot you missed months ago, do not play with them. They are likely to dredge up those memories during a game, which can ruin your concentration. 

He or she knows how to balance fan and seriousness

The last person you want by your side is a person who takes things too seriously and ends up causing a lot of tension. However, you also do not want someone who thinks everything is a joke. 

Someone who never quits

Just like a negative person, you do not want a quitter. If you have been with the person, then you know if they usually give when things get too harsh. Look for someone who is always willing to have a go at it. 

They are fast

When playing golf, look for a scramble partner who does not need six practice swings to make the shot. Such players may quickly get into your nerves and as a result, affect your general performance in the game.

Is a good timekeeper

Timekeeping is vital as this prevents you from wondering whether your partner will show up or not. Look for someone who keeps promises when they keep them. Besides, if they show up late, it means you will not have time to discuss strategy.

Understands golf etiquette

When choosing a partner, you will want to look for a couth person out on the golf course. You do not want to go back home with egg on your face. Look for a mature person who knows some of the etiquettes of golf without needing any prodding. For instance, they should know the rules around the flagstick. 

Always professional no matter how they are playing

Some partners can embarrass you when things start going south. They may begin to picking fights with others or even being very rude to others. Always take time to fund a courteous person. 

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